Ranger822: Anthony Thomas
Age: 4 / Colorado Springs
April 10th, 2020 - 4 years ago (16 logins)Last Login1 years ago
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Interests: a little of everything.

Artist Series Complete List

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Oakley 5

Oakley 5






Jul 8, 2020 11:06 PM
welcome bro
Jun 7, 2020 3:47 PM
nice work
May 16, 2020 4:00 AM
Always nice to see a graduate of truck-U
May 11, 2020 1:52 PM
That is some nice work
May 6, 2020 10:05 PM
Welcome . . . take a thorough look around - lots to see.
May 3, 2020 3:19 AM
I have added Herschel Supply Co. mf bag . . . let me know if we need to pull it. . . .
May 2, 2020 11:41 PM
that was interesting . . . a lot of talented entries.
May 2, 2020 1:16 AM
Yeah, was afraid the image would be resized.

Here is the website hotline - just click on it for a lot more detail and info:

Neil Davies - Oakley Artist Series

Here is the image linked in

May 2, 2020 1:15 AM
I ran into a neat website that had a graphic that details some of the Oakley Artist Series bios. I hope you guys can read it . . . there is a lot of detail on the artists. Not all but about half of them.

Apr 28, 2020 1:53 AM
we need to rustle up some pics! Where are our Old-TImer/Oakley Employees? Hopefully actually has a full set and is willing to share some pics for the archives.
Apr 25, 2020 3:47 PM
Now that is something you won’t see every day.

My curiosity is raised to see the back of the Oakley “10” “15” “20” and “25” coins.

I am guessing the artist of all the coins is the Twentyfive year employment coin. First, not a lot got them and second who would ever sell them?
Apr 21, 2020 3:04 PM
Joe Stephenson is selling a pair on the Oakley Forum X-Metal Exchange. Serial 2978.
Apr 21, 2020 2:07 PM
unfortunately the bulk of lenses for older frames are just not available, so looking up anything but really new stuff isn’t that useful. The more useful thing is probably figuring out a suitable donor lens for a custom cut.

I see the main advantage of this lookup tool for frames on the edge of being taken out of production because at least you can still cross reference the SKU’s against the Oakley.com site to see if they still carry the lense so you don’t have to pay the inflated secondary market prices, and you can possibly really stock up on replacement lenses if you have fallen in love with a particular frame.
Apr 20, 2020 11:20 PM
Nice Discomnon Lowballs-didn’t know you could get them in natural metal. Mine are annosized or Possibly Cerakoted Black.
Apr 19, 2020 9:30 PM
For your lens look under dB/replacements/subglassaname

Scroll till you find your sunglasses name, click it and then you see all the replacement lenses available with their sku numbers. If you already know the sku just plug it into the search window. So, really three ways to get you to that info depending on how you use the dB

Apr 19, 2020 9:21 PM
You will have no trouble reading the time, rain or shine, mud, or flood...

I have a Casio ProTrek ABC watch. I wear it anytime I am running, biking or working where there a chance I could damage a finer watch. It solar powered and atomic tine so,it kind of dies it all.
Apr 19, 2020 9:11 PM
Go to tour sunglasses of choice, then you will see Colorway for the frames and usually another for the lenses. Click the lenses colorway and it will then show you all the choices of lenses. There will usually be a 5 or 6 digit number associated with the data entry for tvv BBC at lenses colorway. I was looking for a pair of Fire iridiums for my pair of Fuel Cell- the only pair I could find anywhere was Gabor in Hungary. The price a fair considering, but when you add shipping and the fact tgg HA st nothing is really shipping very fast... well I was resolved to wait until COVID WAS over before ordering the lenses from him. Then I xmfound that Sku and plugged it into the Oakley site and voila, there was a pair that was being discounted 30%. So it ended up being $51 with taxes and free shipping .
Apr 19, 2020 4:31 PM
I learned I didn’t realize and that is you can search the Oakley site with those sku numbers to see what is available. I was looking for a lense and thought it was out of production. But I put in the sku and it popped up. Really cool. I wish I had known that a long time ago.
Apr 19, 2020 4:27 PM
A Panerai is a diver’s classic - congrats
Apr 19, 2020 4:22 PM
It represents new trend by watch manufacturers to give the watch a more vintage look by giving the lume a dark patina and sourcing the older straps from the 60s/70s. So you get a modern movement with the vintage look which really kind of neat.

From an investment standpoint it is probably better to stick with a Rolex - I’ve never lost money on one. In most cases my older Rolexes have double or tripled in value. I can’t say the same for my Omega Speednaster. It holds it own.
Apr 19, 2020 4:11 PM
Yeah, he claimed he had 20 and sold them all for $235+

I guess that is one way to finance this hobby.
Apr 19, 2020 3:31 AM
Apr 18, 2020 3:58 AM
Yeah! The drop box for images!

Will go thru and see what parts of dB will allow models/color ways
Apr 18, 2020 3:21 AM
Ok will check the image uploading next. If you want, I will survey and list up the broken images and pm you the list
Apr 17, 2020 7:28 PM
Some additional findings. In looking at the various entries for the Case/Microbag

Lets use the example of the Black Palm data entry:

There is small icon that looks for the an image here:


but what is showing in the DB is a blue question mark which I believe is the default image that shows when there is either no image residing at the assigned location or there is a fault in the path. From what I can tell all the small images are going to be or should be located in this location:


Now the large image should be located here:


and the image path will always be:

filename.jpg" target="_blank">http://o-review.com/image.php?family_path=cases&image=filename.jpg

What has occurred is that somehow these images have been lost, erased or something over time - because the image path looks right and matches other images which are showing up in the other data entries. I could fix this with access to that directory in the website or I can simply survey the glitches, make images for the missing stuff and provide you with a simple data file w/images to correct this yourself. I suspect there are quite a few areas of the DB that have image path issues or images have been lost somehow.
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