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Neveah -
I can't believe I've been going for years wihtuot knowing that.
Ian -
I picked up the Holbrook especially for this color. It's a nice one to have in the collection, as it looks very good under lights. It's also a sweet color to wear, and gets lots of attention.
flippj -
nice vintage colour-looks like a boild sweet from when i was young!
quite hard to get hold of in good condition so if you get the chance grab it.
Crystal Red is one of those old-school colors that many associate with Mumbos. Its transluscent hue sets it apart from other colors and gives it a "classic edge" among true collectors - far more exciting than a standard opaque red would have been.
banarno -
Another one of the Retro colours that has appeared on various styles throughout the years.
A nice one.
splatter -
crystal colors were the coolest only problem was scraches and cracks in the frame were visible.
kingphilbert -
This is one of my most sought after Oakley frame colors. I only wish it and its variations saw more use, whether it be Berry, Lava, etc. I love it on my Five 2.0 and the thicker version on my Fours is magnificent.
Ed -
Cute frame color for little girl Half Pints.
LEX7 -
Very nice frame. i have it on my classic frogskins and on the Four.
but they are two different shades of red altogether.
the frogskin version is a bright cannon red sort of colour and the four version is more a darker red grape sort of colour.
oakley should have realised this and changed the name of the colour. maybe called the later version crystal rasberry or red grape.
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