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Farlius -
Scored the Charcoal/Red updated version from Oakley vault online along with a pair of Khaki Nail Low in a combo great deal--$65 for both. They feel great on first impression and I can't wait to try them out hiking. They may even be pretty solid for motorcycle riding given the above ankle design although the toe is pretty prominent so that would play a factor. The color scheme is solid and I;like it better than the khaki color of the Nail Low. SOlid footwear, thus far.
RON2D2 -
Color: Black

This was my first Oakley shoe. I've had them for a couple years now and they're holding up great. Because of their toughness, I've designated my Nails as my "work around the house" shoe for moving and yard work.

Sole is thick and very tough. Ankle support is also good.
Laces are thick and need to be double-knotted to prevent constant tying.
splatter -
These are tough shoes
The thick soles have pretty good grip but can get filled with mud easily. The rubber side wall goes up the side of the toe bed holding the shape of the shoe preventing "blowouts" from the uppers separating from the sole.
yelkao -
Color: Black

I've had these shoes for years and they're still going strong. I love the contrast stitching and the metal eyelets. The sole is aggressive and durable. Overall the shoe is comfortable, looks great and seems like it just might last forever.
oogie -
Color: Black

Awesome shoes. Not for those looking for athletic shoes. But for some light hiking or stomping shoes, this is it. Running around a corn field maze on a rainy day or the volcanos in Hawaii ... these shoes provide the perfect traction and toughness. Great comfort for a shoe that provides such oomph!
njphil -
Color: Black, Sand

So good you cant buy just one.
kingphilbert -
Color: Brown/Green/Black

My first Oakley shoe. Their first line of shoes were so out there being made of Kevlar in bright white, red and yellow that I never thought I would wear them and then one day I got a shoe only catalog, mail order only to be among the first to have the O Shoe. The smallest size you could get was a 9 or 10. I am an 8/8.5. It was like a slap in the face. They hadn't recognized those with smaller (even average) feet. Then the second line hit and they had done it right. I loved the idea of an Oakley boot and I don't think these left my feet at all that winter or the next. Very sturdy and stable. Comfortable after long periods and they didn't let in too much water or snow. Downfalls though, they were very heavy and the sole had no flex like a sneaker. But then hey, they are boots.
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