November 10th, 2016 - 8 years ago (2,131 logins)Last Login1 days ago
I've been collecting Oakley stuff ever since I saw my first pair of Frogskin in High school. My favorite pair of Oakley's are the Juliets, I've worn the same pair,1st gen Titanium for 14 years until the nose bridge finally gave out, I sent them to Oakley to get fixed, they just sent me a new pair of Plasma's to replace the frame, I got them in 98 when they first came out, I got a catalog in the mail the year before and saw them and fell in love! Poor catalog!! I Have several Juliets, Romeo's, and Penny's and a few o-matter. I found the 2012 and been there since. I was in the Navy for 14 years and now work for Weatherford Laboratories as a Well site Technician