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ichibandidisan -
This also gets 5 stars from me because it's another indication of the wild, impractical and crazy design that makes (or some will say, made) Oakley products so desirable. Might find use as an alternative to Bruce-Lee-nunchucks, but otherwise, it looks nice alongside the rest of my crazy-looking Oakley stuff on display.
Echo63 -
I bought one of these of Ebay recently.
I didnt realise it was as big as it is, im going to try it as a keyring for a few weeks, and see how i like it.

Completely useless, but very very cool

A smaller one in X-Metal (maybe an inch and a half long, with 1/2 inch webbing) would be awesome
Pointless in every way possible, but who in their right mind won't crave one? I've tried to justify using it, but it's just so useless. But do I love it? Of course, it is a typical Oakley oddity. Serves no real purpose, but we will all own one!
BullyVW -
Much like the others on here, I just bought it with no specific reason as to why. It looks good...hanging from my lamp in my bedroom. Beyond that...all I can think of to make is a cool leash extension for my dogs.
mbrogz3000 -

Saw this in an O store and online a while back when it was still in production. Thought that $18 was crazy for a keychain that I couldn't and wouldn't use, then it became discontinued. It probably is or was a discounted vault item, but whatever. I recently saw it on ebay at pretty much the retail price, and decided to purchase it. I figured this is going to be a 'hard to get' item eventually like the mini-chrome Bob head I have, and figured just to get it since I like owning hard to get items. What can I say, its a schwag item! It inspires creativity by being an item that has 100% form and serves 0% function. My wife didn't understand why I purchased something that doesn't have any purpose, but I explained that that WAS the purpose!

The claw side is just interesting to look at and flip open and closed repeaditly as you ponder a decision while clip side is a regular carabineer. If you don't understand the Iron Claw Carabineer, then you won't understand Oakley products in general and should just stick with the ordinary.
Picked this up a few weeks ago online thinking it was much smaller than it actually is. I was hoping to use it for my new truck keys but no such luck. So having no practical use for it i put it in my bag of useless oakley items to be later placed on display. LOOKS FRIGGIN SWEET THOUGH!!!
BiGCoB -
Still searching why I bought that thing for. But I'm deeply convinced that I needed to buy it. A little bit disappointed that the black part is plastic
Viscouse -
I love how it also says "Remove Before Flight".on the other side of the webbing. Good thing too, because otherwise I'd forget with all the other things on my mind while prepping my F-117.

For some reason i thought it would be spring loaded, but it wasn't.

Anyone know the years this ran or was available? I picked mine up at a Michigan Vault in 7/2007.
Nemesis -
Do you need it? No. Do you want it? Hell ya! Another excellent non-usable product from Oakley! Collectors love it, everyone else asks 'why?'
TSIcon8 -
Color: Red

Bought it just to have. Since it's pretty rare I jumped on the retail....yea, no use for it at all but it looks cool and gets questions so I like it.
BronzeT -
Where are you gonna find a keychain like this.So I got it just for the sake of having one.Only Oakley would come up with this kind of stuff.Its awesome.

Just like what everybody said,its too big for everyday use.Basically got it for collection purpose only.
jplacson -
Got mine from the O-store at Hollywood & Highland Mall. This is by far, THE coolest looking keychain on the planet. Not very useful... since it doesn't fit in any pocket!!! Hahahaha... who cares... it looks so cool... and can be used as a weapon if someone tries to mug you!!! Hahahaha
warwagon -
Why do I have it .... Because i can! Purpose?... None, it just looks awesome in my collection.
DisturbedEarth -

Funny! Yeah I had to have one...have absolutely no use for it but it looks very cool! I was told it is used in rockclimbing....?
oogie -
Color: Red

The icon carabineer is both useful and nifty. This Iron Claw carabinner though cranks it up a notch! Throw utility out the window and you just have a sweet little Oakley accessory. I've actually used this for a keychain at times, just link the claw to your belt loop and put the caribeener in your pocket. There ya go!
Dann -
Color: Red

My brother got this in Japan, which seems to be the only place to get it. Umm...just one question, what is it? Not that I care too much since it just sits in the shrine as others said. Good construction whatever it is.
o-xide -
Color: Red

No real use except for display. It stands out in my display case. No regrets. Strictly for collectors only.
zev5740 -
Color: Red

Bought it on eBay thinking it'd be a cool keychain . . . IT'S HUGE! What the hell would anyone do with this thing?! Oh well, it looks like something Batman would own so I guess its cool to show off in my Oakley shrine.
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