Feb 9, 2006 2:53 PM
Sorry, early in the morning and my fingers were asleep, I guess...

To start it off, this is what bothers me:
Another thing I found bothered many people
Is there a secret thread I don't know about? Because I have not heard that many people complaining about our (I refer to Justin and I as mainly responsible) useless and pointless 'discussions'. Step up for your opinion, but don't hide behind the 'many others'!
I happen to like what's been going on between mainly Justin and I and in a broughter perspective Fred and some others. I see this Forum as a bar or something like it where you talk and discuss with friends and strangers. If I feel the need to say something funny, I won't be pushed out of the bar, into an other room.

Furthermore, I don't think our 'discussions' were useless. To me they were entertaining, they made me laugh, giggle or think 'what a fool'. I like that and I need that. It's the air that I breath!

Bring it on!
sees you
Feb 9, 2006 10:10 AM
It doesn't seem to matter how useless or stupid a topic or discussion is, someone always replies to it even if it's just to comment on how useless or stupid it is. There is a core group of members that just can't resist commenting on every thread. I'm guilty too
jake young
Feb 9, 2006 11:07 AM
I get that feeling but I think that may be that some are in a chat room here. Due to that I also feel like several members have a tendency to talk past "younger" members.
Rick (The Doctor) Fawcett
Feb 9, 2006 1:07 PM
Speaking for myself, I do find it frustrating having to wade through the battles of wit between you and Justin on a wide range of threads. It's hard to follow a thread when it becomes derailed. If this type of conversation was confined to one part of the forum, I wouldn't say a thing, but fankly, it gets annoying. That said, I have no ill feelings towards anyone here and the last thing I want to do is fan any flames so that was my piece. Take it or leave it, but you wanted feedback so here it is.
Roy Keane
Feb 9, 2006 1:26 PM
I just give opinions in each posts, if i dont like or have no interest in a certain post i'll just not post. *** oo its my 1 month anniversary on o-review today :P ***
american image
science wrapped in art dealer
Feb 9, 2006 1:33 PM
roy , you pinpointed it exactly

BTW , i also like the less serious part of some threads, but i never forget what this forum is all about.

Mike Bahr
Feb 9, 2006 2:17 PM
I have to agree with Ricks points. When ever i log in and see new posts I'm happy, but when I click on and find just useless banter it gets fustrating. Yes it can be fun just Sledging each other for fun, but when a topic gets derailed the essence of that thread is lost. I reckon the off-topic area is great for that sledge away!. But in the main area lets try and keep topics on topic! Thats now my 2 cents.
Tim Sparrow
Feb 9, 2006 2:35 PM
I'm with you Mike - good points. My main point of concern is that threads often turn into conversations between two or three people, and many of the posts in these 'conversations' have little relevance to the topic under discussion. Once that happens, it's very difficult to pull a thread back on topic.
Eddy C
Feb 9, 2006 4:12 PM
Right on, guys. The main forum is intended to be about Oakley and things directly related to the brand and products. An occasional sidebar or tangent is fine, but some of the drawn out back-and-forth exchanges are best kept to PM's or Off-Topic threads.

Mike - I also look forward to reading all the new posts during the day and am disappointed when they don't have anything to do with Oakley or the original topic of the thread.

That said, by all means feel free to banter and chat with other members about whatever suits you, just not in the main forum, please.
Justin "The Mofoin' Man" Gandy
Feb 9, 2006 7:42 PM
so whats up guys?

any new crap goin on in your guyses lives?

i got my report card yesterday
.. everything ws in the 90's cept for math (im in advanced math)


my dad says im not ever goin to college and my mom says ill polly end up pumping gas...

lovely eh?
american image
science wrapped in art dealer
Feb 9, 2006 5:28 PM
how does a report card in the US work ? overhere , you got a scale , from 1 to 10 , 1 being ; you suck , to 10 being ; you are the best
Justin "The Mofoin' Man" Gandy
Feb 9, 2006 5:29 PM
we get from o to 100

anything below a 65 is failing..

anything in the 70's means you're average

anything in the 80's is above average

anything n the 90's is awesome
american image
science wrapped in art dealer
Feb 9, 2006 5:32 PM
so , why are your folks unhappy , are you indeed the nerdy study-type, like in the show ; beauty and the nerd , or..??
Justin "The Mofoin' Man" Gandy
Feb 9, 2006 5:37 PM
my folks are unhappy because appaerntly the only grade that matters is math.. (which i still PASSED) not to mention the fact that im in grade level for math higher then my own.. and that this is the last math class i have to take for the rest of high school...

no im not the nerdy study type...

i just have a near photographic memory
Dann Thombs
Feb 9, 2006 5:48 PM
Depends on the school. In my HS, below 70 was failing. There was no D for a grade. In another, 65 was required for the main classes and 50 for other glasses like phys ed. Yet another in a worse off town was 50 for main classes and 35 for others. Basically push the kids through the grades so they can spend the rest of their lives leaching off my tax money.
american image
science wrapped in art dealer
Feb 9, 2006 6:05 PM
dann , you really should stop thinking oakley's

i really think you were in Classes , as supposed to Glasses!! LOL 65 was required for the main classes and 50 for other glasses
Dann Thombs
Feb 9, 2006 6:50 PM
yeah yeah, freudian slip.
Wilson Ng
Feb 9, 2006 9:21 PM
like Dann says, it depends on the school. my High School required 75 or more as a passing grade for main classes, and 65 for all others like PhysEd. there was also a minimum number of hourly requirements for School Service (100 hours/semester i think) and Public Community Service (40 hours/semester). i think the correct term back then was called "Mandatory Volunteer service" which was an oxymoron to begin with.
also, New York also requires standardized testing called Regents Tests on a number of subjects in order to qualify for a High School diploma, IIRC the requirements were 3 Sciences, 3 Global Studies, 3 Literatures, 3 Maths, 2 Second Languages, and probably a few more i can't quite remember.
Dann Thombs
Feb 9, 2006 9:38 PM
Where I'm at now, 83 is the minimum passing grade.
Paul Sollenberger
Feb 9, 2006 9:39 PM
well this little derailment if fun.
When i was in H.S. 90's were really just for doin your work and not missing anything, if you were real stupid and still did the work you got b's. C's were for those who chose thier days for coming to class and did a small amount of work, and to fail you basically had to do the 50/50 attendance thing and then only turn in 50% of the stuff you were actually there to have assigned.
Sometimes teachers actually graded tough but those were exceptions to the standard.
James brown
Feb 9, 2006 9:47 PM
I escaped high school with an 86% grade average and passed out top of my class for Dutch as a foreigner in a class full of Dutch people.

Justin "Scorpion Zero" Jones
Feb 10, 2006 1:18 AM
Top 10 in my class...number 7 of 450. 3.94 GPA...I got a B+ is Calc...ugh.
Tim Monger-Godfrey
Feb 10, 2006 2:03 AM
Well, I guess I can't resist - I got an offer to study Geography at Oxford University this coming year! Pretty chuffed really!
Justin "The Mofoin' Man" Gandy
Feb 10, 2006 4:04 AM
dude... its oxford... the fat that i even have spoken to a person who is going to oxford gets me 'chuffed'
Roy Keane
Feb 10, 2006 4:26 AM
if u want a long conversation, msn, yahoo, icq, trillian, aim... thats what its there for ;)

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