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evan.carrigan -
I love this wallet. It is the perfect size (i like mine small) and has tons of neat features and beautiful worksmanship.
O-minous -
Mixed feelings. Looks great though like many I find it too small to be practical. If you can pick it up cheap, DO.
kingphilbert -
Way too small (slim from top to bottom) and it just didn't feel right upon first touch. It only had a single cash compartment which along with the quick access card slot both seemed too shallow to hold cash or card. The snap enlosure was tight with the 3 cards in the slots and just felt unnecessary. And if anything I thought it would end up snapping a card, which my ass has done in the past without even having a metal pivot point against the cards. Though a cool wallet, too expensive what it has to offer in the line of features.
warwagon -
Brilliant wallet. I was a little unsure when first buying it, but i loaded it up with my stuff and have never looked back. I did have to make a few mods, by removeing the CC clip and clasp as it created to much bulk..since than it folds nice and flat and I have no damage to my CC's, plus it's easier to get them out. I love the size nice and compact, and the rivets and skull logo give it that tougher edge.
DisturbedEarth -
Pimpin' wallet - extremely cool. I switched to this after my Pickle wallet blew out at the seams last X-mas...just had way too much stuff in it. This wallet does not hold nearly as much - which for me is a good thing. I use it in conjunction with the Money clip/wallet and it works great! 5 out of 5 stars....
o-xide -
Small and expensive, would have been nice if the icon has a metal thingy on it
sparra -
This looks the absolute business, just too little capacity personally for me, so I went for Leather Wallet Small. The embossed skull is super cool and stands out realy well, and te whole wallet (as most O wallets) is really solidly constructed. No small card holder with this wallet but it should be small enough for most people anyway.
zeroshiki -
Great wallet! if you prefer a small sized wallet then look no further. the skull emboss really stands out, and the icon emboss on the other side shows that it's an Oakley but doesn't show off too much to others that what you got there is an Oakley wallet. i wish that oakley included the card holder with warning triangle leather thingy like pickle and small leather have. not that it would be any use to me but still, it would be nice to have the same addition. anyways, 5 star!!!
john -
Awesome wallet. It's pretty small, so I had to filter some stuff before I could use it. But I've found myself trying to get people to notice my wallet... like cashiers at stores, etc. It has a cool outside slot where you can keep a card you use all the time, and you don't have to open it up or even take it out of your pocket to get at it. The snap over the cards is a nice feature - no way they'll fall out, plus it's fun to snap and unsnap.
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