A feeling to swap out your everyday pair of glasses for something flashy will be tempting, but be careful to do so only if you enjoy wearing them, not to impress others.
You will have a difficult time deciding which pair to wear today, but after careful deliberation, you will choose the one that fits your mood the best.
Someone will ask you your opinion about their purchase choice. If it is a terrible choice, you must lie to them to retain your friendship.
You will experience a slight burnout from collecting. It won't be an ultimate end to the hobby, but perhaps you should let the next few pickups pass by to regain your passion.
Your collecting habits need a re-examination for focus. Perhaps you are chasing a goal that is draining your energy and blinding you from better options. Try to ignore pressure from others in the near future.
There is an endless sea of choices, and you want them all. Imagine that you could afford them all, and determine what you would still enjoy despite such excess.
You work to buy Oakley, and find less time to enjoy it as you need more. It is time to find a way to incorporate the hobby into work, so the worlds may merge.
For too long, you have stared at a holy grail and not made advanced to get it. Now is the time, to make that long await pickup happen.
Something has remained out of your reach for too long, and you are at a breaking point. Remain calm and do not lose your focus, as that will only prolong your collection's completion.
Today is not the day to browse ebay. There is nothing worth getting at the moment, and a million small things will tie up your day anyway.
There is a certain pair you want to wear today, but pressure and expectations will push you towards another option. Re-evaluate your friendships and ask if their company is worth wearing the wrong pair.
One pair in your collection bothers you, and you would be better off without it. Find time to determine which one that is, and replace it with something better.