my best friend got a pair of eyejackets, then my other friend got minutes. it came grading time in grade 9 and i got a pair of rootbeer 24k twentys. they were freaking sweet. i left them at a friends house (i know, i was young and foolish then) and another guy borrowed them and "lost them". but he paid me back $140 so it was all good. then i got my emarld / bushed thick a-wires. I still have those, going on 5 years i believe.
Here you can see how blind I was and how thick the lenses were to compensate for the increasing strenth along the edges of the lenses, thank God for my messed up eyes:
1996- straight jacket - pearl with black - hdo case.
i wanted to buy a year earlier an eye or trenchcoat, but they didn't the iridium lens. and i realy wanted that mirror look, so i end up buying an arnet catfish.
nothing compared to oakley.afterwards an eye jacket FMJ 7.62 - black iri. but they both cracked on top of the frame. smae place. i dunno why, have any body had that problem with that model, i swear to myself that i will not buy another oakley in my life. in 1999 i bought not one put 2 oakley and other brands. 1 being my first x-metal, julier old plasma- ice, and the other being the New Straight Jacket - Polished Aluminum/Fire Iridium. and dude i was hooked all over again. never say never.
First ever pair was a piar of black on black minutes that i was lucky enough to find on a park bench in virginia... however i like to consider the first pair i ever got the first one i actually bought, which would be polished/ blue juliets
The year: 1992. The shades: Oakley Frogskin (Gen 2) in Black Rain/BI. The cost: $65. The feeling: priceless. If anyone has a pair of these they could possibly part with--I am desperate--I'll do anything--even file your (or your great aunt's bunions)--please I'm begging you! I must have these shades again!!!!