Jay Kor
Aug 23, 2008 7:50 PM
I was just thinking to myself, what value do I or any of you put to the vintage stuff.

Romeo 1.0
Zero's .03p's (or any of the old sub's)
some of the frogskins.

I know that the value of them, really depends upon the value to us as the collector, but just how much are we willing to spend on such styles.

Just looking to pick some brains
Brent Haley
Aug 23, 2008 8:08 PM
I think it really all depends on your personal taste. The way the market works is soooo hard to figure out. Just look at say a leather mars, a year or so back you could pick that thing up all day long for $150-200 and now they bring 2-3 times that amount. Same thing with Romeo 1 and the latest craze on the new frogskins have brought the oldies back from the dead. I know that I picked up a handfull of really nice original frogs off of ebay right before the new ones were released for around $25 each and that won't happen now as the pieces that I picked up in the great condition that they are in are all $100+ now. If you are in for value, it is all about getting the piece out at the right time in my opinion. Hope some of this helps and maybe some others will chime in as well.
Twenty Fifty
Aug 23, 2008 8:44 PM
I think that as more collectors become disenchanted with the current Oakley stylings, they turn to the vintage models. I know I did.

If you're looking for actual values in terms of money, I've seen Romeos consistently pull $350-500, the 0.3ps $300-400, and the Frogskins with the sky being the limited since they're so in demand right now.

While deals are few and far between these days, they can stll be found. Good luck!
David Lee
Aug 23, 2008 9:36 PM
It's kind of funny...when my friends ask why certain pairs are "in the display case" I tell them because they're worth the most. In all honesty, I can't see too many of them even measuring up with my Juliets for value. Who knows...fingerprint frames with the 67 lens may be worth something...but to whom?
Rick (The Doctor) Fawcett
Aug 23, 2008 10:17 PM
I measure a pair's value by how much they mean to me versus how much I paid or could get for them. My very first Eye Jacket has more value than pretty much every other pair in my collection. I think I paid $90 for them, but the fact they have been mine since before I had a double-chin means a lot.
Nate Long
Aug 24, 2008 3:01 AM
for me, i dont determine value with cost quite as much as i do what the pair means to me. my first pair of juleits was a gift from my gf and even tho they arnt neting rare at all they r to me my most valuable pair. i had no clue she got them for me and was thrilled to get them as a gifr from her. i also have a completly mint pair of plasma fire juliets with a low serial. i kno that now they arnt worth a ton of money but they i never wear them because im too afraid to use them.
Dann Thombs
Aug 24, 2008 5:41 AM
Listing their values will just give the scalpers a handbook guide to reference. So I state that they are all priceless.
Mike Bahr
Aug 24, 2008 6:34 AM
Dann sumed it up well.... but it comes back to the old saying
" there only worth as much as someone is willing to pay "

also put anything in the right environment, and it's crazy what people perceive as value !
paul mcj
Aug 24, 2008 8:42 AM
I just lean towards MSRP as a rule of thumb. I think paying retail on a vintage/15 year old pair of eyewear is a tribute to its lasting power. Much more than that and I start to lose interest.
Aug 24, 2008 9:35 AM
i think it all depends on the hype value at the time, i remember at one time all ruby juliets were going for crazy amounts now they are back down, same thing with vintage, i seen zeros go for 100 up to 500+, it all depends on the hype at the time and what is available
Francois C
Aug 25, 2008 7:01 PM
I like love vintage Oakley's, and some of this stuff actually worth their retail price. But I'll never go over that retail price.
Bob Russell
Aug 25, 2008 7:29 PM
The question for me is rarity. After all, aside from the obvious passing of time, that's what makes a vintage piece vintage. If older Oakley was available at any store or website, it would not be "vintage," it would just be "old."

I was overwhelmed with this the first time I browsed the OR. I saw so many pictures of older items that I had never seen before. To me, it was classic Oakley captured in photographs, and to others, it might just be older pieces of their collection.

A hard to find item that is in mint condition is the epitome of vintage (especially in the realm of collecting). Let's just not let it get to the point that we bring up the word antique!
Aug 25, 2008 11:18 PM
searching for vintage oakleys is what brought me to this site, i searched for dennis rodman zeros and went to google images and i saw some .3's and it led me to this site.. 1000's of dollars later, here i am still buying vintage stuff :)
american image
science wrapped in art dealer
Aug 27, 2008 12:11 AM
if you don't value the past, you can never fully understand the history and motivation of the o brand

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