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It's so simple,that it's attractive!And this is the proof that no one does it better than oakley.It's unbelievable that a plain black finish can be so hard to resist to.Whether it's the minutes,or the black/gold iridium straight jacket,or even more the black on black valve,the black finish fitted like glove to the older thinner,and so fine frames.It doesn't look that much good on the newer chunkier ones,but still it's nice.
b2r -
Black with Silver Text: Superb! Not too flashy but much more interesting than normal Black.
Ian -
It took me quite a while to justify a "normal" color. Great to have in your collection, works with just about anything.
Rick -
You can't have a pair of sunglasses without a frame. The Oakley Black frame is pretty much as basic as it gets. Great for people who don't want to make any type of style statement - just your regular, everyday black sunglasses frame.
TheVault -
Nothing exciting with this, and like Dann mentioned its usually paired with the black lens or even grey for a very ordinary look.

I would choose matte black or polished black before this one.

It goes with everything.
RubyMars -
Good basic frame color, whether polished or not (see New Zero 0.4) Blends well with neutral lenses and contrasts well with flashy. A versatile frame color that works with most skin tones as well.
O-TasMiC -
Prety basic color, goes good with prety much any lens because it provides lots of contrast.
Ed -
No-nonsense basic frame color. Not very exciting, but always in style. Goes with anything. I have it on the Four with HI Blue.
sparra -
Not the most funky of colours, but looks pretty cool, if a little understated. Good for more formal occasions.
oogie -
I have the black with gold D1 watch. See black in the o-matter review, and I think it holds true for the watches. *yawn*
oogie -
I have the black with gold D1 watch. See black in the o-matter review, and I think it holds true for the watches. *yawn*
oogie -
Your basic frame color. Probably the most popular based on overall sales (I remember the basic black eye jackets being the best sellers at SGH back in the day). Can't go wrong, but you won't turn any heads, either.
x-metalman -
The standard frame color. Not much else to say. Looks good with pretty much anything, but not a first choice for me.
Dann -
Black is between the glossy and matte finishes. It seems to be the standard frame of choice for most new releases, and usually comes with a Black Iridium lens. That combo I don't care for, but one you place any other lens in, then you have a beautiful pair of Oakley's.
LEX7 -
have this on quite a few of my oakleys.
a bit boring but still looks good, cos its a nice simple frame colour that goes with all lenses.
looks especially good when teamed with black iridium for that classic black/black look.
BrianJ1888 -
Plain, basic color for base-model Oakley's. Not as glossy as Jet Black (which seems like it's polished), but not as dull as Matte Black. It seems most other colors start with this base and add on top of it.
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