Alex birthday was on July 8, he's now 21 ! Happy birthday dude. He's one cool guy who always contribute to the site with news and reviews, and a trully great guy.
The guy is so slow (wink wink) to upload pictures but thats all I can say against him lol
Cant wait to be back in Montreal to party with you dude.
Todd's birthday is soon, not sure when exactly, and he's ageless so its all good. Another member that I like to chat with and that I cant wait to meet in person. You always makes us laugh and have a positive attitude.
Thanks a lot in advance guys! Mines on Saturday & I've heard Tribal Thump rumors floating around (fingers crossed). I feel like a part of a family here & it's great!
Thanks guys for all the birthday wishes. It was great! I had a pretty big party. It was 101 degrees out so there was lots of pool time. I got a pair of Polished Black/ Ti Clear MD's & $150 to spend on Oakley stuff plus my wife said she's getting me something I will really like so I'm hoping Tribal Thumps.
Where is Freesh the birthday boy? Too busy laughing to himself I bet, what with his dream job and all. Happy birthday dude! 21 though, thats way young dude.