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Farlius -
Recently broke mine out of the display case for actual use. Very sturdy, very cool looking. I am usually giving my card out to hospital staff and MD's and when I bust out the case to grab a card there is usually some sort of comment of how cool or interesting the case is. Scratches easily but maintains its shape while getting banged around in my work-bag. A nice accessory.
vindicator -
Use this everyday and it never fails to impress! I love the Icon detail dead smack in the middle! Love the sturdy, industrial look and feel of it. Definitely a winner!
Teknical -
I had been wanting to get a nice business card case for awhile and checking them out at places like Stephen Covey. None of the other ones really appealed to me for the price. This case really has stylistic flare, while remaining conservative. It's an essential part of a professional's artillery. I like the "rivets" on the corners. It's much more cool than Patrick Bateman's ("Is that a gram?") or even Paul Allen's card case in American Psycho, if you've ever seen that famous business card scene. I keep this stocked with cards in my suit pocket.
Ian -
Bad ass! I finally got one, and it's so clean and beautiful, I don't think I'll ever use it. I even considered getting business cards made just to put in it while it's on display. "Ian Morris- Potential Lunch Winner". Heh.
DoctorCrip -
It seems a bit flimsy, but quite cool and distinctly Oakley nonetheless. Until I actually get my own business cards, I'll have to come up with a creative use for it. Do elementary school teachers even get business cards? Anyway, in the meantime I'll just make it part of my Oakley display.
OsmosisJones -
Extremely Oakley. The metal is faily prone to scratches, but it's perfect for the display case. It's also awesome that those scalpers trying to sell them for 85+ dollars are SOL now that they have been re-released.
ball5out -
I dont carry a wallet anymore. I just got this recently and made it into my wallet. I just carry a drivers license,debit card and some large bills
jumpman73 -
This is awesome. I love using this for my cards. Its like having a piece of Oakley everywhere you go.
Munkfish -
Not much to say about it really - good build quality - holds more than enough cards, and has the big O Icon!
DisturbedEarth -
Color: Silver

Use mine a lot but it doesn't hold many cards...definitely a conversation piece!
oogie -
Color: Silver

A great item. It's a card case ... so there isn't all that much to say about it's functionality. Great looks, a luxury card case for sure. My case has had some trouble "holding on" to it's icon, likely due to it being pushed into the card slot of the Oakley PDA case. If I just kept better care of my stuf...
Ed -
Color: Silver

Finally got my hands on one of these on eBay at less than retail. It is much heavier than I thought it would be based on pictures. I thought the metal would be really thin and dent easily, but the real thing is quite solid. The finish is a cool satin silver/grey. I like the raised thumbprint icon, too. A great little collector's item.
o-xide -
Color: silver
I really like this 3D design put into it. I am not sure why it was discontinued for a while then went to clearance at the I got it for $22. I never really used it bec I guess it scraches easy. I just put it on display and adore it. Good display item
O-bandit -
color: silver

the design is great...
if you need something to store your business cards is this piece the rigth O-product.
it´s a little bit to small if you need your cards every day.
everybody who get a business card from you will get the case too
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