Jesper Ostermann
Jun 9, 2010 5:27 PM
Personally I would say Im comitted to a brand (me owning like 20 pairs of Oakley's). But almost everyehere I meet people and I talk about by big O-Passion, people shook their heads and say "that's not normal to own so many sunglasses!" What is the definition of being normal? Me owning 20 glasses because I like the brand, history and everthing about it. In my eyes I dont see any sunglasses who can come even close to Oakley, not when talking eg. quality and design. Oakley are unique simple.

So when does it go from being "normal" to an obsession?

Personally I think 20 pairs of glasses are many, but I actually use em' all, depending on my mood. I dont have any models I dont use. I know some of you hardcore collectors have some limited/rare editions/expensive pairs you only keep in a tower, and they are not for use.

To be honest this thread is not much I really want to start a discussion, just some few thought I had. :-)

20 pairs or more... People think thats insane. I dont. do you?

In my shop we have 2 dobble towers, 4 single unit towers 1 "jewel-display" (currently showing Alinghi Models) 2 women custom displays (9 glass shelfs on each wall) 5 custom dispplays for men (again 9 glass shelfs each unit) this is only for sunglasses in the shop. Now if you had these amount of glasses for yourself I would say that's insane!

Before people yell "Post pictures!" I have pictures of the shop, but I can´t figure out how to post em' in here!

I would be more than glad if someone could tell me in a VERY SIMPLE MATTER how to do it. :-)


David Lee
Jun 9, 2010 5:48 PM
I don't know one person, outside of this place, that thinks it's normal. And a lot of us are well beyond 20. Hell...there are some with 500 on here!
Jun 9, 2010 6:14 PM
I am certainly sick in the head but in recovery
Paul Court
Jun 9, 2010 6:18 PM
Heh Jesper,

in simple instructional terms: You have pic(must be in .jpg format).

Go to Portal. Click on it. Scroll down to Gallery and click on that.

At top of page click on Add your picture to the Gallery.

Click on Insert page Click on Choose file in next window. Now find the Pic you want to use. Once you've found the Pic, click on Upload Photo. Wait for a little while, then you should be confronted by this:

Continue to step 2, < click on this.

You will then see this "This will be the thumbnail. If it is acceptable, please add a caption and group, then press Finish. If not, press the back button and rechoose your thumbnail coordinates"

Step 3: Enter the name of the file, keeping it short and to the point and select what folder it's to go in...ie O Matter, Wires....etc

Then click Finnish Submission....Ei, voila!

Dan Carnevale
Jun 9, 2010 6:50 PM
I'm certifiable. But that's the first part of overcoming an addiction...admitting to it. Right?
I've only got a small display case though...you dudes with double wides and triple wides are beyond reprieve. ;)
Jesper Ostermann
Jun 9, 2010 7:46 PM
Added 2 pictures in the gallery under my name.

Need to jet home now, will upload a few more tomorrow.

paul mcj
Jun 9, 2010 9:55 PM
I just think that any time you are really into something, passionate about it, or count it as a defining hobby - it is going to be received by G.Q.Public as being wierd/odd/sick. I'm sure I would think the same of someone who had a collection of 250 thimbles or stamps or something. But I have a better appreciation of where that comes from. I have 7 towers of varying sizes and a smaller 3 foot display - more than most stores or OPDs. I think the term 'fanatic' is a fair description that has gained traction since the co-pilot contest ... it appropriately implies a level of normal dedication along with the crazy obsession.
Jules Neefjes
Jun 9, 2010 10:07 PM
Ostermann, where is your shop in Copenhagen? I am probably going to Denmark (and Sweden) this summer. Would be cool to pay you a visit I think.

And yeah people think i am ridiculous with my tower and 43 pairs. But well if i ask them about their hobbies, they become silent. I also think they are jealous sometimes seeing their reactions.
Jesper Ostermann
Jun 9, 2010 10:31 PM
The store is located in Fields, it's a shopping mall on the island of Amager.

Toss me a message and I'll give you the adress.

Joe Raccagna
Jun 9, 2010 11:04 PM
my thoughts.. if you don't need to steal to feed your addiction who cares what you do with your cash ?I know women collect shoes and handbags etc etc BUT i know two people who actually collect macdonalds toys,ie the ones that come with a happy meal!!!!!......
Ian Morris
Jun 9, 2010 11:47 PM
In regards to Happy Meals, my mother has all 203 Dalmations, everything from 101 Dalmations and from 102 Dalmations. I guarantee that it was harder for her to accomplish that that for one of us to find a Ruby Mars or a Bob Head. I think the issue that people have with it is the money factor. For example, Terrorism has 500 pairs. If we were to assume each pair cost him $100 (which they didn't, they were much more), that would mean his glasses alone are worth $50,000. My mother owns a horse that is worth that much. I think she's crazy. I can argue that several of my pairs of glasses are much older than her horse, and I'll have them for many more years, but the argument doesn't matter to her. Other people think that's several years of mortgage payments, a corvette, a used ferrari, cancer treatment, or the gross domestic product of some third world country. People think how the money could have been better spent in their lives, and it makes for feelings of resentment.

People thought that I was ridiculous for having 7 Longboards, but when I explained that each was for different conditions, a different type of ride, or if I wanted to bring friends along. My logic made sense to them. It's just that the general populous has never had a need for more than gas station brand sunglasses, and until they've truly experienced the difference, they'll never have an appreciation.

My final argument is that I could have spent the 20k or so my collection is worth on an oil painting from some lesser-known artist, and had that to decorate my walls. With Oakleys, I'm collecting pieces of modern art that I can use for more than just looking at...
Trevor F
Jun 10, 2010 6:23 AM
To each thier own....I used to collect comics, read every one....bought copies just to store in boxes. This was ok as it has been around for years and is mainstream. Now it is Oakley, Same concept (sorta). Oogie said it best, "fanatic" or fan. Just like those who dig star trek, star wars, comics, beanie babies, precious moments, classic cars or cars in general(Jay Leno), coins, stamps, hubcaps, license plates, bottle caps, the list goes on.

Everyone has thier vice, and to everyone that doesnt share that vice it is strange. What draws me to Oakley is more than just the O, it is the complete package of ideals and lifestyles, from the athletes, to the employees, to us right here. Am I committed? Yes. Am I sick? depends on who you ask. but I will tell you this, when people hear of my hobby, they look at me like I have four heads. When they have a question about thermonuclear ocular protection, these same people look at me like I am the inventor of sliced bread.

So i say who gives a monkeys butt what people think we are for our likes and collections. Place those artful inventions over your eyes, raise a glass and one finger salute those that dont approve. those that think i am crazy, maybe so....to them I say have a coke and a smile and watch the show. To those that get it, I say "Rock and Effin Roll!!"!!
paul mcj
Jun 10, 2010 6:49 AM
I just like hearing "i love your glasses" every morning going through Starbucks.
Trevor F
Jun 10, 2010 7:03 AM
I agree, when I started my current job, I got crap all the time, now almost everyone of the drivers in my department wears the O, save one or two.
Jun 10, 2010 10:24 AM
I just like hearing "i love your glasses" every morning going through Starbucks.
Hahahaha Im with u 100%!
Jesper Ostermann
Jun 10, 2010 11:49 AM
Depending on the moods (not actually the weather) I wear Frogskins one day, Spike the other, Hijinx the other and so on.

It takes me like 5-10 minutes to put my clothes on (eventhough I work in a store) and I can use several minutes on which kind of glasses I should use that day.

Normally I have 1 or 2 pairs with me each morning, and 2-3 pairs laying at work. ><

My girlfriend says it's weird I have 20 pairs or so. When I told her about her 42-somthing pair of shoes she says "that's different". SIGH.

Some people might think "enough is enough" but where is the line...? 20 pairs? 100? Or even 500?

Mike Bahr
Jun 10, 2010 3:54 PM
"that's different". SIGH.
The usual response when they quickly realise they are no different..... they just do it with another product.

My Wife has heaps of Handbags.... i have heaps of sunglasses.
Both are fashion accessories in essence.
Twenty Fifty
Jun 10, 2010 5:19 PM
Yes, we are all sick in our heads. That's the nature of collecting...to have way more than you really need. Collecting Oakley is very low on the totem pole of vices when compared to collecting luxury watches or cars, so it's not really all that bad in the end.
Ken Siverts
Jun 23, 2010 8:22 AM
I'm not sick and so are you!

The good thing about buying Oakley is the once you buy the sunglasses, you really don't have to keep buying things to feed it. I collect guns. I have more guns than sunglasses. With guns, you end up having a second collection for the...ammo. The more calibers, the more ammo you must have.

The Oakley cases are cheap by comparison to the firearm hobby!
Nik Gutscher
Jun 23, 2010 8:39 AM
Totally agree Ken. Love guns myself and have more than a few.

However - with the new Chrome Jaw and Splits - you truly can't have enough lenses...

They take swap and custom to an all new level.

Some people might think "enough is enough" but where is the line...?
Only you can draw that line for yourself... Don't let others draw it for you.
Jesper Ostermann
Jun 23, 2010 12:19 PM
Agreed. Collectors are what we are and what we always will be.

Oakley for life.

Jun 23, 2010 4:41 PM
If I had the $ I be up there in the 500 club Its only sick if it really affects other areas of your life to such a degree it's harmful. My wife has a couple pair of RX O's but if I have extra cash(as in never lately) she'd prefer a dress or another night on a vacation so situation and time can change a near obsesssion. Now if something spectacular comes along that fits my Ripleys Believe or Not Shrunken head I'd probably go off andthrow 5 pair on the card...I still hope for an MD 2(fit despite size) or a modified SJ!! type of wrap. People didnt grasp the difference of the Beatles remasters or why I'd want mono recordings-whole other forum-that are more expensive. I think calling people obsessed or saying "Get a life" makes people feel good abt themselves or superior. I know I have been too severe on here abt newer styles which I retract for those who love em but "sick" would be bankrupted, divorced and broken for a hobby..anything less is a hobby noone else has a right to judge...Rock on O people and I am sure I'll be back in the fold and with more debt with a release just around the corner...yeah my cc is itchy already

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