Romeo Aficionado
Sep 4, 2013 4:52 PM
Come on LEX dont be a tease! Whacha got? lol
paul mcj
Sep 4, 2013 5:13 PM
LEX, I had similar feelings - but then realized they must be the bottom-feeder pairs that Dann isn't worried about finding easily and cheaply.
Romeo Aficionado
Sep 4, 2013 5:39 PM
He posted his list and who dosent like easily and cheaply? lol

Im sure if people make things known to the posters there can be some items scratched off some lists!
Mayan Power
Paul S
Sep 4, 2013 6:10 PM
I had flesh shoes back in 2003. To this day they were the most comfortable shoes I have ever had and their sole was awesome. If only the big O would reissue those!!
EJ Man
Sep 5, 2013 1:36 AM
ha ha, not meant to tease was meant to make me feel good and humanize you to the rest of us after seeing Dann's pics of your godlike collection.

Im afraid the two i have from your list i wouldnt trade for anything as the Splice Murasaki is my only splice and i just love the lens and the trenchcoat because they are my second fave pairs and all the "old" guys on here remember what i went through trying to complete the trenchcoats!

but im sure there are many other members here who could help you out and we all know you have lots to offer on a trade, ha ha ha
.Greg .F
Sep 5, 2013 1:39 AM
Ive got a camo Trenchie..... here mater mater mater.... lol
Dann Thombs
Sep 5, 2013 2:19 AM
all the "old" guys on here remember what i went through trying to complete the trenchcoats! - LEX7

Before the eye jacket quest. We can blame you for the complete collection sickness
.Greg .F
Sep 5, 2013 3:26 AM
Damn Lex, I need to see some pics of this collection.
Twenty Fifty
Sep 5, 2013 4:21 AM
FGG's got the right idea. Put down and update your hit list as you think of new items, and perhaps you might just get your desired items in shorter time than you would have otherwise.
James Hounslow
Sep 5, 2013 9:04 AM
I have an Orange iridium 67 lens.

Would I part with it? Hmmmm seeing as I'm after other iridium mumbo/m frame rare lenses maybe not (unless you have lenses I'm after to do a straight swap?)
Francois C
Sep 5, 2013 9:57 AM
Not exhaustive but :
- Mars Leather (that would complete my Mars collection)
- OTT black/ruby and then I could get rid of my three other OTT
- Flight Deck Helmet

All of those are now sold for ridiculous prices. So I guess I'll never be able to get them but I'm fine with that.
EJ Man
Sep 5, 2013 10:43 AM
ahhh those were the days.

I know it was trenchcoats first, then in the time it took me to complete all but one damn EJ!!!!!!!!!!! I did the splatter m-frames and the X-metal XX's and the topcoats. its weird cos ive had no desire to complete anything else since ha ha!

Greg there were some funny pictures of my trenchcoat completion with big numbers painted on my head but those went with the turkish hackers. I need to check what pics i still have or better yet take some new ones!
Dann Thombs
Sep 5, 2013 1:43 PM
I might have some of those photos on the old server box.
EJ Man
Sep 5, 2013 2:21 PM
Its ok i found them and some other gems i forgot i had, its amazing looking at the old collection pics. the way i used to arrange things, stuff that was next to eachother in my first display but is now in different rooms in my current display.

Robert Lake
Sep 25, 2013 8:01 PM
here is mine

MJ metal business card
Skull Cup Champion Belt
Skull Cup Trophy 2012
Skull Cup Trophy 2011
Murasaki Splice box only
Core Cube
Jim Jannard business cards through the years
Gold Blade watch
Black / Ruby Blade II OTT
Bicycle Frame badge
FMJ watch
Chrome Fast Jacket
Mask display (Audio Bob??)
Medusa (L/XL) w/ Goggles
Thumbprint Umbrella

Sep 8, 2013 8:37 PM
All I really have is about 500 pounds of aluminum.
James Hounslow
Sep 27, 2013 9:32 PM
Neon Mumbo

That's all I want then for my (until next limited edition radar release) collection to be complete

Just sealed the deal. I promised myself no more Oakleys until next year!
Dann Thombs
Sep 28, 2013 12:29 AM
Nice one. Always good to cross off a grail
paul jewiss
Sep 28, 2013 9:58 AM
Get in James
I know thir beauties will be worth the investment!
Ruben Suarez
Oct 2, 2013 3:37 AM
Currently hunting:

Grape polarized Twitch
Iron wood w/vr28 polarized Tangent
Any reasonable X Squared
Something odd colored, but not crazy...

I'm trying to open up my mind to different styles. I lean towards squared frames, but I tried on some hijinx and different jackets and was impressed with the fit.
Oakley Shoe Fan
Damien Smith
Oct 2, 2013 10:43 AM
Shoeone low silver size 12
Spline shoe(skate like) in sand size 12

12 Gauge Watch
Minute Machine watch
Titanium Gearbox Watch

I have to look at what Sunnies i love to get lol. Have a love for carbon fiber
Dann Thombs
Oct 2, 2013 1:32 PM
The Tangent was one of those pairs that sort of passed me by, but I wanted to get one. It's on my list, but since it's not in the 1984-2005 time frame, it's not getting much higher on the priority list.
Ruben Suarez
Oct 3, 2013 1:09 PM
Yeah, Tangent is THE pair that fits me just right. I have 3 pairs and am actually watching a cheap other on ebay as well as some polarized replacements for my work pair.
Dann Thombs
Oct 3, 2013 1:58 PM
Cool. I may scout out the vaults next time I go. Seems like a good time to find them on DE.

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