Paul Sollenberger
Jun 4, 2006 11:27 PM
Ok, I know most people are die-hard one way or the other but I am looking to replace my laptop (currently an Acer) and I am really taking a hard look at the new macBook, white w/512dram & upgrade to 100gig hard drive. I want my next laptop to be small, so I am going with a 13in monitor/screen. I have a 17in now and this is just big when you are in a car or on a plane.

If anyone has some words of wisdom I would greatly appreciate it.

Tom Teichert
Jun 5, 2006 12:23 AM
I think the best option you can get. I own Vaio, but in fact I wanted an apple.
Tim Monger-Godfrey
Jun 5, 2006 1:47 AM
If you are looking for something more portable - an IBM X series (either a X31 or a X41, or even an X60) depending on budget - rock solid build quality, excellent warranty, and discreet looks.
Jun 5, 2006 1:51 AM
I'm in the same situation. Looked at an MSI Megabook S270 this week. My budget is not large enough to be able to afford IBM or Aple.
Paul Sollenberger
Jun 5, 2006 2:23 AM
Well, 1250 for the macBook is not bad and gets me a little less memory and ram than most other brands but I guess the feature there is supposed to be that it is an Apple.
Mike Bahr
Jun 5, 2006 3:04 AM
I'm 100% Biased....go the Apple. It's getting some killer reviews and looks a million bucks. I'd also stick with the white, the extra $ for black is a rip off. But if you can up the ram, yo can alsways use more ram.
Plus once you start using front row you'll be hooked. Just so easy to find things and it looks so cool.
Lastly MAC OSX is the best OS out there...how the world accepts windows is a travesty.
Rick (The Doctor) Fawcett
Jun 5, 2006 4:00 AM
I can't stand Apple's. Sorry dude. We use them at work (like most elementary schools these days) and I cannot stand them. It's Windows all the way for this cowboy. Mind you, I'm a novice so my opinion doesn't really count for much.
Justin "Scorpion Zero" Jones
Jun 5, 2006 4:14 AM
Hey Paul, I have never owned an apple in my life, but if I could trade my current PC in for an Apple, I would. My girlfriend has a powerbook and it is amazing...never any problems.

Also, even though you have less RAM and such compared to a PC, it doesnt matter. Apples require less everything simply because they are Apples...like processing speed for a PC and an Apple are completely different...Apples don't need to run the Windows platform so they need less processing speed and the rest.

Also, my friend builds CPU's and he tells me all that stuff doesnt matter. Its more FSB(Front Side Bus) and Cache that make computers fast...in fact, the fastest CPUs out there only run on around 400-600mHz.
i Q
Jun 5, 2006 4:30 AM
Another vote for Apple. Mac OS X is different, no doubt about it, but it looks better and is as if not more functional as Windows. Heck, you can have both Windows and Mac OS X on the new Intel machines, which is definitely a bonus. Build quality and warranty services are top-notch as well.

If you don't plan to use graphics intensive programs, then I'd most definitely 100% go with the MacBook.
Paul Carpenter
Jun 5, 2006 4:39 AM
If you don't expect to do major gaming on the machine, you really can't go wrong with the Macbook. No matter what PC folks might say, there are no PC products that can match the overall design quality and flexibility of the Apple machines. As has been mentioned, you can already run XP on the Macbook, adn the capability will improve as time goes on. FOlks are already triple-booting Linux/XP/OS X on machines now. That's pretty darn cool.

Apple makes quality products that just work. I've used Windows and Mac for a really long time, and Apple has been my platform of choice for 15 years now and it's rarely let me down.

Rodney Moffitt
Jun 6, 2006 2:16 AM
Once you go mac, you never go back... I got a powerbook two years ago and it's still going strong, with never a hitch. The new macbook looks great, the black especially so, although (as mentioned) it's not worth the extra cash - spend it on RAM instead. I must admit to having had a vision of owning a black OROKR with my black ipod, and whipping out a black macbook from a black SI bag... Plus, if you're lucky enough to live near an Apple Store, the support you can get from the genius bar is fantastic.
Brian Johnson
Jun 7, 2006 7:21 AM
I'm typing this on an Acer laptop right now and I love this machine. It's bigger than what you're shopping for though. I would recommend the Lenovo/IBM products though as my roomie just got one that has been stellar. Getting into Apple has always seemed very much like painting yourself into a corner so that you're stuck with their stuff.

I've also never heard of a real dual-boot Mac. I know OSX has the ability to run XP programs and OS, but I don't think that Mac hardware can actually boot XP by itself.

edit: it can't: only the intel macs will do it.
Paul Sollenberger
Jun 7, 2006 7:38 AM
I currently have an Acer, great computer just the 17in screen is bigger than I would like for portability. The macbook I am zeroing in on is the intel dual core processor wich is a plus. And if I dont really like the apple I am giving my brother my laptop as an early graduation gift (not early for graduation, but he is graduating two years early to go to a math/science academy at a local university) and i am sure he would not mind trading as he is a computer junkie and would use anything.
Eric Arsenault
Jun 7, 2006 10:11 AM
I used a Dell Inspiron , and it was either a Dell or a MAC for their killer warranties,but since it was my first computer, 4 years ago,I went with Dell and their complete care warranty.

Nothing wrong to say about them, one time I put my feet on the screen by accident and 3 days later it was back at my place, like a new one, no hassle and without costing me anything, that was also like 2 weeks before the end of the warranty lol

So my next laptop will be a Dell for sure.
Jun 7, 2006 10:33 AM
Can I hook up my (possibly next) Apple to my wireless network at home without too much hassle?
i Q
Jun 7, 2006 10:40 AM
I don't see why not.
Mike Bahr
Jun 7, 2006 11:44 AM
to easy ed...Just get airport extreme with it and you set.

As for Booting XP on a Mac....Yes you can if you have a new INTEL based Macbook, Macbook Pro, Mac Mini or iMac. You install a program called Bootcamp which is available from Apple and you can then choose to boot Windows XP or Mac OSX. Both work perfectly under the Intel Proccessors in a Mac.
Zik Alikhan
Jun 9, 2006 1:34 AM
Maybe this will help u decide... lol~
OB session
Jun 9, 2006 1:44 AM
If you're not a big gamer, you can run Parallels which costs $39 if you preorder. With Parallels you can run Windows within MacOS X at near native speeds. I run it, and it runs incredibly fast for a virtualized desktop.
Jumpman23 Mamba Triple Ocho
Jun 10, 2006 12:41 AM
I hate Apple's too. I had to use them at my last company and I dreaded it. I guess Apples are really good for graphic design. I think Apples should stick to ipods.

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