Isn't the point of Stretchline is that they're a special model line? Why would they make individual colorway combos a Stretchline but not others? I don't understand
I was told that going forward they will not be shipping (I know they have in the past). There can be too many legal problems with shipping. All O stores and Vaults are supposed to direct anyone who wants something shipped to and the 1-800 number who has all the checks and balances for shipping direct. Its a case of the few bad people out there to rip companies off spoil it for us honest people.
Tick, for the most part you are correct. Stretch is aimed at the Surf/Skate/Snow/MX hard core crowd. That why you only see them in select Surf/Skate/Snow/MX shops. The O decided that color ways that were a little edger (V.I. Riddle, Grape G.C.) were targeted more to that crowed and there for sent only to Stretch dealers, their for making them stretch line. Confusing I know! =)
Ruby Clear Riddles were never available for retail sale. They were given out to attendees of the London O-Store VIP party. The goody bag also contained G30 Gascans. Adam, Oak and Lex have pics in their collection.
i can see the point of O-Stores not being able to ship because of legal reasons or another. what bothers me is that most items (especially apparel and footwear) with different colourways are not available on, so if an O-Store employee directs a customer to the website, it's a moot point. Oakley really has to do something about having a full line of items on their website.