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DoctorCrip -
Only Oakley would put so much time and effort into designing such a cool and unique hanger, but then again that's why we all love Oakley so much - because they do.
Rick -
Very cool evolution of the Oakley hanger. You wouldn't think such cutting edge design could be communicated through a hangaer - but you would be wrong. I'm more of a dark stained wood hanger kind of guy but this just goes to show Oakley loves the whole notion of design and that is what attracts me to this company. Nothing is left as normal. Awesome.
jumpman73 -
Pretty cool hanger. I'm surprised that the hanger isn't a little more funky. I actually consider this a little bland from Oakley. But how funkier can a hanger get.
wayneair -
i got about 30 of the 3rd one from the Vault store in williamsburg. i confided my O condition to the manager while getting my medusa sent back to the factory. (snaps broke and stitching coming undone.) i said i would love to have even the stuff they don't sell. she gave me some decals and stickers and a bag full of hangers from the back, its the only type of hanger they use. they're quite stout and every one has holes to put a bar through the bottem to make it a pants hanger. they have no problem holding my heaviest coats. if i could get enough of these, i'd throw out every odinary hanger i have.
brian -
Hanger #3
This is a sweet hanger, very heavy duty. They can hold anything from T-shirts to the heaviest of coats. It also looks amazing.
american image -
nice designs , overall good hangers , i use them in my shop , and i am happy with them. especially the knithanger is very good.
one downside , you can't hang as much on a bar as with "normal " hangers
o-xide -
The 5th one which is the O-sandal hanger works perfectly fine on hanging my 5 sandals. It gives the footwear a special Oakley touch with this hanger. I also use it to hang my googles.
o-xide -
The 4th hanger down not only has a good design into but also works very well for any Oakley clothing. My shirts just lays out fine on the shoulder.
bong -
regarding the third hanger... it's great to see how much thought Oakley puts into designing even something as mundane as a clothes hanger.
sparra -
Unfortunately I've never been able to get my hands on one of the big hangars, which look really great, but I have one of the small ones that hangs up sandals, which is cool but not as well made.
oogie -
I seemed very cool on ebay. And then you get it and it is just so small! I guess my first clue should have been "sandals" hangar! lol.

It's cool. Small, but cool.
ford -
I have one of these. Very cool looking piece of plastic. If two of the hooks were turned the other way (which would then render it unable to hang things) it would make a cool display item, much like a throwing device of some kind.

Dann -
I got a hold of one of these in Hawaii, when buying the Gutter Rashguard. It's amazing how much work goes into the products they don't even sell. As a hanger, it works very well, and seems very durable.
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