Achievements are for fun and activated through three systems: Collections, Reviews, and the Forum. As you update in each respective area, a full check will be performed for the applicable achievements. If you are a current member and don't see your name under one you feel you should have received, edit and save a collection item, review, and forum post. You don't have to change anything, but it will update any outstanding items.
15 Year Club
Hass been a member for over 15 years
aLAthing, amy, andy73au, attila 3.0, B3, Bak, berbano, BiGCoB, boi, bong, brennan2x, brewc, Brewski, brian, BrianJ1888, Captain Plastic, cassius_20, chris, contrabandit, Crazy-Fredy, Dann, death-by-oakley, Defenderoftheo, defiant00, devram, DisturbedEarth, djenks, Doodle, EastCoast, eddyc, FactoryPilot1975, fin7, flippj, ford, Funky-Trixtar, GofastR, Greg, Harry in Poland, HED4JC, heglock, hexesonxs, Ian, Johnt, jumpman73, kingphilbert, LEX7, longshot, losepia, moneygrip, neo24, O, o-static, O-TasMiC, o-xide, O.T.T., Oak, Oakley-CH, OAKLEYZ, Oakley_nz, obsession, oogie, O_MattR, pdxgearguy, PennyMad, Pyro, rhlake, rich5150, rolyatnerrad, ronmen, Rubyred, sledelen, Slim84, southside, Synergy, TDM, TERRORISM, thespencerdean, thetruth1013, tony2win, Toxic, warwagon, wundrdog1, yelkao, YellowA4, zev5740
All X-Metal Club
Has one of each original X-Metal
bomb oakley, akonibai, Amak.2dk, arvinjay, BiGCoB, bomb oakley, cacatman, coullder, CTMG.OKL, doowutchyalike, dragonvoi, Eclipse, etheman23, FearGearGarage, Funky-Trixtar, HED4JC, IppoTaz, Joerggroh, LEX7, Lopaka KaMars, Marcellus, Matheus okl, mercbezerk, MicahS, Oak, OakztiO2, oCLEman, O_taj1242, pastor.elfstrom, poohberzn, Ramzey21, sandboxman, supersharp, Tatt22er, The_Collector, thisguy, v2gian, Voodoochemist, wesleyavieira98, yelkao, yodu180
Badman Club
Has a Badman in their collection
bomb oakley, 25sap, abes5067, ADMILSONSCCP, alhayoth, Amak.2dk, analufleming, andy73au, arvinjay, Batman1939, bert24meinema, berzosa120, BiGCoB, bikewiz, BMWBoxerGuy, bomb oakley, Bradygod1569, cacatman, Cargo, casper, ch3no2mp, chich, ChillyoneHB, coullder, Crazy-Fredy, Dann, dans___, DavGar, DBNInc, death-by-oakley, Defenderoftheo, Delorean2006, desties, dfisher2323, DOGZ, Doowahditty, Double, dragonvoi, DuffR, Duke Nivram, Dullisc, Eclipse, eddyc, etheman23, FactoryPilot1975, FearGearGarage, fivesguy, Fiveteeo, G4H8SME, Giggs2805, GrizzlyX, H01B3RG, Headpatrolman, HED4JC, HoakleyRobb, Ian, Infamous, ingloriousbleu, inkkoonce, IppoTaz, Ironranger88 , Jacob Spear, Jakeracefox , Jani002, jdd32, JFoxT, jjoyce213, joshbrinzo, JP, jpinheiroh, kappa_md, Killer, krhagen81, kruger4gamecocks, Kuualoha75, Lan13, lechronophage, Linus, Lish1214, lord oakman, LuigiS, ManofSteel, Marcellus, MatSteelersFan, Matt_s, mensma, mercbezerk, MicahS, Min, mralphabetsays, naifs, NCorNothing, Nemesis, Niels, Oak, oakley1242, OakleyFrog, oCLEman, Ogeyce, oogie, OOKING, O_taj1242, PapaB, paquit0, pastor.elfstrom, Perrosoft, phantomzkb, phillyfan8206, Poeman4179, Pokewillman, poohberzn, povidio, Preludachris, Prof|OAK, qlr1, qtrain23, Ramzey21, Rick, Rifferboy, ROMEO, rsuarez1982, RTBongers, Ryan72d, Ryanthefish, ShadyOak, shihman, sinteze, sisson16, skull0911, SlowGhost, Slow_buffalo, supersharp, Tatt22er, TED-X, The_Collector, thisguy25, timoak33, Tirola, vin1, warwagon, Wilonghair68, xFROGx, xMetal280, Xs and Os, xXRumkaXx, yelkao, YellowA4, yodu180, zed, Zoll, Zombie55
Being Rick
Achieved by being Rick
Book Club
Has the Oakley Book in their collection
bomb oakley, A11mello, aaron, abes5067, andy73au, B3, Batman1939, bert24meinema, BiGCoB, bomb oakley, born2rock, ch3no2mp, chich, Crazy-Fredy, Dann, Defenderoftheo, Del518, Double, Dullisc, eddyc, el_colon, etheman23, FALKU, FearGearGarage, fivesguy, G4H8SME, GRFMotorsports, grndpndr99, H01B3RG, HED4JC, Ian, ijoehartman, Jani002, jeffthor10, jjoyce213, JP, Julio Cezar, koshinya, Kuualoha75, Lan13, Linus, lopescnd, lord oakman, loup, Marcellus, MatSteelersFan, Meijs, mercbezerk, MicahS, mralphabetsays, naifs, neill, neill543, Nico., Nortika, nryc, O, O-bsession, Oak, Oakaholic, Oakley Shoe Fan, Oakley Shoe nut, oakley1242, Obsidian, oCLEman, oogie, ooSnip3r, O_taj1242, PapaB, paquit0, pastor.elfstrom, Preludachris, pricedollaz, Prof|OAK, qlr1, Ramzey21, randyman, ROMEO, rsuarez1982, RTBongers, Shady Day, sharjt, sisson16, SunDevil08, supersharp, syd42, The Game, thisguy, Type O Positive, warwagon, w_av98, Xavi114, yelkao, YellowA4, Zeke
Bunker Club
Has the Bunker Christmas Ornament in their collection
bomb oakley, abes5067, akonibai, arvinjay, BiGCoB, bomb oakley, Cargo, coullder, Crazy-Fredy, Dann, Del518, dnkeyhnter, dragonvoi, eddyc, el_colon, fafa, GRFMotorsports, H01B3RG, HED4JC, Ian, ijoehartman, IppoTaz, jjoyce213, joshbrinzo, JP, Lan13, Linus, lopescnd, Marcellus, mensma, mercbezerk, mlmguitar50, Nortika, O, Oak, oCLEman, oogie, O_taj1242, paquit0, pastor.elfstrom, pricedollaz, Ramzey21, SiRacer420, sisson16, SWE_PL_MAN, The_Collector, Type O Positive, yelkao, Zeke
C100 Club
Has a C100 Gascan in their collection
A11mello, abes5067, banarno, BAPD77, bask.oakley, Batman1939, bomb oakley, cacatman, ConcreteGuy, Dann, doowutchyalike, fafa, FearGearGarage, fingerprint, G4H8SME, Gecko, Grenade frog, Ian, ichibandidisan, IppoTaz, Jani002, Joe-Matter, jonotat2, Kiki79, Killer, LEX7, Marcellus, meanboss, mercbezerk, Micha, nalong86, O-bsession, o-static, Oak, OAKLEYZ, oogie, O_taj1242, pastor.elfstrom, pricedollaz, Ramzey21, Rays, rhlake, Smurf_AZ, syd42, tag_mclaren, TERRORISM, The_Collector, tmsorrel1, tonelam21, w_av98
Century Club
Has over 100 glasses (with pictures)
bomb oakley, 25sap, A11mello, abes5067, banarno, BAPD77, beardo0628, Benjamin, bert24meinema, berzosa120, BiGCoB, bomb oakley, born2rock, cacatman, chris97, cmunozh, coullder, Crazy-Fredy, crmnjst, Dann, DBNInc, Del518, Doowahditty, doowutchyalike, dragonvoi, Dullisc, eddyc, eyeshades, FactoryPilot1975, faxmanjazz, FearGearGarage, fivesguy, Fiveteeo, flippj, flyer, Funky-Trixtar, G4H8SME, GRFMotorsports, grndpndr99, H01B3RG, Harry in Poland, HED4JC, hkwinger, Holbrook910, Ian, ijoehartman, IppoTaz, Ironranger88 , Jani002, jdfroggy, Joerggroh, JP, Killer, koshinya, Kuualoha75, leestripes, LEX7, Linus, Lopaka KaMars, lopescnd, LuigiS, Marcellus, meanboss, Meijs, mercbezerk, MicahS, Min, mralphabetsays, naifs, Nico., O, o-static, O-vested, O-Whores, Oak, Oakaholic, oakley1242, OAKLEYZ, onz, oogie, O_taj1242, paquit0, pastor.elfstrom, Peeza21, Poeman4179, POTUS, Preludachris, pricedollaz, qtrain23, Ramzey21, randyman, Rick, ROMEO, rpmacey, rsuarez1982, sinteze, sisson16, skull0911, Soulfulfrog, ST@vros, SunDevil08, syd42, Tatt22er, Tdog, TED-X, TERRORISM, The Game, The_Collector, Thom, tmsorrel1, xFROGx, xXRumkaXx, YellowA4, yodu180, Zeke, Zombie55
Christmas Club
Logged in on Christmas. Go spend time with your family!
bomb oakley, 25sap, 7, 92subzero, AGO, Allan Esperto, andy73au, AtomicOrange35, badcama, BAPD77, barok0208, Batman1939, beardo0628, Benjamin, berzosa120, BIER041, BiGCoB, BL, bomb oakley, Bonz-1, BoostBear, born2rock, BR, brennan2x, brian, bunny_m7860, Capt K, Captain Plastic, Cargo, casper, Chattabox23, chich, ChinoTJ, cmunozh, ConcreteGuy, Crazy-Fredy, Dann, dans___, Dargantuan, DBNInc, Defenderoftheo, Del518, Dirtix, djenks, dragonvoi, drbubbleeye, DrChop, dta15m, DuffR, Dyeraudio, Eastwood, eddyc, FactoryPilot1975, fafa, filmetal, flippj, flyer, Fyodor, G4H8SME, Gav, gavinl, giuly, gmt, GRFMotorsports, grndpndr99, H01B3RG, handimanni, Headarias, HED4JC, heglock, hounsthe2nd, Ian, ian.prossor, Idbcustom , ijoehartman, Ilneos, inkkoonce, Ironranger88 , Jakeracefox , jdd32, jhuff79, jives, JoelBO, Johnt, jonpfrank, joshbrinzo, JP, Jvcjr101, Killer, kit, koshinya, krhagen81, Kuualoha75, Lance Zhou, larry_espino_Airbrush_Warriors, Lars, lechronophage, leec983, leestripes, Lizod, lopescnd, lord oakman, loup, M, Manish, Marcellus, Medusa50, mega8zero, mensma, mercbezerk, MicahS, Micha, mjt42, mlmguitar50, Mr T (Titanium), mtedenajimenez, naifs, neill, neill543, Nico., Nortika, NotyourTypicalOptician, nryc, O, O-bsession, O-vested, o-xide, Oak, Oakley Fetish, Oakley Shoe Fan, OakleyGarth, obsession, Obsidian, ojulio, Omanjk, onz, oogie, ooSnip3r, O_taj1242, pagpalain, pantojad, PapaB, paquit0, pastor.elfstrom, Patient_Cero, Perrosoft, Poeman4179, Preludachris, pricedollaz, qlr1, qtrain23, r3dh3r0, Raff, Ramzey21, randyman, Rangerkw, reggavegga, RetinaBurn, rhlake, rich5150, ROMEO, Romeo1, ronald, rsuarez1982, Shady Day, sharjt, SiRacer420, sisson16, skull.jacket, slvrbmwm3, Sohoakley, SteveB, steveocubed, supersharp, syd42, TB1, TED-X, The Game, the-o-man, TheChad, The_Collector, Tidezealot, timoak33, Two Face Oakley, Ugley, v2gian, Varntvar, vinipcyes, warwagon, Wavecloud, Wazzo, w_av98, X-toy, xmetal40, XMO, XxDrEw008xX, xxmetal, xXRumkaXx, XYZ Optic, yelkao, YellowA4, yodu180, Zeke, zev5740, zwc0442
Was a member of the 2009 Factory Co-Pilots
AtomicOrange35, billo88, brennan2x, crmnjst, Dann, death-by-oakley, DirtBikeMike, DisturbedEarth, djenks, dmasterson, DoctorCrip, DrChop, eddyc, heglock, Hockey3393, kingphilbert, lsquared, O, O-Whores, Oakleycopilotbob, OAKLEYZ, oogie, PropWash, RetinaBurn, RhettOMano, rhlake, rich5150, Rick, shoxpro, sledelen, tarponfly, TERRORISM, tonelam21, Trevor1976, Type O Positive, ViceGrip, warwagon, XYZ Optic, YellowA4
Collectors Event
Attended an Official Collectors Event
AtomicOrange35, Benjamin, Bruin1, Cargo, chris97, crmnjst, Del518, dragonvoi, drbubbleeye, Eyespy0099, FearGearGarage, H01B3RG, heglock, ichibandidisan, jdawg0240, joshbrinzo, kit, LEX7, Lostin, mjt42, mlmguitar50, Peeza21, Preludachris, rich5150, Royal Lion Museum of Sunglasses, rsuarez1982, SpliceD, StaticO, TERRORISM, the-o-man, thefrogmansbrother, tigbball5, timoak33, Type O Positive, v2gian, Xmetalmaniac, XYZ Optic
Database Club
Contributed to the Database
bomb oakley, 92subzero, abes5067, absp2 , Aed, Agnaldo , Aikinos, airbrake, ALEXANDRE COUTO, Anjalid, arvinjay, B3, banarno, BAPD77, bask.oakley, Batman1939, bbeye883, Bean, beardo0628, Benjamin, bert24meinema, berzosa120, BiGCoB, bighick, BMWBoxerGuy, bomb oakley, brennan2x, BriP, cacatman, Chuck357, CLAUDIO JOSE DE SOUZA, clsmooth, cmunozh, ConcreteGuy, Cowboy, CSamayoa, CT , Dann, DavGar, DBNInc, de lars cuevas, Defenderoftheo, demitri.prometheus, Derpitty, Diego Mexicano, dragonvoi, Dullisc, eboy, eddiehunter, eddyc, el_colon, Em2x, Eternaleyes, ewalker78912, FactoryPilot1975, FALKU, FearGearGarage, Fernando, fivesguy, Fiveteeo, flippj, flyer, G4H8SME, giuly, Gixxernator, Glaydson Mike, GRFMotorsports, H01B3RG, Headarias, Headpatrolman, HED4JC, HoakleyRobb, Holbrook910, hondazcrxsi, iamthehacker, Ian, ian.prossor, ichibandidisan, ijoehartman, Ironranger88 , JayDa91, JCheezy, jduff21, jean jesus, jeffthor10, Jenn, jonotat2, Jonpogi, JordOZ, JP, jtm51, Julio Cezar, kappa_md, kevind2244, Killer, kjcolumbo, kraddude, laisoliveira061, Lance Zhou, LBlack14, leec983, Linhares, Lizod, loup, LuigiS, MadMike75, Martin, Matheus okl, Meijs, MENE, Menelle7, mensma, mercbezerk, MicahS, Micha, mike, Minigordini, mlmguitar50, mralphabetsays, MSTech, neill, nicknege, Nightbird95, Nortika, O, o-static, o-xide, Oak, Oakaholic, oakcool, oakley1242, Obsidian, oCLEman, Okey, onz, oogie, Oshbin, OXM-I, O_taj1242, Pabbs, paquit0, pastor.elfstrom, Perrosoft, Poeman4179, poohberzn, Poundthem, Preludachris, Project, prongATO, Puregan, qtrain23, Rafael Rocha, Ramzey21, randyman, Ranger822, Raphael bonini, rhlake, Rifferboy, rking620, robcollinson, robjohn2764, ROMEO, ronald, rsuarez1982, Sandy Beach, Shady Day, sharjt, shewbs, Shewfera, SiRacer420, sisson16, skull.jacket, solid_oakley, Ste, SunDevil08, supersharp, syd42, Tatt22er, Th0msey, The Game, The_Collector, thiago_palmeiras, thompss4, Timhyde74, timoak33, Toledo, Two Wheeled Hound, Vedanaaa, Vinicius Neves, vinipcyes, Wayne , Wazzo, welton, Wideman, Wilonghair68, xEODGuy, xFROGx, xMetal280, xmetal40, xXRumkaXx, yelkao, YellowA4, zed, ZPugsley13
Decade Club
Has been a member for over 10 Years
adamjmoore, agentorange, Aikinos, airbrake, aLAthing, Alekxandon, alexrugby18, american image, amy, andy73au, andyo, AtomicOrange35, attila 3.0, B3, badcama, Bak, banarno, barbercb, barok0208, Batman1939, Bean, bebeau, Benjamin, berbano, Bertie, BiGCoB, bkueppers, boi, bomb oakley, bong, born2rock, brennan2x, brewc, Brewski, brian, BrianJ1888, Bruin1, Bubbason4782, cachorro, Camo_monster, Captain Plastic, cassius_20, ch51670, chich, chris, chris97, cobra, contrabandit, Crazy-Fredy, crmnjst, dan-E, Dann, darkside7, death-by-oakley, Defenderoftheo, defiant00, Del518, devram, Dirtix, dirtjump_boy, DisturbedEarth, djenks, DoctorCrip, Doodle, doowutchyalike, Double, dragonvoi, DrChop, dta15m, Dyeraudio, EastCoast, eddyc, erol, etheman23, eyeshades, Eyespy0099, eyeyeye, FactoryPilot1975, fafa, Farlius, FearGearGarage, filmetal, fin7, flippj, flyer, ford, frankie4fingers, Freesh, Funky-Trixtar, G4H8SME, Galvez1978, gmt, GofastR, Greg, GRFMotorsports, H01B3RG, hack, Hanz, hanzohattori, Harry in Poland, HED4JC, heglock, hexesonxs, hounsthe2nd, huneymonkey, Ian, ijoehartman, IppoTaz, JayKor, JDtank75, jhuff79, jjoyce213, Joe-Matter, john, Johnt, jonotat2, Josh_b, jrbusser, jumpman73, jvanaar, kappa_md, Killer, kingphilbert, koshinya, Lachs, Lew, LEX7, longshot, losepia, loup, luke, Marcellus, mbrogz3000, meanboss, MelG, MicahS, mista.shilla, mlmguitar50, moneygrip, monster_beetle, mtedenajimenez, Munkfish, myillwillinc, Nemesis, neo24, Niels, nlgrav182, noiwontsmile, O, O-AFX, O-bsession, o-static, O-TasMiC, O-vested, o-xide, O.T.T., Oak, Oakley Shoe Fan, Oakley-CH, OakleyGarth, oakleyman771, OAKLEYZ, Oakley_nz, obsession, oCLEman, Ofan, Ogeyce, OLuvrNawlins, oogie, O_MattR, PapaB, paquit0, pastor.elfstrom, Patient_Cero, pdxgearguy, PennyMad, povidio, Preludachris, pricedollaz, Project, PropWash, Pyro, qtrain23, ramslacrosse09, randyman, RangerK, RedNISMO, reggavegga, RetinaBurn, Revolution, rhlake, rich5150, Rick, rolyatnerrad, ROMEO, ronald, ronmen, rsuarez1982, RubyMars, Rubyred, rubyskull, Salazabr, sander, saturnine, sean_henry19, Sh4rk24, ShadyOak, sharjt, shoxpro, Simple, skull.jacket, sledelen, Slim84, Smurf_AZ, southside, sparra, Sunpoh, Synergy, TB1, TDM, TED-X, TERRORISM, The Game, the-o-man, thespencerdean, thetruth1013, the_owl, Tick, titanium, tonelam21, tony2win, Toxic, Type O Positive, Viscouse, warwagon, wingsdjy, wundrdog1, x-metalman, XiosMx5, xMetal280, XYZ Optic, yelkao, YellowA4, yeti, yodu180, zev5740
Ducati Club
Has a Ducati piece in their collection
bomb oakley, abes5067, airbrake, akonibai, Alekxandon, Allan Esperto, arvinjay, B3, BAPD77, Batman1939, bomb oakley, Brewski, BrianJ1888, brjn1988, cacatman, Captain Plastic, chich, chris97, Crazy-Fredy, CTMG.OKL, Dann, DavGar, DBNInc, dnkeyhnter, Double, dragonvoi, eddiehunter, FactoryPilot1975, faxmanjazz, FearGearGarage, fferasoli, flyer, Funky-Trixtar, G4H8SME, GRFMotorsports, GrizzlyX, H01B3RG, Harry in Poland, Headarias, HED4JC, hexesonxs, ijoehartman, JayKor, Jonymex, joshbrinzo, kappa_md, Killer, koshinya, kp555, Kuualoha75, LEX7, Linus, Lizod, longshot, Lopaka KaMars, Matheus, Matheus okl, mercbezerk, Micha, naifs, O-Whores, Oak, Oakaholic, OAKLEYZ, OakztiO2, oogie, O_taj1242, pastor.elfstrom, poohberzn, Preludachris, pricedollaz, Ramzey21, randyman, Ranger822, Rays, ROMEO, rsuarez1982, ShadyOak, SiRacer420, sisson16, spencernickel1, SunDevil08, TED-X, TERRORISM, The Game, The_Collector, thisguy, timoak33, Tjacob479, tm7603, Totalriko, v2gian, Varga_HUN, warwagon, wesh4, w_av98, xXRumkaXx, yodu180, Zombie55
Elite Club
Has an Elite Model in their collection
bomb oakley, 25sap, abes5067, airbrake, akonibai, Amak.2dk, andy73au, arvinjay, B3, banarno, BAPD77, barok0208, Batman1939, Benjamin, Bigboy69, BiGCoB, BL, Boardtalker311, bomb oakley, born2rock,, Bruin1, cacatman, Cargo, ch3no2mp, chich, ChillyoneHB, Clyde610, Crazy-Fredy, Crissyk14, Dann, death-by-oakley, Del518, Derpitty, Dirtix, DoctorCrip, doowutchyalike, dragonvoi, DuffR, Dwight Tang, eddiehunter, eddyc, etheman23, eyeshades, FactoryPilot1975, FALKU, faxmanjazz, FearGearGarage, Funky-Trixtar, G4H8SME, Galvez1978, gangstabob, Gecko, Grenade frog, GrizzlyX, H01B3RG, Harry in Poland, hc12, Headpatrolman, HED4JC, helinhotmartins, hkwinger, HoakleyRobb, Holbrook910, Ian, ichibandidisan, inkkoonce, IppoTaz, Jani002, jes123, jives, jjoyce213, Joe-Matter, Johnt, JP, kevind2244, Kiki79, Killer, kingphilbert, krhagen81, Kuualoha75, Lan13, lechronophage, LEX7, Linus, longshot, Marcellus, meanboss, Menelle7, mercbezerk, Micha, mista.shilla, Mmmagv, MotoJunkyJustin, mtedenajimenez, myillwillinc, nalong86, Nemesis, nlgrav182, Nortika, nryc, O-vested, Oak, OakleyFreak, oogie, OXM-I, pantojad, paquit0, pastor.elfstrom, Perrosoft, phantomzkb, phillyfan8206, poohberzn, Preludachris, pricedollaz, PropWash, qlr1, qtrain23, quietontheset, Ramzey21, randyman, Rays, RetinaBurn, Revolution, rhlake, Rick, ROMEO, Royal Lion Museum of Sunglasses, rsuarez1982, rubyskull, Rustpot, sandboxman, Scotty-Dub, SiRacer420, sisson16, Slow_buffalo, Smurf_AZ, Sohoakley, southside, ST@vros, Ste, SteveB, StubbornSteve, SunDevil08, supersharp, SweetLou23, SWE_PL_MAN, syd42, tag_mclaren, TED-X, TERRORISM, The Game, theandrereis, The_Collector, thisguy, Thom, Timhyde74, tmsorrel1, Tomcat14, TravisCook, Trevor1976, Type O Positive, v2gian, warwagon, WeoBadallo, wesh4, wesleyavieira98, w_av98, yelkao, yodu180, Zeke
Engine Room Club
Visited the Engine Room
bigcob, bong, Dann, eddyc, H01B3RG, HED4JC, heglock, Ian, Infamous, kingphilbert, kit, Kuualoha75, lex7, longshot, o-xide, oakleygarth, oogie, rhlake, rich5150, Rick, warwagon, yelkao
Eyeshade Club
Has an Eyeshade in their collection
bomb oakley, 25sap, A11mello, Alexandre, Aqa Pool Ko, B3, banarno, BAPD77, BastO, Batman1939, Benjamin, bert24meinema, berzosa120, BiGCoB, BMWBoxerGuy, bomb oakley, cacatman, Captain Plastic, Capuchino, Cargo, chris97, Clyde610, cmunozh, coullder, cpeak02, Crazy-Fredy, Dann, Dave, DBNInc, death-by-oakley, Del518, Dirtix, doowutchyalike, Duke Nivram, el_colon, esox69, etheman23, eyeshades, FactoryPilot1975, fafa, FALKU, faxmanjazz, FearGearGarage, fingerprint, flippj, G4H8SME, gangstabob, GRFMotorsports, H01B3RG, HED4JC, hexesonxs, hippiebobob, Holbrook910, Ian, ian.prossor, ichibandidisan, ijoehartman, inkkoonce, Ironranger88 , Jani002, jeffthor10, jives, jjkrause1, joshbrinzo, Jrmac2000, kayakergraham, Kguito, kjcolumbo, koshinya, Kuualoha75, leestripes, LEX7, LuigiS, Lyndsey026, Marcellus, mercbezerk, MicahS, Minigordini, mjt42, mlmguitar50, monster_beetle, mralphabetsays, mtedenajimenez, myillwillinc, naifs, Nico., Nico3.0, nlgrav182, O, O-bsession, O-vested, O-Whores, Oak, oakleychevyguy, OakleyFrog, OAKLEYZ, Ogeyce, oogie, O_taj1242, PapaB, paquit0, pastor.elfstrom, Peeza21, phillyfan8206, poohberzn, Preludachris, pricedollaz, Professor Oak, Ptofoc, qlr1, qtrain23, Ramzey21, randyman, RaphaDeliaRJ, Razor_Flak 96, rhlake, ROMEO, RTBongers, Samsonite12, Shady Day, Sohoakley, Ste, SteveB, Stigaard, SunDevil08, syd42, Tdog, TED-X, theflyingtomato, The_Collector, Thom, tigbball5, timoak33, Tirola, Type O Positive, Ugley, Vijay, Wavecloud, wundrdog1, w_av98, Xavi114, xFROGx, YellowA4, yodu180
Fandango Club
Has a Fandango in their collection
banarno, Dann, Fwaddy, GRFMotorsports
Flight Deck Club
Has a Flight Deck Helmet in their collection
25sap, abes5067, airbrake, Alekxandon, Allan Esperto, bert24meinema, BoostBear, born2rock, bscasayuran, cacatman, Captain Plastic, Crazy-Fredy, Dann, Derpitty, dragonvoi, faxmanjazz, FearGearGarage, GRFMotorsports, HED4JC, ian.prossor, ichibandidisan, jeffthor10, JP, kingphilbert, Lachs, lord oakman, meanboss, Meijs, Nemesis, o-static, Oak, oogie, pastor.elfstrom, Prof|OAK, PropWash, Ramzey21, rhlake, Ste, syd42, yelkao
Ferrari Club
Has a Ferrari piece in their collection
bomb oakley, 25sap, abes5067, ACMartz476, Amak.2dk, arvinjay, BAPD77, bask.oakley, Batman1939, Benjamin, bert24meinema, BiGCoB, bighick, bomb oakley, born2rock, brjn1988, cacatman, Carrera1963, ch3no2mp, chich, ChrisOakley, Crazy-Fredy, Dann, DBNInc, Del518, Delorean2006, desties, Duke Nivram, eddiehunter, eddyc, el_colon, etheman23, FALKU, FearGearGarage, Fiveteeo, Gregularguy, grndpndr99, H01B3RG, Headpatrolman, HED4JC, Ian, Ilneos, IppoTaz, ItnStln, Jacob Spear, Jani002, JFoxT, Juliemac07, Killer, Kuualoha75, Lan13, Linus, Lish1214, lord oakman, LuigiS, Marcellus, MatSteelersFan, mensma, mercbezerk, MicahS, Min, mjt42, Mr T (Titanium), naifs, nicknege, Oak, oakley1242, OakleyFrog, OAKLEYZ, oCLEman, Ogeyce, oogie, O_taj1242, paquit0, pastor.elfstrom, phillyfan8206, Poeman4179, poohberzn, POTUS, Preludachris, pricedollaz, Professor Oak, Prof|OAK, Ramzey21, randyman, rhlake, Rick, Rifferboy, ROMEO, rsuarez1982, SiRacer420, sisson16, skull0911, Snarf, spin_nin, ST@vros, syd42, TED-X, The Game, TheChad, The_Collector, thisguy, timoak33, Tomcat14, TravisCook, v2gian, warwagon, Wilonghair68, Xs and Os, xXRumkaXx, YellowA4, zed, Zombie55
First Year Club
Signed up in 2004
adamjmoore, banarno, bong, chris, Dann, DarkJuliet, EastCoast, eddyc, fin7, ford, Freesh, hounsthe2nd, kingphilbert, LEX7, MonsterDoc, o-xide, O.T.T., obsession, oogie, sparra, Tick, warwagon, zev5740
Flask Club
Has The Flash in their collection
HED4JC, Oak, pastor.elfstrom, Royal Lion Museum of Sunglasses
Flores Club
Has one of the Flores Gascans in their collection
bomb oakley, abes5067, banarno, BAPD77, Batman1939, bomb oakley, Dann, FearGearGarage, G4H8SME, Ian, ichibandidisan, Joe-Matter, jonotat2, Kuualoha75, LEX7, meanboss, mercbezerk, mista.shilla, Nortika, O-bsession, o-static, Oak, OAKLEYZ, oogie, pastor.elfstrom, pricedollaz, Ramzey21, rhlake, Rick, sisson16, Smurf_AZ, tag_mclaren, TERRORISM, The_Collector, Thom, tmsorrel1, tonelam21, wundrdog1
FMJ Club
Has an Elite FMJ Watch in their collection
airbrake, HED4JC, Leonardo mello, Linus, TERRORISM
Forum Poster 100
Has 100 Posts
absolutmuah, Airborne, aLAthing, Alexandre, alexrugby18, astarias, AtomicOrange35, barok0208, Batman1939, berbano, Bigboy69, brennan2x, brewc, brian, b_ryo, Camo_monster, Captain Plastic, cassius_20, cmunozh, cozzmeaux, cpsswat, DBNInc, death-by-oakley, defiant00, Derpitty, djenks, Eyespy0099, fafa, faxmanjazz, FearGearGarage, filmetal, Frogskins, Galvez1978, gmt, GofastR, ichibandidisan, Icon John, ijoehartman, inkkoonce, JimBob, jimmyateworld, Johnt, jonotat2, Josh_b, junfatt, koshinya, krhagen81, Kuualoha75, Lance Zhou, lechronophage, lionel, Lopaka KaMars, lord oakman, losepia, loup, lsquared, M, Marcellus, mbrogz3000, MelG, mista.shilla, MKAZ, mtedenajimenez, njphil, Nortika, oakdays, Oakley Fetish, Oakley Shoe Fan, OakleyGarth, OAKLEYZ, Ogeyce, paquit0, Patient_Cero, Preludachris, pricedollaz, PropWash, qtrain23, reggavegga, Revolution, ROMEO, RubyMars, Rubyred, rubyskull, Salazabr, ShadyOak, SiRacer420, supersharp, syd42, tag_mclaren, TED-X, Teknical, The Game, thespencerdean, The_Collector, thisguy, Thom, timoak33, tony2win, Toxic, Type O Positive, Wavecloud, wingsdjy, xMetal280, XYZ Optic, YellowA4
Forum Poster 500
Has 500 Posts
bomb oakley, BAPD77, Bhaley2four, Bruin1, fin7, flyer, Funky-Trixtar, Harry in Poland, heglock, hounsthe2nd, Ian, ichibandidisan, Iggy, MicahS, mlmguitar50, mtedenajimenez, nalong86, O-TasMiC, O.T.T., O_taj1242, Pez, Racer96, RangerK, rhlake, skull.jacket, TDM, Trevor1976
Forum Poster 1,000
Has 1,000 Posts
andy73au, B3, Benjamin, bomb oakley, flippj, GRFMotorsports, H01B3RG, Icon208, john, JP, longshot, monster_beetle, O, obsession, OLuvrNawlins, qlr1, rich5150, rolyatnerrad, rsuarez1982, TERRORISM
Forum Poster 2,000
Has 2,000 Posts
adamjmoore, american image, banarno, BiGCoB, crmnjst, Defenderoftheo, DrChop, EastCoast, eddyc, eyeyeye, ford, Freesh, HED4JC, o-static, O-Whores, o-xide, oogie, OsmosisJones, pastor.elfstrom, warwagon, x-metalman
Forum Poster 5,000
Has 5,000 Posts
bong, DisturbedEarth, DrChop, kingphilbert, LEX7, Oak, oogie, Rick, yelkao
Forum Poster 10,000
Has 10,000 Posts
Dann, Oak
Grip Club
Has a Grip in their collection
bomb oakley, aaron, abes5067, B3, Batman1939, Benjamin, BiGCoB, BMWBoxerGuy, bomb oakley, cacatman, Crazy-Fredy, Dann, Defenderoftheo, Del518, Dirtix, DoctorCrip, dragonvoi, Duke Nivram, el_colon, etheman23, eyeshades, FALKU, faxmanjazz, G4H8SME, Gecko, Gere85, GRFMotorsports, H01B3RG, HED4JC, hippiebobob, Ian, ijoehartman, Infamous, Jani002, JCheezy, jives, jonotat2, kitk, koshinya, Kuualoha75, Lan13, LEX7, Lyndsey026, Marcellus, mercbezerk, MicahS, mralphabetsays, naifs, Nico., Nortika, O, Oak, Oakley Shoe nut, OAKLEYZ, oCLEman, oogie, O_taj1242, paquit0, pastor.elfstrom, Peeza21, Preludachris, pricedollaz, sharjt, SunDevil08, syd42, TED-X, The Game, The_Collector, thisguy, Totalriko, warwagon, yelkao, YellowA4, yodu180, Zeke
Half-X Club
Has a Half-X in their collection
bomb oakley, 25sap, A11mello, airik625, akonibai, Alekxandon, Amak.2dk, andr3, arvinjay, Bak, bean323, BiGCoB, bomb oakley, bruno, cacatman, chris97, coullder, CTMG.OKL, DBNInc, desties, doowutchyalike, dragonvoi, DuffR, Eclipse, etheman23, FearGearGarage, fferasoli, Funky-Trixtar, G4H8SME, Galvez1978, Glaydson Mike, GrizzlyX, grndpndr99, Harry in Poland, Headpatrolman, HED4JC, IppoTaz, Ironranger88 , jdd32, Lopaka KaMars, Marcellus, Matheus okl, MatSteelersFan, mega8zero, mercbezerk, MicahS, Min, naifs, O-vested, Oak, oakley1242, OakztiO2, oCLEman, oogie, OXM-I, O_taj1242, paquit0, pastor.elfstrom, paulooakley10, poohberzn, pricedollaz, PropWash, Ramzey21, randyman, sandboxman, sharjt, sinteze, Sohoakley, Soulfulfrog, SteveB, supersharp, SWE_PL_MAN, Tatt22er, TERRORISM, The_Collector, thisguy, vin1, Voodoochemist, Wazzo, wesleyavieira98, yelkao, YellowA4, yodu180
Hit Count Winner
Was a 1000th interval visitor
Alexandre, andy73au, AtomicOrange35, B3, BAPD77, Batman_1939, Batwolf, BiGCoB, Bladerider, bong, born2rock, brewc, Bruin1, ccrane, chrisbron, cozzmeaux, Crazy-Fredy, dallious, Dann, death-by-oakley, Defenderoftheo, defiant00, Del518, Derpitty, djenks, doowutchyalike, DrChop, Duke Nivram, Dyeraudio, eddyc, EdsJunk, eyeshades, FactoryPilot1975, fafa, faxmanjazz, flippj, Freesh, Galvez1978, Gasgano7, GofastR, GRFMotorsports, Hagench, Hanz, HED4JC, hkwinger, hounsthe2nd, ichibandidisan, Icon13, jace112, joe 90, Johnt, jonotat2, kaanan, Lew, LEX7, malvasi, MechE, mista.shilla, monster_beetle, mp0816, mtedenajimenez, nalong86, NW Oakley Fan, O, O-bsession, o-static, O-TasMiC, Oak, obsession, oogie, Preludachris, pricedollaz, RetinaBurn, rhlake, rich5150, Rick, ROMEO, Rubyred, rubyskull, shermy452, StubbornSteve, tag_mclaren, Tattooedcobra36, TERRORISM, the-o-man, theflyingtomato, Thom, Thom_Oakleyland, tm7603, Trevor1976, Type O Positive, vodou, warwagon, XYZ Optic, yelkao, YellowA4, yeti
Juliet Club
Has a Juliet in their collection
bomb oakley, 25sap, 8J8, A11mello, aaron, absolutmuah, ACMartz476, ADMILSONSCCP, Aed, airbrake, airik625, akonibai, Alekxandon, alhayoth, Allan Esperto, Amak.2dk, andr3, andresffh, andy73au, AngelDiazXMetal, Anto, arvinjay, Asafe, ASFAT, B3, badik, BadnewsBrown13, Bak, banarno, BastO, Batman1939, bdcmh, beardo0628, Beneit, berzosa120, Betinho, beto2609, beto260980, bfrashine, BIER041, BiGCoB, BMWBoxerGuy, Boardtalker311, bomb oakley, born2rock,, Brett28, Brewski, BrianJ1888, brjn1988, Bruin1, Bubbason4782, BullyVW, Burtis0108, cacatman, Captain Plastic, Capuchino, Carfepez, Cargo, Carlojrr, Carrera1963, casper, cassius_20, ccrane, ch3no2mp, chich, ChillyoneHB, ChrisOakley, chrisrotta, Clyde, Clyde610, coullder, cozzmeaux, Crazy-Fredy, Crissyk14, crmnjst, Crosshair, CTMG.OKL, DanCad88, Dann, dans___, Dave, DavGar, DazMackie, DBNInc, deathscythe86, Defenderoftheo, Del518, Derpitty, desties, Diavel, dnkeyhnter, DoctorCrip, Doowahditty, doowutchyalike, dp2hike, dragonvoi, dta15m, DuffR, Duke Nivram, Dullisc, Eclipse, eddiehunter, eddyc, edge2lyfe, EL GUAYAKAN, Em2x, Enders, Eroel, etheman23, EVL HMR, FactoryPilot1975, fafa, FALKU, Fantomprowler73, Farlius, faxmanjazz, FearGearGarage, fferasoli, filmetal, fivesguy, flavioakley, flyer, fmleite, Foster, Franklin, Funky-Trixtar, FutabaMona, G4H8SME, Gabriel Sandri, Galvez1978, Gav, Gecko, giuly, Glaydson Mike, gomes, GRFMotorsports, GrizzlyX, grndpndr99, H01B3RG, Harold of the rocks, Harry in Poland, Headarias, Headpatrolman, HED4JC, hexesonxs, Hijack, hkwinger, HoakleyRobb, Holbrook910, hounsthe2nd, Ian, Iceman818, ichibandidisan, Igor silva, Ilneos, inkkoonce, IppoTaz, Ironranger88 , J113466, Jakeracefox , Jani002, jdd32, jives, jiveSEVEN, jjoyce213, joao2708, Joe-Matter, Joerggroh, John Fritsch, Johnt, Jonatan, Jonatha Perianez, jonotat2, Jonpogi, joshbrinzo, joycy, JP, Juliana, Julio Cezar, Jvcjr101, kappa_md, KarlBlessing, kayakergraham, kifeb, Kiki79, Killer, kingphilbert, kjcolumbo, kp555, Kuualoha75, laisoliveira061, Lan13, Lando, lechronophage, leonlc, LEX7, Linus, Lizod, longshot, Lopaka KaMars, lopescnd, Lucas_pissaia, LUCKYMAN, LuigiS, Luizhenriquex, lundboatowner, M100, maning, ManofSteel, Marcellus, Marchi oakley 019, MarcioRS, Mark Caumban, Matheus okl, MatSteelersFan, Matt_s, McWane, meanboss, mega8zero, Menelle7, mensma, mercbezerk, MicahS, Micha, Min, Minigordini, mista.shilla, mjt42, Mmmagv, monster_beetle, Mr_Mojo, MSTech, mtedenajimenez, myillwillinc, naifs, nalong86, NCorNothing, neill, neill543, Nemesis, Nico., nightpusher1, njphil, noe, noiwontsmile, Nortika, NTITUNER, O, O-bsession, o-static, O-TasMiC, O-Whores, Oak, Oakaholic, oakley1242, OakleyCPH, OAKLEYZ, OakztiO2, oCLEman, Ogeyce, Oklbr, onz, oogie, OXM-I, O_taj1242, pagpalain, paquit0, pastor.elfstrom, paulooakley10, Perrosoft, Pez, PFlippen10, phillyfan8206, PiesanKop_ZA, Poeman4179, Pokewillman, polearized, poohberzn, POTUS, povidio, Preludachris, pricedollaz, Project, PropWash, Puregan, qtrain23, Rafa Okl, Ramzey21, randyman, Ranger822, RaphaDeliaRJ, Rays, RetinaBurn, Revolution, rhlake, Rick, robjohn2764, ROMEO, rpmacey, rubyskull, Salv_bru, sandboxman, Scotty-Dub, Sh4rk24, Shady Day, ShadyOak, sharjt, ShumaGorath, sidelines, sinteze, SiRacer420, sisson16, slapshot87, SlowGhost, Snarf, Sohoakley, sombra, Soulfulfrog, Southern Pride, southside, Spc369, SpliceD, spydermatt, Sr.Okl2002, ST@vros, Ste, steel-o, SteveB, SteveLS2, SunDevil08, supersharp, Suud_yod, SWE_PL_MAN, tag_mclaren, Tatt22er, TDavila , TED-X, TERRORISM, th00r, The Game, theandrereis, The_Collector, thisguy, thisguy25, Thom, Thom_Oakleyland, tiagoxd, tigbball5, Timhyde74, timoak33, Tirola, tm7603, tmsorrel1, TNRedbeard, tonelam21, Totalriko, TravisCook, Trevor1976, Type O Positive, v2gian, Vijay, vin1, Vinicius Neves, Vinnic, Viscouse, VN.OAK, vodou, Voodoochemist, warwagon, Wavecloud, Wazzo, WeoBadallo, wesh4, wesleyavieira98, Wideman, Wieward, wundrdog1, w_av98, Xavi114, XCharlie, xFROGx, Xmetal03, xMetal280, Xs and Os, Yannick Couture, yelkao, YellowA4, yodu180, zed, Zoll
STPL x Liberty Club
Has the second STPL Frogskin in their collection
abes5067, BAPD77, born2rock, Bradygod1569, Cargo, Crazy-Fredy, Dann, DBNInc, FearGearGarage, GRFMotorsports, Ian, joshbrinzo, Kuualoha75, mercbezerk, O-bsession, onz, Preludachris, pricedollaz, Ramzey21, rhlake, sisson16, syd42, tigbball5, Type O Positive
Madman Club
Has a Madman in their collection
bomb oakley, 1gr8opr8r, Amak.2dk, arvinjay, Batman1939, beardo0628, Benjamin, bert24meinema, berzosa120, bfrashine, BiGCoB, bikewiz, bomb oakley, Bradygod1569, cacatman, californiadirect, ch3no2mp, chich, Clyde610, coullder, Crazy-Fredy, CTMG.OKL, Dann, DBNInc, death-by-oakley, Del518, dragonvoi, Dullisc, Eclipse, eddyc, el_colon, etheman23, FactoryPilot1975, fafa, FearGearGarage, fivesguy, Foster, G4H8SME, GascanJ, Giggs2805, GRFMotorsports, H01B3RG, Harold of the rocks, HED4JC, hippiebobob, Ian, inkkoonce, IppoTaz, Ironranger88 , Jani002, jes123, Jesusek, jives, joshbrinzo, JP, julinbhz, kappa_md, Killer, koshinya, kraddude, Kuualoha75, Linus, Lish1214, Lizod, Lopaka KaMars, lopescnd, loup, M, MadMike75, ManofSteel, Marcellus, Matheus okl, MatSteelersFan, Matt_s, Meijs, mensma, mercbezerk, MicahS, Minigordini, mralphabetsays, naifs, neill, neill543, neon_tears_menny, O, O-vested, Oak, Oakedout, oakley1242, OakleyFrog, oCLEman, Ogeyce, onz, oogie, OXM-I, O_taj1242, PapaB, paquit0, pastor.elfstrom, Perrosoft, phillyfan8206, pieter0ne, Poeman4179, Pokewillman, poohberzn, Preludachris, Professor Oak, Prof|OAK, PropWash, Ramzey21, rhlake, robjohn2764, ROMEO, Ryan72d, Ryanthefish, Shady Day, ShadyOak, SiRacer420, sirsilverdog, sisson16, SlowGhost, Snarf, Ste, Stonewoe, SunDevil08, supersharp, Surfaced, SWE_PL_MAN, Tatt22er, TED-X, th00r, The_Collector, Tidezealot, timoak33, Type O Positive, Xavi114, xFROGx, xXRumkaXx, yelkao, YellowA4, yodu180, Zoll
Mars Club
Has a Mars in their collection
bomb oakley, A11mello, absolutmuah, akonibai, Alekxandon, alhayoth, Amak.2dk, andr3, andresffh, AngelDiazXMetal, arvinjay, BadnewsBrown13, banarno, barok0208, Batman1939, beardo0628, bert24meinema, BIER041, Bigboy69, BiGCoB, bomb oakley, Bubbason4782, cacatman, Cargo, cassius_20, chris97, coullder, cozzmeaux, crmnjst, CTMG.OKL, Dann, Dave, DavGar, dereck, doowutchyalike, Double, dragonvoi, dta15m, Eclipse, EL GUAYAKAN, Enders, etheman23, FactoryPilot1975, fafa, FALKU, faxmanjazz, FearGearGarage, filmetal, Funky-Trixtar, G4H8SME, gamb-o, GascanJ, gaz1980, Glaydson Mike, GRFMotorsports, grndpndr99, Harold of the rocks, HED4JC, Hijack, hkwinger, HoakleyRobb, Ian, inkkoonce, IppoTaz, Jakeracefox , Jani002, jes123, Jesusek, jives, jiveSEVEN, Joe-Matter, Joerggroh, joycy, kifeb, Killer, Lars, LEX7, Linus, Lopaka KaMars, lopescnd, loup, madmike, Marcellus, Matheus, Matheus okl, meanboss, mega8zero, mercbezerk, MicahS, Micha, Min, mista.shilla, mjt42, Mmmagv, myillwillinc, naifs, nalong86, neill, neill543, nightpusher1, NTITUNER, Number 2, O, o-static, O-Whores, Oak, Oakaholic, oakley1242, OAKLEYZ, OakztiO2, oCLEman, Ogeyce, Oklbr, onz, oogie, OXM-I, O_taj1242, paquit0, pastor.elfstrom, paulooakley10, Perrosoft, Pez, phantomzkb, PiesanKop_ZA, poohberzn, POTUS, Preludachris, pricedollaz, qtrain23, Ramzey21, Ranger822, RaphaDeliaRJ, Rays, Revolution, rhlake, Rick, Rustpot, sandboxman, Shady Day, ShadyOak, SiRacer420, Slow_buffalo, Sohoakley, sombra, Soulfulfrog, Southern Pride, southside, ST@vros, SteveB, SunDevil08, supersharp, SWE_PL_MAN, syd42, tag_mclaren, Tatt22er, th00r, the-o-man, theandrereis, The_Collector, thisguy, Thom, tiagott2, Tidezealot, Timhyde74, Totalriko, Type O Positive, v2gian, Vinnic, Voodoochemist, WeoBadallo, wesleyavieira98, wundrdog1, XCharlie, xFROGx, xXRumkaXx, yelkao, YellowA4, yodu180
Medusa Club
Has a Medusa in their collection
A11mello, abes5067, airbrake, akonibai, Allan Esperto, allwheelarchive, AngelDiazXMetal, bert24meinema, BiGCoB, Bodymod, Bond007, Cafepez, Captain Plastic, Clyde610, coullder, cozzmeaux, crmnjst, CTMG.OKL, Dann, Dave, dnkeyhnter, Double, dragonvoi, FactoryPilot1975, fafa, FearGearGarage, filmetal, fingerprint, G4H8SME, galifardo1971, Gecko, geegeew, hc12, HED4JC, Hijack, hkwinger, ichibandidisan, Igor silva, IppoTaz, Ironranger88 , Kiki79, LEX7, Lopaka KaMars, lucas.mlynarck, Marcellus, Matheus okl, MatSteelersFan, meanboss, mercbezerk, mjt42, Nemesis, Nortika, o-static, Oak, OakleyCPH, OAKLEYZ, Oklbr, Oliveira oakley Brasil, oogie, paquit0, pastor.elfstrom, Pokewillman, Ramzey21, randyman, Revolution, rhlake, sisson16, SteveB, SWE_PL_MAN, tag_mclaren, Thom_Oakleyland, Totalriko, wesleyavieira98, xFROGx, yodu180
10th Meetup Club
Attended the 10th Anniversary Meetup
bigcob, bong, Dann, eddyc, HED4JC, heglock, Ian, kit, lex7, longshot, o-xide, oakleygarth, oogie, rhlake, rich5150, Rick, warwagon, yelkao
Metal Works Club
Has a Metal Works piece in their collection
bomb oakley, 25sap, 92subzero, aaron, abes5067, akonibai, Allan Esperto, BAPD77, BastO, Batman1939, Beanie-Boy, bert24meinema, BMWBoxerGuy, bomb oakley, born2rock, bscasayuran, cacatman, Capuchino, chris97, coullder, Crazy-Fredy, Dann, Del518, dfisher2323, dragonvoi, Dullisc, el_colon, Em2x, etheman23, FactoryPilot1975, fafa, faxmanjazz, Foster, G4H8SME, gamb-o, Gecko, giuly, GRFMotorsports, grndpndr99, H01B3RG, HED4JC, Ian, IppoTaz, Jani002, jeffthor10, jjoyce213, JP, Juliemac07, koshinya, Kuualoha75, Linus, Lish1214, lopescnd, lord oakman, loup, Marcellus, MatSteelersFan, Matt_s, Menelle7, mensma, mercbezerk, MicahS, naifs, neill, neill543, Nortika, nryc, O, O-bsession, Oak, oakley1242, onz, oogie, PapaB, paquit0, pastor.elfstrom, phillyfan8206, POTUS, Preludachris, pricedollaz, Professor Oak, Prof|OAK, qtrain23, Ramzey21, randyman, rhlake, RickyBobby, rsuarez1982, sinteze, SiRacer420, sisson16, SunDevil08, syd42, TED-X, The Game, TheChad, The_Collector, timoak33, Tirola, TravisCook, Type O Positive, wesh4, Xavi114, xFROGx, xXRumkaXx, yelkao, YellowA4, yodu180, Zoll
Cool Million
Was a 1,000,000th interval visitor
DoctorCrip, GRFMotorsports
Mumbo Club
Has a Mumbo in their collection
bomb oakley, 25sap, A11mello, Alexandre, banarno, Benjamin, bikewiz, bomb oakley, Bradygod1569, Bruin1, Capuchino, cassius_20, Clyde610, cmunozh, coullder, Dann, Doowahditty, doowutchyalike, esox69, eyeshades, fafa, faxmanjazz, FearGearGarage, fivesguy, flippj, GascanJ, Giggs2805, GRFMotorsports, H01B3RG, HED4JC, hounsthe2nd, Ian, ichibandidisan, inkkoonce, Ironranger88 , JFoxT, JP, Julio Cezar, koshinya, leestripes, LEX7, Marcellus, mensma, mercbezerk, MicahS, mjt42, mtedenajimenez, mumbo, naifs, neill, neill543, O, Oak, Oakaholic, OAKLEYZ, oCLEman, O_taj1242, paquit0, pastor.elfstrom, Preludachris, qtrain23, robjohn2764, ROMEO, Soulfulfrog, syd42, Tatt22er, TED-X, TERRORISM, the-o-man, vinipcyes, w_av98, xXRumkaXx
OTT Club
Has an Overthetop in their collection
bomb oakley, A11mello, abes5067, absolutmuah, airbrake, akonibai, Alekxandon, Allan Esperto, allwheelarchive, AngelDiazXMetal, B3, BadnewsBrown13, Bak, BAPD77, barok0208, Batman1939, beardo0628, Benjamin, bert24meinema, berzosa120, BiGCoB, birk1, Bodymod, bomb oakley, Bradygod1569,, cacatman, Captain Plastic, cassius_20, chris97, Clyde610, coullder, cozzmeaux, crmnjst, Crosshair, CTMG.OKL, Dann, Diavel, Doowahditty, doowutchyalike, Double, dragonvoi, eddyc, etheman23, eyeshades, FactoryPilot1975, fafa, FALKU, faxmanjazz, FearGearGarage, filmetal, Funky-Trixtar, G4H8SME, Galvez1978, gangstabob, geegeew, giuly, Grenade frog, GRFMotorsports, grndpndr99, Headarias, Headpatrolman, HED4JC, hkwinger, hounsthe2nd, Ian, ichibandidisan, IppoTaz, Ironranger88 , Jani002, jiveSEVEN, Joe-Matter, Joerggroh, jonotat2, JP, julinbhz, Julio Cezar, Kiki79, Killer, kp555, Kuualoha75, LEX7, Linus, Lopaka KaMars, lopescnd, lord oakman, Marcellus, Matheus okl, MatSteelersFan, meanboss, Menelle7, mensma, mercbezerk, MicahS, mista.shilla, mjt42, monster_beetle, mralphabetsays, myillwillinc, naifs, neill, neill543, Nemesis, NIVI, nlgrav182, noiwontsmile, Nortika, O, o-static, O-TasMiC, O-vested, O-Whores, Oak, oakley1242, OakleyFreak, OAKLEYZ, oCLEman, Oklbr, onz, oogie, O_taj1242, paquit0, pastor.elfstrom, paulooakley10, Peeza21, Peterd79, Poeman4179, Pokewillman, POTUS, Preludachris, pricedollaz, PropWash, qtrain23, Ramzey21, randyman, Rays, Revolution, rhlake, RickyBobby, ROMEO, Royal Lion Museum of Sunglasses, rpmacey, Ryanthefish, Shady Day, SiRacer420, sisson16, Sohoakley, Soulfulfrog, Southern Pride, Ste, SteveB, SWE_PL_MAN, syd42, tag_mclaren, Tdog, TED-X, The_Collector, Thom_Oakleyland, Tidezealot, timoak33, Type O Positive, v2gian, Varga_HUN, Vijay, vodou, WeoBadallo, wundrdog1, Xavi114, xFROGx, yelkao, yodu180
Penny Club
Has a Penny in their collection
bomb oakley, 92subzero, A11mello, akonibai, Alekxandon, alexschavareto, alhayoth, Allan Esperto, Almeida_OKL, Amak.2dk, analufleming, andr3, andy73au, arvinjay, Bak, banarno, barok0208, beardo0628, Belanasc_, bert24meinema, BiGCoB, BMWBoxerGuy, bomb oakley, brjn1988, Bruin1, Bubbason4782, cacatman, Captain Plastic, cassius_20, chich, clsmooth, Clyde, Clyde610, coullder, crmnjst, CTMG.OKL, DanCad88, Dann, Dantes, Dave, DBNInc, deathscythe86, Diavel, DoctorCrip, doowutchyalike, Double, dragonvoi, dta15m, DuffR, Eclipse, eddiehunter, eddyc, Eroel, etheman23, FactoryPilot1975, fafa, FearGearGarage, fferasoli, filmetal, flippj, Funky-Trixtar, G4H8SME, Gecko, giuly, Glaydson Mike, GRFMotorsports, GrizzlyX, HE-BRAN, Headarias, HED4JC, hkwinger, hounsthe2nd, Iceman818, inkkoonce, IppoTaz, Ironranger88 , Isabela Andrade , Jani002, Jib, jives, jiveSEVEN, Joerggroh, Jvcjr101, Kiki79, Killer, laisoliveira061, Lan13, LEX7, Linus, Lopaka KaMars, loup, lucas.mlynarck, Luizhenriquex, M100, ManofSteel, Marcellus, Mark Caumban, Matheus, Matheus okl, MatSteelersFan, mega8zero, Menelle7, mercbezerk, MicahS, mista.shilla, mjt42, Mmmagv, monster_beetle, Mr_Mojo, mtedenajimenez, nalong86, nightpusher1, njphil, noiwontsmile, Nortika, NTITUNER, O, o-static, O-TasMiC, O-Whores, Oak, OakztiO2, oCLEman, Oklbr, onz, O_taj1242, pagpalain, paquit0, pastor.elfstrom, paulooakley10, poohberzn, POTUS, povidio, pricedollaz, Project, Ramzey21, Revolution, Rick, Rick 2r, rpmacey, rubyskull, sandboxman, ShadyOak, sharjt, sisson16, Sohoakley, southside, Spc369, steel-o, SteveLS2, supersharp, SWE_PL_MAN, tag_mclaren, Tatt22er, TERRORISM, th00r, The_Collector, thisguy, Thom_Oakleyland, tiagott2, Tirola, Totalriko, v2gian, Varga_HUN, vinipcyes, Voodoochemist, Wazzo, WeoBadallo, wesleyavieira98, Wideman, Yannick Couture, yelkao, YellowA4, yodu180
Petterson Club
Has one of the Petterson Frogskins in their collection
abes5067, FearGearGarage, iamzaim, ichibandidisan, jonotat2, LEX7, Lish1214, mercbezerk, oakleygarth, Smurf_AZ, Soulfulfrog, tmsorrel1
Pigeon Club
Has a Todd Francis Eye Patch in their collection
bomb oakley, A11mello, abes5067, banarno, BAPD77, Batman1939, bebeau, bert24meinema, BiGCoB, bomb oakley, Dann, DBNInc, dragonvoi, eyeshades, faxmanjazz, FearGearGarage, G4H8SME, gangstabob, Headarias, Ian, ichibandidisan, Jani002, jonotat2, Kiki79, Kuualoha75, LEX7, meanboss, mercbezerk, MicahS, naifs, nalong86, Nortika, O-bsession, Oak, OAKLEYZ, oogie, Ostermann, O_taj1242, PapaB, pastor.elfstrom, Peeza21, Preludachris, pricedollaz, Ramzey21, Rick, sisson16, syd42, Thom, tmsorrel1
Raw Club
Has a Madman LE in their collection
arvinjay, bomb oakley, cacatman, californiadirect, Del518, H01B3RG, HED4JC, IppoTaz, jives, koshinya, loup, Oak, pastor.elfstrom, PropWash, Ramzey21, rhlake, sisson16, SunDevil08, supersharp, SWE_PL_MAN, Type O Positive
Attended Oakley Day @ RED
Bhaley2four, Cargo, Dann, dr.flgd, DrChop, FearGearGarage, Gecko, GRFMotorsports, HED4JC, longshot, Madman Cigar, o-xide, OakleyGarth, qtrain23, rhlake, SpliceD
Reviewer 10
Has over 10 reviews
BiGCoB, born2rock, Derpitty, fivesguy, flippj, flyer, HED4JC, ichibandidisan, O, Oak, Oakley Shoe Fan, Obsidian, pastor.elfstrom, Pez, ROMEO, rsuarez1982, skull.jacket, supersharp, TDM, Teknical, The Game, thisguy
Reviewer 50
Has over 50 reviews
Reviewer 100
Has over 100 reviews
banarno, Farlius
Reviewer 200
Has over 200 reviews
Dann, Ian, LEX7, o-xide, oogie, TERRORISM
Robotic Club
Has the Robotic Store Front Dispplay in their collection
abes5067, arvinjay, BiGCoB, cacatman, coullder, Crazy-Fredy, Dann, Del518, dnkeyhnter, dragonvoi, eddyc, el_colon, fafa, GRFMotorsports, grndpndr99, H01B3RG, HED4JC, Jani002, jjoyce213, JP, Kuualoha75, Linus, lopescnd, Marcellus, Menelle7, mensma, mercbezerk, Nortika, O, Oak, oCLEman, oogie, paquit0, pastor.elfstrom, pricedollaz, Ramzey21, sisson16, supersharp, SWE_PL_MAN, The_Collector, Type O Positive, xMetal280, yelkao, Zeke
Romeo Club
Has a Romeo in their collection
bomb oakley, 25sap, 92subzero, A11mello, akonibai, Alekxandon, alhayoth, Allan Esperto, Amak.2dk, analufleming, andresffh, arvinjay, banarno, barok0208, Batman1939, beardo0628, Benjamin, BiGCoB, Bodymod, bomb oakley, Brett28, Bruin1, cacatman, cassius_20, Champ_777, chich, chubbycheeks, Clement, Clyde610, coullder, Crazy-Fredy, crmnjst, CTMG.OKL, Danisanch, Dann, Dave, DavGar, DBNInc, Diavel, DOGZ, Doowahditty, doowutchyalike, Double, dragonvoi, DuffR, Dullisc, Dwight Tang, Eclipse, eddiehunter, EL GUAYAKAN, Enders, Eroel, etheman23, FactoryPilot1975, fafa, FALKU, Fantomprowler73, faxmanjazz, FearGearGarage, fferasoli, filmetal, Funky-Trixtar, G4H8SME, Galvez1978, gamb-o, gangstabob, Gecko, geegeew, giuly, Glaydson Mike, glmvieira, GRFMotorsports, GrizzlyX, grndpndr99, HE-BRAN, Headpatrolman, HED4JC, Hijack, hkwinger, Ian, Iceman818, inkkoonce, IppoTaz, Jani002, jbutalid, jd13x13, jdd32, Jib, jiveSEVEN, joao2708, JoaoCampari, Joe-Matter, Joerggroh, Jonymex, Jvcjr101, kappa_md, kifeb, Kiki79, Killer, kp555, Kuualoha75, Lan13, Lars, LEX7, Linus, Lopaka KaMars, lopescnd, lord oakman, loup, LUCKYMAN, luisr1, Lukas okl custom, ManofSteel, Marcellus, Matheus okl, MatSteelersFan, McWane, meanboss, Menelle7, mercbezerk, MicahS, mista.shilla, mjt42, Mmmagv, monster_beetle, Mr_Mojo, mtedenajimenez, nalong86, Nemesis, nightpusher1, NIVI, njphil, Nortika, NTITUNER, Number 2, O, o-static, O-TasMiC, O-Whores, Oak, Oakaholic, oakley1242, OAKLEYZ, OakztiO2, oCLEman, Oklbr, onz, O_taj1242, pagpalain, PapaB, paquit0, pastor.elfstrom, paulooakley10, Perrosoft, PiesanKop_ZA, poohberzn, pricedollaz, qlr1, qtrain23, Ramzey21, randyman, Ranger822, RaphaDeliaRJ, Rays, Revolution, rhlake, Rick, ROMEO, rpmacey, rubyskull, Rustpot, sandboxman, Shady Day, sharjt, SiRacer420, Sohoakley, Soulfulfrog, Spc369, supersharp, SWE_PL_MAN, tag_mclaren, Tatt22er, TED-X, th00r, The Game, The_Collector, thisguy, thisguy25, Thom, Thom_Oakleyland, tiagott2, Timhyde74, Tirola, TNRedbeard, Totalriko, TravisCook, v2gian, Vinnic, Voodoochemist, WeoBadallo, wesh4, wesleyavieira98, wundrdog1, xMetal280, xXRumkaXx, yelkao, YellowA4, yodu180
Rusted Club
Has the Rust Decay Fuel Cell or Breadbox in their collection
bomb oakley, Batman1939, bert24meinema, BMWBoxerGuy, bomb oakley, bscasayuran, cacatman, Crazy-Fredy, Dann, Del518, FearGearGarage, Foster, GRFMotorsports, grndpndr99, Headpatrolman, HED4JC, Ian, Jani002, koshinya, Kuualoha75, leestripes, Linus, lord oakman, Marcellus, mercbezerk, naifs, nathandlarson, Nemesis, Oak, OakleyFrog, pastor.elfstrom, poohberzn, Preludachris, pricedollaz, Ramzey21, RickyBobby, sisson16, SWE_PL_MAN, syd42, Tatt22er, The Game, The_Collector, Xs and Os, xXRumkaXx, Zombie55
Shoeone Club
Has a Shoeone/O Shoe in their collection
bomb oakley, airbrake, bomb oakley, cacatman, casper, Clyde610, Dann, Del518, FALKU, Gecko, GRFMotorsports, HED4JC, Ian, ichibandidisan, Ironranger88 , kifeb, Kuualoha75, loup, mercbezerk, Nortika, O, Oakley Shoe Fan, Oakley Shoe nut, onz, oogie, O_taj1242, paquit0, pastor.elfstrom, poohberzn, PropWash, ROMEO, rubyskull, TED-X, warwagon, yelkao
Was featured in the Collector's Spotlight
american image, Anto, banarno, bong, cassius_20, chris, chrisbron, crmnjst, cycling-pablo, Dann, dr.flgd, DrChop, FearGearGarage, flippj, Ian, kingphilbert, LEX7, meanboss, Mrs H, O, O-Whores, OAKLEYZ, oogie, PennyMad, Rick, TERRORISM, Tick, tmsorrel1, Towlee, warwagon, zev5740
Stick Farm
Attended Stick Farm
bong, DisturbedEarth, O-Whores, oogie
Strip Club
Has an M Frame Strip in their collection
Dann, Ian, Kuualoha75, mtedenajimenez, neill, Oak, O_taj1242, rhlake, robjohn2764
Sub Zero Club
Has a Sub Zero in their collection
25sap, 92subzero, A11mello, allwheelarchive, BadnewsBrown13, banarno, bask.oakley, berzosa120, bfrashine, Bigboy69, BiGCoB, bikewiz, Bodymod, bomb oakley, Brewski, cacatman, cassius_20, clsmooth, Clyde610, cmunozh, coullder, Crazy-Fredy, CTMG.OKL, Dann, Dave, DBNInc, Dirtix, dlonra, DMayhem, doowutchyalike, dragonvoi, Dullisc, etheman23, faxmanjazz, FearGearGarage, fivesguy, flippj, GRFMotorsports, grndpndr99, H01B3RG, HED4JC, hounsthe2nd, Ian, Ironranger88 , Jani002, jd13x13, JFoxT, JP, Killer, kraddude, Kuualoha75, leestripes, LEX7, Lizod, Lopaka KaMars, Marcellus, Matheus okl, Meijs, mensma, MicahS, Minigordini, mralphabetsays, mtedenajimenez, naifs, neill, neill543, O, Oak, Oakaholic, oakley1242, oCLEman, oogie, OXM-I, O_taj1242, paquit0, pastor.elfstrom, Peterd79, PiesanKop_ZA, Preludachris, qtrain23, RamboMayo, Ramzey21, RaphaDeliaRJ, rhlake, robjohn2764, ROMEO, rubyskull, Ryanthefish, Shady Day, Soulfulfrog, SteveB, SunDevil08, syd42, tag_mclaren, Tatt22er, Tdog, TED-X, The_Collector, TNRedbeard, TravisCook, Type O Positive, vinipcyes, wundrdog1, Xavi114, xFROGx, xXRumkaXx, yelkao, yodu180
Tank Ride
Rode the Oakley Tank
bigcob, bong, Dann, eddyc, H01B3RG, HED4JC, heglock, Ian, Kuualoha75, lex7, longshot, o-xide, oakleygarth, oogie, rhlake, Rick, warwagon, yelkao
Thump Club
Has a Thump in their collection
bomb oakley, 25sap, abes5067, Allan Esperto, allwheelarchive, andy73au, Anto, Batman1939, bert24meinema, berzosa120, BIER041, BiGCoB, Bodymod, bomb oakley, Bubbason4782, cacatman, Captain Plastic, casper, chris97, Clyde610, coullder, crmnjst, CTMG.OKL, Dann, DBNInc, death-by-oakley, Diavel, DoctorCrip, DOGZ, Doowahditty, doowutchyalike, dragonvoi, dta15m, Duke Nivram, Dullisc, eddyc, etheman23, eyeshades, FactoryPilot1975, FearGearGarage, flyer, Funky-Trixtar, G4H8SME, gangstabob, geegeew, GRFMotorsports, HED4JC, hexesonxs, hippiebobob, hkwinger, HoakleyRobb, hounsthe2nd, Ian, IppoTaz, Ironranger88 , jaw3416, Julio Cezar, Kiki79, Killer, koshinya, Kuualoha75, Lachs, LEX7, lopescnd, lord oakman, Marcellus, Matheus okl, Matt_s, meanboss, Meijs, mensma, mercbezerk, Messias041BR, MicahS, mista.shilla, NCorNothing, Nico., nlgrav182, O, O-vested, Oak, oakley1242, OAKLEYZ, onz, O_taj1242, pantojad, paquit0, pastor.elfstrom, paulooakley10, Pokewillman, POTUS, povidio, PropWash, Rafa Okl, Ramzey21, randyman, ROMEO, rpmacey, Salv_bru, Shewfera, sisson16, Slow_buffalo, Sohoakley, spydermatt, Sr.Okl2002, syd42, tag_mclaren, TED-X, TheChad, The_Collector, Thom_Oakleyland, Tirola, Trevor1976, Type O Positive, Ugley, wallace4e20, wesleyavieira98, w_av98, Xavi114, xFROGx, YellowA4, yodu180
Time Bomb Club
Has a Time Bomb in their collection
bomb oakley, 25sap, 8J8, ACMartz476, airbrake, akonibai, allwheelarchive, Amak.2dk, AngelDiazXMetal, arvinjay, B3, Batman1939, berzosa120, BiGCoB, bomb oakley, Bradygod1569, Bruin1, Bubbason4782, Cafepez78, ChillyoneHB, Clyde610, coullder, Crazy-Fredy, crmnjst, Crosshair, DanCad88, Dann, DBNInc, death-by-oakley, Defenderoftheo, Diavel, DoctorCrip, doowutchyalike, dragonvoi, dta15m, eddyc, etheman23, FactoryPilot1975, fafa, FALKU, Farlius, faxmanjazz, FearGearGarage, fferasoli, flippj, Funky-Trixtar, G4H8SME, gamb-o, Gav, Giggs2805, GRFMotorsports, grndpndr99, H01B3RG, Harry in Poland, hc12, Headarias, Headpatrolman, HED4JC, Ian, ichibandidisan, IppoTaz, Ironranger88 , Jani002, jaw3416, JCheezy, jes123, Jesusek, jives, JoaoCampari, Joe-Matter, Johnt, Johnwalker, julinbhz, Julio Cezar, Killer, koshinya, kruger4gamecocks, Lando, LEX7, Linus, longshot, lord oakman, M100, madmike, Marcellus, meanboss, mista.shilla, mjt42, Monsterdog72, MooseFiveDeuce, Mr T (Titanium), NCorNothing, njphil, Nortika, nryc, O, o-static, O-TasMiC, Oak, Oakaholic, oakley1242, OAKLEYZ, oCLEman, oogie, pantojad, paquit0, pastor.elfstrom, paulooakley10, poohberzn, POTUS, PropWash, qtrain23, Ramzey21, randyman, Revolution, rhlake, Rick, Royal Lion Museum of Sunglasses, rubyskull, ShadyOak, Spaced-Out, SteveB, SunDevil08, tag_mclaren, TERRORISM, The_Collector, thisguy, Thom, tmsorrel1, Totalriko, Type O Positive, v2gian, warwagon, WeoBadallo, wesh4, Xs and Os, xXRumkaXx, yelkao, YellowA4, yeti, yodu180, Zoll
Time Tank Club
Has a Time Tank in their collection
bomb oakley, 63, 8J8, A11mello, abes5067, airbrake, Amak.2dk, andr3, andy73au, AngelDiazXMetal, arvinjay, banarno, Batman1939, bert24meinema, BiGCoB, bomb oakley, Bonser65, Bradygod1569, Bruin1, bscasayuran, Captain Plastic, ChillyoneHB, coullder, Crazy-Fredy, crmnjst, CTMG.OKL, Dann, Defenderoftheo, Del518, dfisher2323, Diavel, dnkeyhnter, doowutchyalike, Double, dragonvoi, dta15m, Duke Nivram, Eclipse, eddyc, EL GUAYAKAN, el_colon, Enders, EVL HMR, FactoryPilot1975, FALKU, Fantomprowler73, faxmanjazz, FearGearGarage, filmetal, Foster, G4H8SME, Gecko, geegeew, H01B3RG, HED4JC, Ian, Iceman818, ichibandidisan, IppoTaz, Jani002, jaw3416, jes123, Jesusek, jiveSEVEN, JoaoCampari, Joe-Matter, Joerggroh, Johnt, joshbrinzo, JP, Kiki79, Killer, kitk, Kuualoha75, LEX7, Linus, Lish1214, longshot, Lopaka KaMars, Lyndsey026, madmike, Marcellus, Matheus okl, MatSteelersFan, meanboss, Menelle7, missarlenelee, mista.shilla, mister[o], mjt42, MooseFiveDeuce, Mr T (Titanium), myillwillinc, nalong86, Nemesis, njphil, noiwontsmile, nryc, O, O-Train, O-vested, Oak, oakley1242, OakleyFrog, OAKLEYZ, oCLEman, onz, oogie, Ostermann, pagpalain, pantojad, paquit0, pastor.elfstrom, paulooakley10, Peterd79, Pez, phillyfan8206, Pokewillman, Preludachris, Prof|OAK, prongATO, PropWash, qtrain23, Ramzey21, randyman, RaphaDeliaRJ, Revolution, rhlake, rsuarez1982, rubyskull, sandboxman, sharperone, sisson16, Slow_buffalo, Ste, SunDevil08, tag_mclaren, TERRORISM, The Game, The_Collector, thisguy, tonelam21, Trevor1976, warwagon, WeoBadallo, Wieward, Wyatt17, xFROGx, xMetal280, Xs and Os, xXRumkaXx, yelkao, YellowA4, yeti, yodu180, Zoll
Triple Play
Has a Gen 1, Gen 2, and a Modern combo (M Frame, Frogskins, Eye Jacket, O Frame)
bomb oakley, cassius_20, Dann, FearGearGarage, GRFMotorsports, hounsthe2nd, Ian, Iceman818, Kuualoha75, leestripes, LEX7, loup, MicahS, Oak, Oakaholic, Ogeyce, O_taj1242, pastor.elfstrom, Preludachris, ShadyOak, sharjt, TravisCook, yodu180
Uranium Club
Has one of each Uranium Frame
H01B3RG, JP, Kuualoha75, O_taj1242, Preludachris
X-Metal Club
Has an X-Metal of any type
bomb oakley, 1gr8opr8r, 25sap, 8J8, 92subzero, A11mello, aaron, abes5067, absolutmuah, ACMartz476, ADMILSONSCCP, Aed, airbrake, airik625, akonibai, Alekxandon, Alemao011, alexschavareto, alhayoth, Allan Esperto, Almeida_OKL, Amak.2dk, analufleming, andr3, andresffh, andy73au, AngelDiazXMetal, Anto, arvinjay, Asafe, ASFAT, B3, badik, BadnewsBrown13, Bak, banarno, barok0208, bask.oakley, BastO, Batman1939, bdcmh, bean323, beardo0628, Belanasc_, Beneit, Benjamin, bert24meinema, berzosa120, Betinho, beto2609, beto260980, bfrashine, BIER041, Bigboy69, BiGCoB, bikewiz, BMWBoxerGuy, Boardtalker311, Bodymod, bomb oakley, born2rock, Bradygod1569,, Brett28, Brewski, BrianJ1888, brjn1988, Bruin1, bruno, Bubbason4782, BullyVW, Burtis0108, cacatman, californiadirect, Captain Plastic, Capuchino, Carfepez, Cargo, Carlojrr, Carrera1963, casper, cassius_20, ccrane, CesarJr, ch3no2mp, Champ_777, chich, ChillyoneHB, chris97, ChrisOakley, chrisrotta, chubbycheeks, Clement,, clsmooth, Clyde, Clyde610, concept2creation, coullder, cozzmeaux, Crazy-Fredy, Crissyk14, crmnjst, Crosshair, CTMG.OKL, DanCad88, Danisanch, Dann, dans___, Dantes, Dave, DavGar, DazMackie, DBNInc, death-by-oakley, deathscythe86, Defenderoftheo, Del518, Delorean2006, dereck, Derpitty, desties, dfisher2323, Diavel, Dirtix, dnkeyhnter, DoctorCrip, DOGZ, Doowahditty, doowutchyalike, Double, dp2hike, dragonvoi, dta15m, DuffR, Duke Nivram, Dullisc, Dwight Tang, Eclipse, eddiehunter, eddyc, edge2lyfe, EL GUAYAKAN, el_colon, Em2x, Enders, Eroel, etheman23, EVL HMR, eyeshades, FactoryPilot1975, fafa, FALKU, Fantomprowler73, Farlius, Faro, faxmanjazz, FearGearGarage, fferasoli, filmetal, fivesguy, Fiveteeo, flavioakley, flippj, flyer, fmleite, Foster, Franklin, Funky-Trixtar, FutabaMona, G4H8SME, Gabriel Sandri, Galvez1978, gamb-o, gameforce11, gangstabob, GascanJ, Gav, gaz1980, Gecko, geegeew, gensoft, Giggs2805, giuly, Glaydson Mike, glmvieira, gomes, GRFMotorsports, GrizzlyX, grndpndr99, Gundor, H01B3RG, Harold of the rocks, Harry in Poland, HE-BRAN, Headarias, Headpatrolman, HED4JC, Henrique, hexesonxs, Hijack, hippiebobob, hkwinger, HoakleyRobb, Holbrook910, hounsthe2nd, Ian, Iceman818, ichibandidisan, Igor silva, Ilneos, Infamous, ingloriousbleu, inkkoonce, IppoTaz, Ironranger88 , Isabela Andrade , J113466, Jacob Spear, Jakeracefox , Jani002, jbutalid, jd13x13, jdd32, jes123, Jesusek, JFoxT, Jib, jives, jiveSEVEN, jjoyce213, joao2708, JoaoCampari, Joe-Matter, Joerggroh, John Fritsch, Johnt, Jonatan, Jonatha Perianez, jonotat2, Jonpogi, Jonymex, joshbrinzo, joycy, JP, jpinheiroh, Juliana, julinbhz, Julio Cezar, Jvcjr101, kappa_md, KarlBlessing, kayakergraham, kifeb, Kiki79, Killer, kingphilbert, kjcolumbo, koshinya, kp555, kraddude, krhagen81, kruger4gamecocks, Kuualoha75, laisoliveira061, Lan13, Lando, Lars, lechronophage, Lemonstroakley, leonlc, LEX7, Linus, Lish1214, Lizod, longshot, Lopaka KaMars, lopescnd, lord oakman, LordHelmut, loup, lucas.mlynarck, Lucas_pissaia, LUCKYMAN, LuigiS, luisr1, Luizhenriquex, Lukas okl custom, lundboatowner, M, M100, madmike, MadMike75, MadMingus, maning, ManofSteel, Marcellus, Marchi oakley 019, MarcioRS, Mark Caumban, Matheus, Matheus okl, MatSteelersFan, Matt_s, McWane, meanboss, mega8zero, Meijs, Menelle7, mensma, mercbezerk, MicahS, Micha, Min, Minigordini, mista.shilla, mjt42, Mmmagv, monster_beetle, MooseFiveDeuce, mralphabetsays, Mr_Mojo, MSTech, mtedenajimenez, myillwillinc, naifs, nalong86, Nath920, NCorNothing, neill, neill543, Nemesis, neon_tears_menny, Nico., Nicolas Eduardo, Niels, nightpusher1, NIVI, njphil, nlgrav182, noe, noiwontsmile, Nortika, NTITUNER, Number 2, O, O-bsession, o-static, O-TasMiC, O-vested, O-Whores, Oak, Oakaholic, Oakedout, oakley1242, OakleyaddictMC, OakleyCPH, OakleyFrog, OAKLEYZ, OakztiO2, oCLEman, Ogeyce, Oklbr, onz, oogie, OOKING, OXM-I, O_taj1242, pagpalain, PapaB, paquit0, pastor.elfstrom, paulooakley10, Perrosoft, Pez, PFlippen10, phantomzkb, phillyfan8206, PiesanKop_ZA, pieter0ne, Poeman4179, Pokewillman, polearized, poohberzn, POTUS, povidio, Preludachris, pricedollaz, Professor Oak, Prof|OAK, Project, PropWash, Puregan, qlr1, qtrain23, Rafa Okl, Ramzey21, randyman, Ranger822, RaphaDeliaRJ, Rays, RetinaBurn, Revolution, rhlake, Rick, Rick 2r, Rifferboy, rking620, robjohn2764, ROMEO, rpmacey, rsuarez1982, RTBongers, RuanC, rubyskull, Rustpot, Ryan72d, Ryanthefish, Salv_bru, sandboxman, Scotty-Dub, SERGINHO, Sh4rk24, Shady Day, ShadyOak, sharjt, shihman, ShumaGorath, sidelines, sinteze, SiRacer420, sirsilverdog, sisson16, skull.jacket, skull0911, slapshot87, SlowGhost, Slow_buffalo, Snarf, Sohoakley, sombra, Soulfulfrog, Southern Pride, southside, Spc369, SpliceD, spydermatt, Sr.Okl2002, ST@vros, Ste, steel-o, SteveB, SteveLS2, Stonewoe, SunDevil08, supersharp, Surfaced, Suud_yod, SWE_PL_MAN, syd42, tag_mclaren, Tatt22er, TDavila , TED-X, TERRORISM, th00r, The Game, the-o-man, theandrereis, THEFID, The_Collector, thiago_palmeiras, thisguy, thisguy25, Thom, Thom_Oakleyland, throwbackchampion, tiagott2, tiagoxd, Tidezealot, tigbball5, Timhyde74, timoak33, Tirola, tm7603, tmsorrel1, TNRedbeard, tonelam21, Totalriko, TravisCook, Trevor1976, Type O Positive, v2gian, Varga_HUN, Vijay, vin1, Vinicius Neves, vinimaldj, vinipcyes, Vinnic, Viscouse, VN.OAK, vodou, Voodoochemist, warwagon, Wavecloud, Wazzo, WeoBadallo, wesh4, wesleyavieira98, Wideman, Wieward, Wilonghair68, Wolverine, wundrdog1, w_av98, X-METAL1090, Xavi114, XCharlie, xFROGx, Xmetal03, xMetal280, Xs and Os, xXRumkaXx, Yannick Couture, yelkao, YellowA4, yeti, yodu180, zed, Zeke, Zoll, Zombie55
Xeus Club
Has a Xeus in their collection
A11mello, bert24meinema, bikewiz, bomb oakley, coullder, CT , CTMG.OKL, DBNInc, DMayhem, dragonvoi, FactoryPilot1975, FearGearGarage, G4H8SME, Galvez1978, HED4JC, inkkoonce, Jani002, jdfroggy, koshinya, lopescnd, Marcellus, Matheus okl, mensma, MicahS, mjt42, naifs, Oak, Oakaholic, oCLEman, OXM-I, O_taj1242, paquit0, pastor.elfstrom, Poeman4179, Preludachris, qtrain23, Shady Day, Soulfulfrog, syd42, TED-X, TNRedbeard, xXRumkaXx, yelkao
X-Squared Club
Has a X-Squared in their collection
bomb oakley, 25sap, A11mello, ADMILSONSCCP, akonibai, Alekxandon, alhayoth, Allan Esperto, Amak.2dk, analufleming, andresffh, andy73au, arvinjay, bask.oakley, Batman1939, beardo0628, BIER041, BiGCoB, bomb oakley, cacatman, chich, Clyde, concept2creation, coullder, Crazy-Fredy, CTMG.OKL, Dann, dans___, DavGar, DBNInc, Del518, Dirtix, dnkeyhnter, Doowahditty, doowutchyalike, Double, dp2hike, dragonvoi, DuffR, Dullisc, Eclipse, eddiehunter, eddyc, edge2lyfe, etheman23, EVL HMR, FactoryPilot1975, FearGearGarage, flyer, Funky-Trixtar, G4H8SME, Galvez1978, Glaydson Mike, GRFMotorsports, GrizzlyX, grndpndr99, Gundor, Harry in Poland, HED4JC, HoakleyRobb, Holbrook910, Ian, Iceman818, Infamous, inkkoonce, IppoTaz, Ironranger88 , Jakeracefox , Jani002, jdd32, jives, jjoyce213, JP, Jvcjr101, KarlBlessing, Killer, krhagen81, kruger4gamecocks, Kuualoha75, Lan13, Lars, Linus, Lopaka KaMars, lopescnd, loup, LuigiS, ManofSteel, Marcellus, Matheus, Matheus okl, MatSteelersFan, mega8zero, Menelle7, mercbezerk, MicahS, Min, mjt42, mtedenajimenez, Nemesis, Nico., Nortika, NTITUNER, Oak, Oakaholic, oakley1242, OakleyaddictMC, OakztiO2, oCLEman, Ogeyce, onz, oogie, OXM-I, O_taj1242, pagpalain, paquit0, pastor.elfstrom, paulooakley10, PiesanKop_ZA, poohberzn, POTUS, povidio, Preludachris, pricedollaz, Project, PropWash, qlr1, qtrain23, Ramzey21, randyman, Ranger822, Rays, rking620, ROMEO, sandboxman, Shady Day, ShadyOak, sharjt, ShumaGorath, SiRacer420, sisson16, skull.jacket, Sohoakley, sombra, Soulfulfrog, Spc369, SpliceD, Sr.Okl2002, ST@vros, Ste, SunDevil08, supersharp, SWE_PL_MAN, Tatt22er, TED-X, TERRORISM, th00r, The_Collector, thiago_palmeiras, thisguy, Type O Positive, Voodoochemist, wesh4, wesleyavieira98, Wieward, Wilonghair68, X-METAL1090, xFROGx, xMetal280, yelkao, YellowA4, yodu180, zed, Zeke
X-Metal XX Club
Has a X-Metal XX in their collection
bomb oakley, A11mello, Aed, akonibai, Alekxandon, alhayoth, Allan Esperto, Amak.2dk, analufleming, andresffh, andy73au, arvinjay, ASFAT, B3, Batman1939, BIER041, BiGCoB, Bodymod, bomb oakley, Brett28, Brewski, BrianJ1888, brjn1988, Bubbason4782, cacatman, Cargo, CesarJr, chich, chrisrotta,, coullder, cozzmeaux, crmnjst, CTMG.OKL, Dann, Dave, DavGar, DBNInc, Del518, dnkeyhnter, DoctorCrip, Doowahditty, doowutchyalike, dragonvoi, DuffR, Dullisc, Dwight Tang, Eclipse, eddiehunter, edge2lyfe, EL GUAYAKAN, Eroel, etheman23, eyeshades, FactoryPilot1975, fafa, Fantomprowler73, FearGearGarage, filmetal, Funky-Trixtar, G4H8SME, Galvez1978, gamb-o, Gecko, geegeew, giuly, GRFMotorsports, grndpndr99, Headpatrolman, HED4JC, Henrique, hexesonxs, Hijack, hkwinger, HoakleyRobb, Ian, Iceman818, inkkoonce, IppoTaz, Jani002, jdd32, jives, JoaoCampari, Joe-Matter, Joerggroh, Johnt, jonotat2, Jvcjr101, kifeb, Kiki79, Kuualoha75, Lan13, Lando, Lars, LEX7, Linus, Lopaka KaMars, lopescnd, lord oakman, LordHelmut, loup, Luizhenriquex, ManofSteel, Marcellus, Mark Caumban, Matheus, Matheus okl, MatSteelersFan, mega8zero, Menelle7, mercbezerk, MicahS, Min, mista.shilla, mjt42, monster_beetle, MooseFiveDeuce, nalong86, Nath920, neill, neill543, Nemesis, Nicolas Eduardo, nightpusher1, nlgrav182, Nortika, NTITUNER, Number 2, O, O-TasMiC, O-Whores, Oak, Oakaholic, oakley1242, OakleyCPH, OakztiO2, oCLEman, Oklbr, onz, oogie, OXM-I, O_taj1242, pagpalain, paquit0, pastor.elfstrom, paulooakley10, phantomzkb, PiesanKop_ZA, poohberzn, POTUS, povidio, qtrain23, Ramzey21, randyman, Ranger822, Revolution, Rick, ROMEO, rpmacey, sandboxman, SERGINHO, Shady Day, ShadyOak, sharjt, SiRacer420, Soulfulfrog, Spc369, SpliceD, ST@vros, SteveB, supersharp, tag_mclaren, Tatt22er, TED-X, TERRORISM, th00r, THEFID, The_Collector, thisguy, Thom, Timhyde74, TNRedbeard, Totalriko, Type O Positive, v2gian, Vinicius Neves, vinimaldj, Voodoochemist, WeoBadallo, wesh4, wesleyavieira98, Wieward, Wilonghair68, wundrdog1, xFROGx, xXRumkaXx, yelkao, yodu180, zed
Zero Club
Has a Zero 0.1, 0.2 or 0.3 in their collection
bomb oakley, 25sap, A11mello, Alexandre, BadnewsBrown13, Bak, banarno, beardo0628, berzosa120, BiGCoB, bomb oakley, Bruin1, cacatman, Captain Plastic, cassius_20, chris97, Clyde610, coullder, Crosshair, Dann, Dave, Dullisc, eyeshades, faxmanjazz, flippj, GRFMotorsports, HED4JC, Ian, ichibandidisan, IppoTaz, Ironranger88 , Jani002, julinbhz, Killer, Kuualoha75, LEX7, Lopaka KaMars, loup, Marcellus, MicahS, mista.shilla, naifs, Nemesis, O, O-Whores, Oak, Oakaholic, oakley1242, oogie, O_taj1242, paquit0, pastor.elfstrom, Pez, qtrain23, RamboMayo, rhlake, ROMEO, Royal Lion Museum of Sunglasses, Shady Day, Sohoakley, Ste, tag_mclaren, The_Collector, Thom, TravisCook, wesleyavieira98, wundrdog1, Xavi114, xFROGx, yelkao, YellowA4, yodu180
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All personal photos © 2004-2025 by their owners...or Rick.