18K & FMJ
Jan 14, 2010 10:00 PM
So for several weeks now I have been trying to track down an unobtainium replacement band for the TBII. I was thinking of wearing it but wanted to be prepared with a second band in the event that the first band would be cut a bit too short.

I called HQ and spoke with the watch department three weeks ago. I explained that I needed a replacement unobtainium band and offered to pay for one. The customer service rep said that they would speak with their supervisor and have a new band sent out at no charge, which I was very pleased with. They also promised a callback within a few days to verify this. No one ever called back.

I called the next week to inquire about the status of the replacement band but was told there was no record of our previous conversation. Again, I explained the situation and asked to purchase a replacement unobtainum underlay for the TBII. Again, the rep on the line stated that he would speak with his supervisor and get back to me, and that it should be no problem to send out a replacement band for free. No one ever called back.

Today I called yet again, because there was no communication from Oakley on this issue. I spoke with another rep who read through the notes and stated that the watch warranty department would not send out a replacement band because I would be "required" to send in my TBII for band replacement. I again explained that the band had not yet been cut, but that I wanted an extra band on hand in case it was needed. The rep still insisted that the band had to replaced by Oakley...

I attempted to use simple logic and asked if I took the time, effort, and money to send Oakley a brand new TBII if they would simply send the watch back to me along with a replacement unobtainium band. The answer was "yes".

"So you can't just send me a replacement band if I pay for it without me having to send in the watch?"

"No, you must send the watch in to us."

"But I will have to package the watch up, take a special trip to the post office, and insure the watch for a considerable amount of money."

"We can send you a pre-paid return authoriziation label which covers shipping."

"OK. I appreciate that. But why would the company pay for shipping of such an expensive item to and from their HQ if all they have to do instead is simply send out an unobtainium replacement band - which I am willing to pay for?"

"Sorry, those are the rules."

Ummmmmm.... OK, yeah. Nice.

www.drchop shop.com
Jan 14, 2010 10:48 PM
So cut it right the first time and sweat the band when and if the time comes. Not really an issue until you try to put it back to stock length, which if you wear it, that won't be a problem.
Spencer Dean
Jan 14, 2010 10:49 PM
Nike, did you order it from Oakley.com or thru the 800 number? If you didn't and ordered it thru your OPD, I can see their point. They want to protect their intellectual property and ensure that you indeed do own a TBII. Now, if you did order it directly from them and they are being difficult, I can see your frustration...
www.drchop shop.com
Jan 14, 2010 10:56 PM
no, not from the site or the 800 number. maybe that is a reason why they want to stick it to you...you stuck it to them on price point HAHA
paul jewiss
Jan 14, 2010 11:05 PM
doesnt sound like they are being to great on the customer service front, even down to not returning the promised telephone calls, thats hardly reassuring you in order to want to be a repeat customer again....very annoying.
Jan 14, 2010 11:20 PM
Thanks for going through all that trouble and sharing it with us Terrorism. I also called a little while ago asking for a replacement band ..buying it and all that.. same as you as I had not cut mine. They told me that they would not be selling them at this time...whatever that meant..and that I would have to send it in to get it replaced.
It is such an unnecessary hassle.

Is this the standard for all cut-to-size unobotainum band watches..ie. crankcase, 12 Gauge? or do they sell those.

I actually managed to almost size my TBII without cutting the band. It is just a trial but seems to be relatively stable.
I will post pics when I get back.

Oakley has got to sell the band.
paul mcj
Jan 15, 2010 1:05 AM
I would not want to be the reps on the phone with an aggressive Terror on the other end of that line.
18K & FMJ
Jan 15, 2010 6:08 AM
I would not want to be the reps on the phone with an aggressive Terror on the other end of that line.

No, no. I wasn't agressive at all. Very pacific, actually. But I still do not understand why they do not offer better support for a product that requires the consumer to physically cut the band - even if I would have to pay for the replacement. And yes, I think that they could definitely step up their customer service...

Steve Pieces
Jan 15, 2010 4:28 PM
I'm going through something similar with my Minute Machine. I contacted them through their Twitter rep to inquire about getting different bands (Ti and Unobtainium) and was given the e-mail address of someone in Customer Service. Wrote an e-mail explaining what I was looking for and got a quick response. I then asked a follow-up question and all of a sudden the response came from a different person via the info@oakley.com address and now I wait days for responses and that's usually after I send the same e-mail twice.
Justin "Scorpion Zero" Jones
Jan 15, 2010 9:42 PM
That's garbage. You drop that kind of cash on their gear, especially a TBII, which is suposed to be the pinnacle of their watches and then get treated like that? I remember the Oakley that gave a damn about their customers.
www.drchop shop.com
Jan 15, 2010 10:02 PM
Good luck getting a ti bracelet. They are $430 or $450 and you can't get them anyway. I wanted one for one of mine for a long time and just get run around every time I ask...Rubber are $115 I think and they can be had, but they are the new ones with the grooves in them like the holeshot. Not the smooth flat ones from before, and they don't include the ti link connectors or buckles.
Jan 15, 2010 10:09 PM
This is not meant to be an attack on anyone, Just an expiation of what I believe is going on.

While I can understand the frustration there is a reason behind what they are doing.

The reason is two fold, they want to have the bands available for customers that acutaly have an issue not customers who want a back up band siting on a shelf ready to go, and they need bands to put on completed watches so they can sell them. If they give out a band to one person that calls wanting a back up band, they have to give out a band to everyone that calls for one and they run out of bands for the people with an issue. Think about how pissed you would be if your band was cut wrong and you could not get a replacement because they were on backorder from being handed out as back ups.

The reason they want you to send the watch is for brand protection. A counterfeiter or competing company would love to be able to call up say they have a TBII and get sent the band for nothing. Then they could at no cost to them have a prototype to reverse engineer for there own product. Sending in the watch ensures that you are an actual customer. Another thing with just sending out a band with out knowing there is a watch at the receiving end is you would see the things popping up on ebay for stupid amounts of money when the person got it for free.

That said I think once production catches up you will then be able to buy the band out right. I doubt it will be cheep, but I think you will be able to do it.

This is not meant to be an attack on anyone, Just an expiation of what I believe is going on.
www.drchop shop.com
Jan 15, 2010 10:15 PM
certainly understandable. I know for my tank though, I have brought it in and can't seem to get movement on the ti band. Oh well I guess, just have to buy a whole watch and suck it up HAHA....Good excuse to get the copper faced. Just wish I could have sourced a brown leather before it was killed. Need one of those real bad since the only brown Oakley watch I have is the Stealth Judge...
18K & FMJ
Jan 15, 2010 10:41 PM
That sounds a bit more logical, Defender, and I certainly appreciate the explanation. I think that many people there know that I have spent quite a bit of money on my collection over these past 18 years, however, and it would have been nice to see them make an exception for a long-term customer. But I do see your points that were made and they seem very valid.

www.drchop shop.com
Jan 15, 2010 10:48 PM
get over this whole "I've spent "X" dollars and deserve special treatment. They won't do it, and especially since they know that is the logic being used. That is the first mistake and it will haunt you forever. Toyota doesn't care if you buy 50 used cars, you are still just a customer like everyone else, and protocol applies to you the same as anyone else. You buy a Lambo from Lambo, and you get treatment initially, but after that wears off, you are another owner. It's called business.
18K & FMJ
Jan 15, 2010 10:49 PM
There's nothing to "get over". Thanks.

paul jewiss
Jan 15, 2010 11:27 PM
i see it from josh angle in that it is a business, but i also see it from nikes. as someone who runs his own business, its not only about getting the client or getting the sale, its also about providing a good level of after care to your customers, which in turn creates repeat and possibly new customers as a result-not returning calls or emails is just poor on any level, but i have to agree with TERRORISM in that a customer of 18 years who has spent a considerable amount of money on the brand should get that level of service, just like anyone who is a first time customer...

im not taking sides, just putting my personal thoughts in.
Jan 16, 2010 8:16 AM
I think its kind of messed up, but most high end companies do the same thing. They don't freely send out parts to their product, they make you send your item to them.

I think if another company wanted to reverse engineer the TBII they would just buy one and do it. I'm sure its patented anyway so they probably wouldn't get very far.
www.drchop shop.com
Jan 16, 2010 7:49 PM
No, there is plenty to get over. You can't expect them to treat you any different than the guy who has 1 pair. PERIOD! You have created a stigma for yourself because of this attitude. You are no different than any other buyer. If you paid full price for everything, bought it there in person, or at a flagship store, you might get a little more in reception, but you don't. I don't expect a damn thing from them except quality product, and I have helped them in more ways than 1, and saved them probably 3 times the money you have spent. I have also spent in excess of $40,000 that I have documented receipts for, so does that make me special??? NO! Get over it! You, and anyone else may feel similar in that you have an emotional attachment, but that is where it stops. It is still a business, and it is a bottom line issue. They are protecting their intellectual rights, preventing counterfeiting of an Elite piece, and they just don't hand this kind of stuff out. Send them a watch with a messed up band, they will replace it and keep the jacked up one.

Simple. If you feel you need further elaboration on it, talk to the guy who pulled you aside at the Co-Pilot event, I am sure he can help clarify things. As far as no return calls or follow up, that isn't good business, but it may be a case by case basis as I have never had to deal with a return call from them. They just usually handle it, and because I am local, I go in.
paul jewiss
Jan 16, 2010 8:19 PM
Twenty Fifty
Jan 16, 2010 8:23 PM
Well said, Josh. It's a good life lesson for people to adhere to.
18K & FMJ
Jan 17, 2010 4:15 AM
Well, you hit the nail on the head, Josh. You are correct. Just because I have spent over $80,000 on Oakley product over the past 18 years does not make me any different than any other customer. Not at all. Silly me. What was I thinking? I should be treated exactly the same as the other guy who has bought one pair.

They are protecting their intellectual rights, preventing counterfeiting of an Elite piece, and they just don't hand this kind of stuff out.
They know very well who I am and that I am not attempting to "counterfeit" their product. And if you bothered to "read" what I had stated earlier, it clearly states that I offered to "pay" for a new band. I expected "nothing" for free. Again, thanks for your thoughtful insight.

www.drchop shop.com
Jan 17, 2010 7:47 AM
Well, you hit the nail on the head, Josh. You are correct. Just because I have spent over $80,000 on Oakley product over the past 18 years does not make me any different than any other customer. Not at all. Silly me. What was I thinking? I should be treated exactly the same as the other guy who has bought one pair.
Excuse this, but it has to be said *You're God Damn Right!!!* Finally you are starting to understand...If you haven't already detected the sarcasm in that, you should.

They know very well who I am and that I am not attempting to "counterfeit" their product. And if you bothered to "read" what I had stated earlier, it clearly states that I offered to "pay" for a new band. I expected "nothing" for free. Again, thanks for your thoughtful insight.
Yes Nike, we all know they know who you are, how much you have spent, and EXACTLY what you are after when you call or make requests. Have you ever thought maybe they are aware too, and that's what leads you to end up at the point you do? Once again, get over it.

Do you honestly think any one single person gives a rat's A$$ about how much you have spent, all the things you have, and how you think? No. You piss people off, you squeeze others who just try to be kind, and you expect people to do things for you that are above and beyond the call of duty, let alone above and beyond what anyone else here gets. Nobody is impressed who has half a clue about how your mind works.

So you spent 80k, you eat cup 'o noodles, and you don't pay insurance...That's nice. There are many many others out there who spend a lot of money with Oakley, eat steak, and don't say SH!T. You might try it sometime because it works. O-**** is one of the nicest guys around, and guess what??? He has tons of stuff too. You don't hear him pissing about how Oakley didn't bend over backwards for him because he spent "X" amount of money...He just deals with it. He also has quite the collection too. You aren't the only one.

I am truly sorry that you feel the need to whine about how you don't get this or that just because. It really brings to light the character of who you are and that is what drives people further away. Oakley is a very casual company as all of us Co-Pilots were blessed to see, it's just too bad you didn't/don't comprehend how they work. If this has offended anyone, sux to be you. It is not meant to offend anyone, just point out the reality of this kind of crap. There are rules, and then there are exceptions.
18K & FMJ
Jan 17, 2010 8:16 AM

Yes Nike, we all know they know who you are, how much you have spent, and EXACTLY what you are after when you call or make requests. Have you ever thought maybe they are aware too, and that's what leads you to end up at the point you do? Once again, get over it.
I requested that the company support a piece that was considered "Elite"; nothing more, nothing less. It seems that you still do not understand that it was clearly stated that I wanted to "purchase" a replacement band. If there's something wrong with that, Josh, please let us know. The two reps that I spoke with initially offered to send me a replacement band for FREE - I did not ask for this. I hope this is clear now.

Do you honestly think any one single person gives a rat's A$$ about how much you have spent, all the things you have, and how you think? No. You piss people off, you squeeze others who just try to be kind, and you expect people to do things for you that are above and beyond the call of duty, let alone above and beyond what anyone else here gets. Nobody is impressed who has half a clue about how your mind works.
I'll tell you what, Josh: keep your personal attacks out of the threads. I could honestly care less about what you think of me, and your opinions stated here mean nothing. You've made a complete ass of yourself on several occassions recently, needlessly arguing with and publicly bashing other members in the threads, and people see this. I made a factual observation about Oakley's lack of support for their product and lack of customer service, and did not make any personal attacks on anyone.

So you spent 80k, you eat cup 'o noodles, and you don't pay insurance...That's nice. There are many many others out there who spend a lot of money with Oakley, eat steak, and don't say SH!T. You might try it sometime because it works. O-**** is one of the nicest guys around, and guess what??? He has tons of stuff too. You don't hear him pissing about how Oakley didn't bend over backwards for him because he spent "X" amount of money...He just deals with it. He also has quite the collection too. You aren't the only one.
No one ever asked anyone to "bend over backwards". Where do you come up with this stuff? Seriously? I asked to "purchase" a replacement band. The company failed to support their "Elite" product and made a request that seemed ridiculous. Plain and simple. And you're precisely correct when you say that many other members "don't say shit", as you so eloquently put it: most members don't even want to post anymore because of dickheads that start arguments in the threads. Imagine that...

I am truly sorry that you feel the need to whine about how you don't get this or that just because. It really brings to light the character of who you are and that is what drives people further away. Oakley is a very casual company as all of us Co-Pilots were blessed to see, it's just too bad you didn't/don't comprehend how they work. If this has offended anyone, sux to be you. It is not meant to offend anyone, just point out the reality of this kind of crap. There are rules, and then there are exceptions.
Glad you mentioned "whining", because no one wanted to hear you bitch and moan about how Oakley Elite boots were made in China. In fact, most members probably could care less as long as the quality is still there (which I'm sure it is). But it's OK for you to "whine"; just don't let anyone else say anything, or Josh the Sheriff will come to town and set the record straight. Same stunt you pulled with Eric, making frivolous accusations with him right in the threads. Grow up. If you have a problem with me, Eric, or anyone else don't be such a crabass and post negative remarks in the threads. Send a PM instead. Or maybe that would make too much sense.

If you don't like me, that's great. If you have a problem with me and really need to discuss it, send a PM.
www.drchop shop.com
Jan 17, 2010 8:41 AM
Do you want me to actually take the swing at things??? You want to provoke it Nike?? I am not Ollie (remember the d!ckhead that started that engagement was you), and won't resort to cheap shots. You don't amuse me with you attempting to retain some testicular fortitude publicly. As for the "Taking Cheap Shots", consider that a shot across the bow. I can sink your dingy quite easily. What is funny is that you take it as a cheap shot in the first place. The truth hurts, so if you don't like it, change the truth. I can tell you I get more praise for setting you straight than I get flak for, so apparently it goes noticed, just not to your benefit.

Nike, you posted, I responded, you countered, I voiced the general consensus here, and I have the knowledge and spine to check you on it. You aren't the "Great Collector" you portray yourself as. You may spend a lot of money, but you are far from true to this game. You help nobody but yourself Nike, you have no intent but to better your position, and you don't care how far you go with people to get it.

As for this one
Glad you mentioned "whining", because no one wanted to hear you bitch and moan about how Oakley Elite boots were made in China. In fact, most members probably could care less as long as the quality is still there (which I'm sure it is). But it's OK for you to "whine"; just don't let anyone else say anything, or Josh the Sheriff will come to town and set the record straight. Same stunt you pulled with Eric, making frivolous accusations with him right in the threads. Grow up. If you have a problem with me, Eric, or anyone else don't be such a crabass and post negative remarks in the threads
I didn't whine first off. I merely made my argument about the fact that Elite product shouldn't be made overseas under any circumstance. No foul there. Whining would happen to be what you are doing. Oh poor me, Oakley won't bend the rules because I spend this much, or I have that much. That is crap. Blah Blah Blah...That is whining. Big difference. As for mine and Eric's dispute, it has been settled. I am so glad you show concern though. Much different scenario, but since you seem to be knowledgeable on the subject, enlighten us all....Please do.

Now, for the other part....
No one ever asked anyone to "bend over backwards". Where do you come up with this stuff? Seriously?
Oh Nike, how funny you are and how fast you forget. You asked for a lot...I won't elaborate on the exact details simply because your F'ING greed put people in positions that could cost them their livelihoods. Just to even ask anyone at Oakley for anything at all is absolute greed, but to ask over and over, abuse it, and use it solely for your benefit alone, that is just bad. I feel no need to PM you anything. You post in public, I am posting in public. No personal information is being exchanged or made public, so enjoy.

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