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Celicagame -
After having two FMJ frames I've learned my lesson and I don't use my splices as much as I want to. With the splice the black chrome really stands out. I get asked alot about the color since it's not very common. It hasn't started peeling yet and hopefully it will stay that way.
Susy -
This artclie is a home run, pure and simple!
the-o-man -
One of my favorite colors for Oakley frames. Great shiny finish that stands out among other metallic/ chrome Oakley finishes. For those who have never experienced, its almost like metallic pewter, but better.

I have a pair of Flak Jacket XLJs in this frame color with Tungsten Iridium Polarized and they look amazing!! I wish they released this color with more frames, esp Romeo 2, XX Twenty, X-Squared, or maybe Frogskins.

Almost every lens color looks good with this frame. Not sure about the wear and tear/deterioration of this color over time, but if it's like most metallic finishes it probably can't be too good. I hope that's not true though.

It is more of a display piece than a pair to wear for day-to-day use. If anyone is reading this that has the power, I would love the formula for this color to be used as a paint job for future car, preferably exotic or luxury.

Just imagine a car that has an Oakley Black Chrome paint job with a saddle brown leather interior...
Ian -
Just got a lensless pair of Bottlecaps as a gift. It's a unique color, and I was surprised to find that it was fairly uncommon on the Bottlecap. Part of me wants to "restore" the glasses to their original titanium glory, the other part of me is curious as to what colors would look awesome with this frame. I wonder why the newer frames that are encased in metallic paint are no longer referred to as FMJ...
Black chrome completes a frame, encasing it in an FMJ finish and making it shine with brilliance. Many popular Oakley models have used this color, as its dark hue looks great paired with almost any lens option. One of my personal favorites is the New Straight Jacket in Black Chrome/Ice. Unlike the dark chrome frame, this option adds visual appeal with the extra "metallic" finish.
TheVault -
I have it on an EJ 2.0 and on Splice, very nice combo that works well with a colorforl lens for great contrast or with a black or grey lens for a more classy look, but still better then the usual black/black release.

No problem with peeling for me, and like others have said, it can be a dark bronze like it is on the half jacket.
jumpman73 -
These look so sharp. This is a very nice colorway for a collection. It is really distinct and different as well. It could pass for both chrome and jet black, like an in between.
american image -
best splicecolour made, i know it isn't wild , but it just looks good when you wear it
dan-E -
It's an interesting color, a muted, dark color background, that's been either polished or coated to a lustrous shine. Nicely done.
oogie -
Being a big fan of the chrome FMJ series, black chrome is a superb frame choice in my book. Live with some flash ... and hope it doesn't peel!
Ed -
Very classy color, especially when paired with G30 lenses as on the OO E.
Ed -
Really great frame color. Nice and shiny but classy at the same time. Seems to have gone through a couple variations over the years. On my Eye Jacket 2.0, it is a metallic dark grey in color. On newer models like Splice and Half Jacket, it is a deep bronze.
EastCoast -
Very nice as an accent, not so sure about as a full-frame treatment. No trouble with peeling (yet).
sparra -
Extremely cool and surprisingly good quality finish. I've had none of the problems that others have reported but my Half Jacket XLJs are a fairly recent purchase. V. Cool.
x-metalman -
I think this is one of the nicer frame options that there are. Really nice alternative to Black or Chrome and if the peeling thing could be avoided, would probably be more popular. I would still love to see this on an X-Metal with Ice lenses.
LEX7 -
I have this on my straight jackets and agree it is a very cool frame colour to have. nice and shiny and metalic. looks liek it belongs int he FMJ range.
i have worn/sweated all over mine and nothign has peeled of at all.
this problem might be model specific.
Dann -
This is a very cool frame color to have. It's very nice on my Splice's and my brother's Scar. The only problem with it is the fact that it can peel if sweated on. This has been a common occurance for some people, but Oakley will replace it. If you use it in moderation, then it should be fine.
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