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ichibandidisan -
This is nice, but seems too fragile. The sheer weight of this bomb simply begs to fly off with actual use, hanging from a flimsy clip ring.The finish on the bomb reminds me of delicate magnesium coating waiting to be scraped off. Impractical, yes. Crazy? I've seen crazier. Still, I got one, coz I'm a good citizen Of Oakley Collector Country.
Ian -
Sits in the case looking pretty. Glad I have it, but will never use it.
tburuczky -
I have this one and actually used it for my house keys. The first time I dropped my keys the rear side of the rocket fell off.
The paint peels off and scratches very easily.
If you have this keychain don't use it, keep it in a safa place instead.
The Bomb keychain embodies Oakley's war on the competition with visual appeal. Not only does this keychain look great - with the Oakley "O" embossed on the Bomb itself - but the construction is heavy (possibly metal). As far as testing it for its designed purpose (to hold keys)... I haven't done that yet. Mine is used as a permanent display in the double-wide.
Munkfish -
Got mine free - was almost going to buy it. The woodscrew broke, so it was retired to use in the cabinet. However, it is a nice display item, but not that useful as a keychain!
jumpman73 -
I like this keychain. Its really heavy for being so small. When I'm bored I'll just bust it out and start fidgiting with it. Don't really know what else it could be used for.
splatter -
Again like the Bob this is a key chain that is better off on the shelf as a sunglass guardian. Its painted metal that I imagine that is going to flake off if you have lots of key banging into it. Or if you hate your knee being smacked with it while your driving, steer clear. Still it is such a cool design better left as art and I would still buy it again.
oogie -
An interesting keychain. I like the idea, but I don't think it was followed through on very well. The bomb is freakin' heavy ... which is both cool and annoying if you used the keychain. The icon is just sort of raised ... but doesn't really stand out or strike you as well as almost every other icon on Oaklye gear.
njphil -
cool for display/collecting but not great as a keychain.
o-xide -
I got this on sale at the vault for $3. cool but not as cool
Dann -
Another one for the collection. Sits nice on a display, but I'd imagine it'd break if I used it.
DisturbedEarth -
have it...not sure what to do with it....but it's cool
Ed -
Color: Silver

Like the Bob keychain, this is best used for display only... that's the only reason I got mine. That said, it's a solid little piece of metal with nice little details such as the red painted tip and realistic tail fins. Looks nice sitting on a shelf next to your sunglasses.
sparra -
Color: Silver

Completely agree with Nounone. I got mine free from my dealer, I guess he couldn't sell them. I would hate to use this as a car key as one knock to the car door could do damage. It really is that heavy. And the quality isn't up to that much either. Probably best as a display/collector item only.
Envoye Nounoune -

this keychain is not meant to hold keys, its VERY VERY heavy and poorly made. I don't know who designed it, but he was pretty stupid: the screw that hold the torpedo and the ring is a wood screw... HOW STUPID CAN YOU BE TO PUT A WOOD SCREW IN METAL? anyways, I bought one, and like 2 hours later the screw just popped out the bomb and broke. Also, the paint is very very easy to scratch. Up to now, its the only Oakley item that really disappointed me.
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