Read the FAQ at https://www.oakleytypeo.com/Home/FAQ
Dann Thombs
May 12, 2015 4:48 PM
The only rewards programs I tend to use are passive ones. With Subway, I go enough that once in a while, I get a free-bie, so that's cool. With Amazon, I just run purchases through my card like normal, and get some kickback point for stuff I don't need, but might want. I'd never go into any reward program looking to accrue point specifically, or go out of my way to spend in order to get them. If I go about my business and get something randomly mailed to me once in a while as a 'thanks' for my loyalty, then it's a nice thought, but I'm not going to be aggressive about it.
John Schafhauser
May 12, 2015 7:13 PM
The only rewards programs I tend to use are passive ones. With Subway, I go enough that once in a while, I get a free-bie, so that's cool. With Amazon, I just run purchases through my card like normal, and get some kickback point for stuff I don't need, but might want. I'd never go into any reward program looking to accrue point specifically, or go out of my way to spend in order to get them. If I go about my business and get something randomly mailed to me once in a while as a 'thanks' for my loyalty, then it's a nice thought, but I'm not going to be aggressive about it. - Dann

I agree with you there Dann. I get looks from the cashier whenever I go to a Walgreens or SA with how many points I've accumulated over the years:)
Twenty Fifty
May 12, 2015 9:54 PM
I tend to stick with certain businesses so that I can build points. Car washes, gas stations, credit cards, grocery stores, etc. I've done well with collecting points and getting money back or getting free stuff I would've just have bought myself over the years when sticking to certain brands.

But that's the odd thing about the Type O program. Are they specifically targeting diehard Oakley fanatics/collectors, or is it meant to be a program for just regular people that do enjoy Oakley but need an incentive to buy more (or buy loyally)? I know that if other brands/companies I buy from (but aren't a collector of) sent me a poster or other promo freebies, I wouldn't appreciate it as much as if I just have gotten money/discounts.
Dann Thombs
May 12, 2015 10:17 PM
My o store was soliciting it to all the customers, so it appears they want even the casuals.
paul mcj
May 13, 2015 12:09 AM
I don't have an issue with Type O as it is structured. I think it just doesn't work so great right now. A customer/fan should NOT have to email copies of receipts or jump through hoops to chase down points. If you spend money, link to your email/account, it should be done. Sadly, it seems that part isn't quite working consistently yet.
Dann Thombs
May 13, 2015 2:38 AM
All of my in store purchases have shown up next day. I just make sure they check the loyalty box and get my email right.
Ruben Suarez
May 13, 2015 4:28 AM
I'm having problems with my online orders showing up.

I also agree in having discounts/dollars to spend in return. My thing is, reward me with something that is going to make/help me want to buy more.

On a side note, I just moved up another level and am still only seeing my digital downloads. I didn't know I've spent that much in retail since September. I'd be scared if I could add in my eBay purchases...
John Schafhauser
May 13, 2015 4:11 PM
I bought some items and returned an item in the same transaction on April 25. Points were deducted the very next day for the return. Purchase points have yet to be added:/
andy bentley
May 14, 2015 5:13 AM
Has anyone reached level 20 or 25? My dashboard account has said "Sorry, an error occurred while processing your request. Please try again." for a couple days However when I click profile it gives me my info. With the one reward being time sensitive (2.0 flak lenses 5/1-5/3) I would hope they would be on top of this. Type O seems sloppy and undecided.
Ruben Suarez
May 31, 2015 4:31 PM
Has anyone received or know when the F&F emails are going out? it'd be nice to have an online code this time around.
Eddy C
Jun 8, 2015 6:48 PM
Anyone else try to sign in to Type O yet today? I briefly saw a new home page at www.oakley.com/typeo, but it wouldn't let me log in.

There is a blurb about exclusive Oakley product and early access... wonder what that is referring to?
Kenny "HED" Wu
Jun 8, 2015 10:29 PM
If there was something cooking then they would email us as well
.Greg .F
Jun 10, 2015 1:50 AM
I just logged in and everything looked normal
Chris Hoiberg
Jun 10, 2015 2:13 AM
I've been logged in today and haven't seen any issues.

Lately (last 2 months) all my points from purchases have been showing up the next day.

All customers are being asked to join/sign-up.

I'm still staying optimistic for the program.
Jun 10, 2015 2:20 AM
Nothing different for me either. No unlocks. Nothing much to speak of.
John Schafhauser
Aug 12, 2015 6:25 PM
Got the word/rumor that the Rewards program is taking a break in the near future so they can revamp it. I was talking to my Ostore about how I still have problems with it and that's when they told me. Apparently they are going to "cash out" everyone's points before it stops so when the new program starts up we would all be starting over... Again:/
Anyone else hear anything familiar?
Dann Thombs
Aug 12, 2015 6:58 PM
Heard a few rumors. You could almost guess as much since it hadn't changed since the public release and the lack of e-mail response. I treated it like a curiosity and didn't invest too much in it.
.Greg .F
Aug 13, 2015 2:38 AM
Wonder what Cash out is going to equate to? Im on level 26
Aug 13, 2015 3:12 AM
Damn, that's going to suck, if we have to start all over again. I'm not going out of my way to accumulate points or anything, but I would feel like I'm being cheated in a way.
Twenty Fifty
Aug 13, 2015 5:28 AM
Wonder what Cash out is going to equate to? Im on level 26 - GRFMotorsports

One free eyewear cleaning at your local O Store.

John Schafhauser
Aug 13, 2015 5:44 AM
Wonder what Cash out is going to equate to? Im on level 26 - GRFMotorsports

One free eyewear cleaning at your local O Store.

;) - Oak

Dann Thombs
Aug 13, 2015 2:11 PM
I added points as I happened to buy things, so I didn't go too much out of my way. Had I dug through receipts and registered everything, I may have been put off more.
Chris Hoiberg
Aug 13, 2015 3:09 PM
Make that free cleaning worth it!!! Bring in your Pink or Blue Iridium lenses ;)

One thing it did force my hand in doing something I'd been wanting to do, registering my eyewear; I ended up getting all of mine from the last 2 years registered.

Now as far as cashing out points... I'm curious as to what that means. My Dashboard and Activity Feed have been broken for over a month, so I don't have an official confirmation of what my resting/final level is after a certain point in which I screen captured it. I could calculate it though...

If there's going to be a new program with tiered levels, I would hope that current levels are translated/migrated to the new program... can't say that I'd be willing to go through the last 8mo again until finite details of the new program are released. I proceeded on good faith with the program last time in hopes the wrinkles would be ironed out as the program took off...
Steven Price
Aug 14, 2015 3:57 AM
The type o program is no longer... It's being overhauled.
Kenny "HED" Wu
Aug 21, 2015 4:41 AM
It is Official:

Got this email today with the subject: Type O is Closing the Doors
Type Oâ„¢ Member,
A few months ago, we launched a pilot program to reward our loyal customers, like you. Your loyalty and support of the Oakley brand have helped make Oakley what it is today. We thank you for that support.
Based on the collective feedback we are transitioning from the current Type Oâ„¢ program to a new model of communicating with our customers that will offer similar types of benefits. Our goal of this transition is to simplify the experience for everyone by removing the point system, and providing equal access for all Oakley customers to promotions, events, and other cool opportunities.
Members will continue to accrue points in Type Oâ„¢ until Friday, September 4, 2015. All rewards earned through point accumulation will be distributed shortly after and the point system will be officially closed. The Type Oâ„¢ website www.oakleytypeo.com and your account will be live through October 19, 2015. After this date, you will no longer have access to your points or transaction history. You will remain a part of the Oakley community and continue to be a part of our customer network.
Read the FAQ at https://www.oakleytypeo.com/Home/FAQ

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