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As with all the fmj finishes,the 5.56 is an impressive,wonderful color to have on an o-matter pair.Since the o-matter sunglasses were usually the base ones for oakley,the fmj models were a very significant upgrade to all collections.You instantly knew that you were dealing with something more expensive and different compared to all this o-that was around.The fmj coated sunglasses,actually seemed to belong into a league of their own,closer to the wires,that the o-matter ones.The 5.56 specificly,was a raw silverish to white tint,which can be very bright sometimes,and it's really wonderful.And,hey let's don't forget the added strength too.I'm glad to see them coming back in the newer pit bull.Bring some more!
G -
This with Fire Iridium XX's is what hooked me on Oakley's. However, if they chip, you are with the standout black plastic underneath.
Ian -
It's cool. I seem to like any of the FMJ coatings. They make any pair stand out more than they would have normally.
Grinding metal into small particles, mixing it with paint, and spraying the frames of Oakley shades results in an FMJ finish. The 5.56 version appears "satin white" and could almost pass for metal at first glance. Unique in appearance, the FMJ finish also provides extra strength to the frame without adding extreme weight.
Rick -
This was the first frame that turned me on to Oakley back in the day. Apart from having been the first time I heard the term "Full Metal Jacket", I was attracted to the high quality look of this frame. It is flashy and harkens back to the old days of extreme color combos.
banarno -
Nice frame colour,but there are better versions out there,such as the FMJ 7.62.
junfatt -
I would give them five because they really make colour lens like fire, ice, emarald... look special. And they are very easy take care.
XX -
Gives a good look to almost any frames by using this color. However, it is prone to rubbing and chiping off if used in athletic situations. Still, very solid and cool look.
Ed -
OK but nothing special. The matte light silver is a bit generic. I feel it is a bit too whitish and not "silver" enough.
sparra -
Got it on XXs, very very cool. Though it has somehow chipped slightly from the arms front edge, still looks cool in all conditions.
LEX7 -
not too keen on this frame colour as its just a standard silver to me and not a very nice one at that. i prefer the more modern FMJ like you see on the OTT.
Dann -
A wonderful frame that is matte but still shines. The paint has bits of metal mixed in to create a nice finish that although can crack, looks very nice.
oogie -
5.56 seems to be abou the same FMJ color you see now (like in OTT). A great color, for sure, gives an aluminum look to any style. Back when o-matter frames ruled the Oakley collections, FMJ was the only way to go!
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