Philip Barket
May 19, 2009 6:18 PM
Myself, I am a Trek fan of old. Not so much a Trekkie mind you, but I grew up on the original and The Next Generation. I saw the movie and loved it. Yes, it's not a prequel like Star Wars. The whole premise spawns out of the Next Gen future timeline and the plot is set-up in way that completes resets the timeline of the original show to reboot it for a new generation. Even with shows like Enterprise where tech was already much better that that of the past show, and even now where tech is much better than that imagined in the 60s, it's all about suspension of disbelief.
Mike Bahr
May 19, 2009 7:41 PM
Very Well put Phil.
Twenty Fifty
Jul 14, 2009 3:56 AM
Saw "Bruno" over the weekend. It's as disgusting as "Borat". If you enjoyed that movie, you'll enjoy "Bruno".

I love Da Ali G show, but all the full length films based on the characters aren't really good, IMO. The Ali G movie was ok, but I personally thought both Borat and Bruno are underwhelming relative to their critical acclaim.
Francois C
Aug 11, 2009 12:08 AM
I'm watching Battlefield earth right now, and I'm somewhere between dismay and entertainment.
That's really a bad movie but taken at the 2nd degree,.. well maybe 20th degree, the film is a bit funny.
Dann Thombs
Aug 11, 2009 4:53 AM
Haha, yeah I love bad movies, so that was a goldmine for me. I've seen so many worse though.
Twenty Fifty
Aug 19, 2009 6:35 PM
I recommend the new "Tyson" movie on DVD/Blu-ray. The movie is basically an interview edited as a self monologue, and while it's nothing we don't know about Mike Tyson, but it's a well directed movie. Compelling stuff.
Aug 25, 2009 10:12 PM
you guys read about James Cameron's upcoming movie.. its shot completely different than traditional movies. hopefully it turns out pretty good

Twenty Fifty
Aug 25, 2009 10:20 PM
I thought it looked great. Should be great in 3D. I was with everyone else when it comes to the story, however. Not quite what it's all about other than it being on an alien world.
Ford .
Sep 9, 2009 4:59 AM
Just saw District 9 – and it is awesome. I strongly urge everyone here to go see it.

It was shot on the Red. Here is the info from Variety:

His team used as many as nine Red cameras -- owned personally by (Peter) Jackson -- and some Sony EX1 and EX3 cameras for secondary work. Opaloch was impressed with the Red's performance, especially with all the handheld work he had to do in windy and dusty conditions.
Still, Opaloch cautions against "getting caught up in the hype" surrounding Red and advises learning from others' experiences, especially when it comes to manipulating Red-captured content.
"I'm a film guy at heart," he says.
Twenty Fifty
May 7, 2011 12:05 AM
I recommend everyone go see Thor. I want the box office numbers for that one to explode (so that we can move more good Marvel Studio movies).
paul mcj
May 7, 2011 12:53 AM
Wife and I are hitting up Thor 3D tonight. This will be my first chance to try out my 3D Gascan lenses. <I am shamed to think how long I've had the lenses without catching a movie>
Kenny "HED" Wu
May 7, 2011 3:51 AM
haha... i can't wait to get your opinion on it
Cee eeF
May 8, 2011 3:13 AM
There was a review of the 3D Gascans in the most recent Popular Mechanics. The magazine sort of liked another pair, Marchon 3D M3D's over the Gascans, and the complaints came from the white frame causing 'glare', and one reviewer feeling the glasses on her head.

I first used my Black 3D Gascans for the Tron re-do and I thought they were great---WAY better than the generic pairs at the theatre.
Kenny "HED" Wu
May 8, 2011 4:14 AM
same here... the gascan was perfect for me but the gf has problems keeping it from falling. that aside way better than the free ones they give you
Mike Bahr
May 8, 2011 7:37 AM
Frankly I'll never know how they go.... because to me 3D is just crap!
Twenty Fifty
May 8, 2011 8:07 AM
Thor's 3D was not great, but the movie was excellent.
May 8, 2011 9:22 AM
Fast Five was good this evening. Thought it tied all of the other ones together well.
Trevor F
May 9, 2011 12:44 AM
Just got back from RIO 3D. all I can say is Holy Cow!!! The 3D Oakley Gascan make a 1000% difference. My wife even said that she would actually go to more 3D movies now because of them. I was blown away!!! ...and the movie was completely entertaining as well. all in all a great investment and because of that an enjoyable movie experience. money well spent!
David Chang
May 9, 2011 2:59 PM
Thor's 3D was not great, but the movie was excellent.
I'd have to agree on this one. Just saw it yesterday morning. I think they were really going for 3d to "ehance" the experience less than being a 3D for the sake of 3D type movie.

I do have to say though, the 3d in the end credits were the best 3d effects in the movie.

Don Stout
May 9, 2011 3:11 PM
THOR was one of the best Marvel movies done yet!! seen it in 2D, didn't want to see it in 3D.
Watched Mr and Mrs Smith over the weekend, (Brad Pitt and Angelina), all the Ops dudes had on Oakley Goggles.
Twenty Fifty
May 20, 2011 10:36 PM
For those looking forward to the next Graham Nolan Batman movie, here's a pic making the rounds that suppose to be Tom Hardy as Bane. Not sure what to think of it yet, but it certainly beats the Bane from Batman and Robin.


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