I'm just happy that it's not a recast of the original. I don't mind if something doesn't hit the mark if it's trying something new. That's how things evolve. - Dann
im confused! if this was the plan all along what is up with the palace ones that are exactly the same as the originals just with better stronger O-matter?
I want to see them in person before I make a decision but i fear i will be forced to get all of them either way!
- LEX7
im confused! if this was the plan all along what is up with the palace ones that are exactly the same as the originals just with better stronger O-matter? - LEX7
No way so the coachella pairs were just to get everyone talking about original shape eye jackets to help promote the palace release eventually?
Damn was really hoping for that splatter pair and the one Halsey was wearing!
- LEX7
It's the one I IM'd you a while back. I can see if I can dig it up. - Dann