18K & FMJ
Nov 1, 2009 10:12 PM
I think I am entitled to my opinions and sentiments without having to answer to "the board", am I not? And where do you get off by "name-calling"? lol You've got to be kidding me. We're reverting right back to my point: "groupthink".

Twenty Fifty
Nov 1, 2009 10:15 PM
If you think this is about having differing opinions or even the ability to give your own opinion, then you missed the point entirely. The question to your common sense still stands.
18K & FMJ
Nov 1, 2009 10:27 PM
I've been an Oakley fan for nearly 18 years now. Really, there is nothing to prove to you (Oak) or anyone else. But for your sake, I will explain this in simple terms so even you can understand:

Oakley was founded by Jim, not Lux. Colin and others came aboard and made Oakley what it is today, not Lux. Oakley has been more than impressive for years and years, not Lux (my opinion). In fact, Lux has had exactly the opposite effect: they have sickened me (again, my feelings/opinions).

Oakley has been purchased by Lux. I have to accept that. But that doesn't mean I have to like it. Nor does it mean I have to like Lux. So when I say "I HATE LUXOTTICA.", that is my opinion, based my personal past experiences and observations and I am entilted to that. I do not need someone - anyone - to harrass me (especially infantile "name-calling") because I don't "conform" to what "most of the others" are saying and/or thinking. I still hate Lux. If you love Lux, good for you. But I don't. Jim, Colin, and other very talented, inventive, industrious, and hard-working individuals created Oakley, not Lux. And I owe Lux no homage. End of story.

Twenty Fifty
Nov 1, 2009 10:34 PM
Now was that really all that difficult?

You seem to think people care whether your opinion is positive or negative. Get over it. There're people who've got negative opinions on Lux in this thread as there're those who have positive opinions about them.
Francois C
Nov 1, 2009 10:39 PM
Oh wow, you must have been raped by some Luxottica's rep' because so much hate for someone or something can only be justified by some strong facts.
Beside the fact that Luxottica is a typical capitalist group so they only think with money in mind, regardless to the brand's fans, I don't see that much things to hate.
Andrew Berben
Nov 1, 2009 10:40 PM
I agree with most of you. LuxOttica can not be blamed for anything until things really do go bad. The Co-Pilot event was a great thing for collectors, and overall Oakley still feels like Oakley.
For me the only thing that is a bit annoying about this whole merger so far is how quickly Lux is churning out styles and colorways. It just seems like styles are coming out much more frequently than before.
paul mcj
Nov 2, 2009 1:38 AM
It's not so much whether I hate or love Lux, because I don't really know a damn thing about Lux. I think the whole discussion is really about whether you think Lux has influenced Oakley to the degree that your passion/enjoyment/love for Oakley is diminished, waivering, or just plain gone.

Without special knowledge or contacts that most of us don't have, we just don't know what we see from Oakley is of any impact from Lux. It's just that Lux is such an easy scapegoat for everything you don't like. My thought is that until we start seeing some corporate cookie-cutter feel from the employees of Oakley and HQ, there is still a lot to love at Oakley.

Hey, Oakley is what I like. A lot of their stuff really rocks. If you can find 20-40+ purchases warranted each year, there is some pretty decent gear being produced. Some of their stuff may not break barriers, but they have a way of turning something potentially ordinary into something with some edge to it.
Anthony Gullace
Nov 2, 2009 3:52 AM
Guy's the burning question for me is.
Do you think that if Jim was still at the helm. Would the direction Oakley are taking be different and if so in what way?

I personaly think it would be different.
My guess is we wouldent see as many models produced/released which seem to comform (have less differenciation to other brands) or are marketed to the mass population.

I can see what he is doing at RED follows the same formula he used at Oakley and I am excited whats happening in that space.

The biggest dissapointment for me with LUX taking over is that Jim's Legacy slowly seems to be fading away at the O.
rey B
Nov 2, 2009 5:46 AM
let's face reality, Oakley would not survive if the market is only for collectors. Oakley would not survive the current economy if not for lux approach to mainstream. So let's just face it and move on.
Rick (The Doctor) Fawcett
Nov 2, 2009 6:50 AM
Before Luxottica owned Oakley, I had a gorgeous head of thick hair. Since the "merge" I've been thinning like a son of a bitch. Coincidence? Doubt it. Lux is to blame.
Andrew Gregory
Nov 2, 2009 11:21 AM
lol...I wonder what else has gone wrong since the merge, not just the loss of Rick's hair...
Paul Court
Nov 2, 2009 1:13 PM
Heh Oak, do we not all appreciate the fine intricacies of Oakley design? The minutiae which singles out my understanding of what could sometimes be defined as true 'design genius'! Then accept what others have to say, being you come from a democratic society?
I collect Oakleys :one for the design and two for functionality. That's it. As for the politics, hell they can 'battle in the boardroom' as much as they see fit.
The pricing concerns me more than those of you in the 'States, but then no doubt there'll be someone else in the world who'll be paying an extra forty or fifty bucks(your speak) more than I do, so it's just a case of being wise as to how you purchase. Said my piece.
Twenty Fifty
Nov 2, 2009 4:27 PM
Heh Oak, do we not all appreciate the fine intricacies of Oakley design? The minutiae which singles out my understanding of what could sometimes be defined as true 'design genius'! Then accept what others have to say, being you come from a democratic society?
What made you think that I didn't accept what others have to say? If you read what I've wrote, at no point did I have an issue with anyone's stance on a topic. I do however have an issue with an individual calling all opposing opinions 'groupthink' when his previous comments contributed nothing at all.
Nik Gutscher
Nov 2, 2009 6:10 PM
He who laughs last laughs best.

I always thought it was "He who laughs last is the dumbest guy in the room."

Who knew?
Bryan Fin7
Nov 2, 2009 6:27 PM
Is the blaming of Luxottica for every little thing that Oakley does wrong in your eyes really necessary? Get over it. The complaint is just so tired.
I think the initial statement said it all,
which I believed to be rhetorical.

My analogy is the underground artist / band, few people are into get critical acclaim, then become succesful.
The diehard fans wish they would re-write the first album.
This isn't going to happen. The artist / band refines their sound and hones in on a market.

Lux has the framework for Oakley to excel

It is what it is and it won't be changing so live with it or get out.
Totally agree Mike. Though my personal maxim is "If you don't like it fuck off" I have a badge of said maxim.
Not aimed at anyone but myself.

BTW What's groupthink? Sounds Orwellian.
Nov 2, 2009 6:44 PM
Luxottica , I believe, also is responsible for the 3rd world debt and the breakup of the Beatles in 1970...previously known as Yokottica if I recall
www.drchop shop.com
Nov 2, 2009 6:51 PM
Do you think there was a conspiracy with Lux to assassinate John Lenon?? Maybe...They may have supplied the lethal dose of heroin to Sid Vicious despite the common knowledge that his mother did. I think they also may have been the reason the Big 3 auto makers here in the states took such a large hit when the market started crapping out.

Nov 2, 2009 6:55 PM
and Jim Morrison...c'mon a bath never killed anyone...(Died in bathtub made by_____?)
Bryan Fin7
Nov 2, 2009 6:57 PM
Ohh that's good!
www.drchop shop.com
Nov 2, 2009 7:01 PM
dum dadum dum dummmmmmmmm.....looks like we need to investigate everything that has happened...Although I don't think lux was a glimmer in an eye when Morrison passed...Maybe that's just what they want us to think though. There was something embedded in eyewear for generations to alter the end user's thinking and actions. That's it, yeah...
Dorian Davies
Nov 2, 2009 7:35 PM
Luxottica is responsible for all the anal probing you hear about in the redneck belt...they also sunk Atlantis and are responsible for that annoying lint build-up that happens in your belly button.
www.drchop shop.com
Nov 2, 2009 7:37 PM

Too Much Info....hahaha
Nov 2, 2009 7:37 PM
Then its worse than I thought...very much worse
Francois C
Nov 2, 2009 8:36 PM
Does global warming mean something for anyone ? Yep, that too !
www.drchop shop.com
Nov 2, 2009 8:45 PM
Time for Oakley to mass produce giant sunscreen lenses to place over the poles and bring UV A, B, & C Protection for the melting ice caps and reduce the heat and exposure. Oakley prevail!!

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