www.drchop shop.com
Jun 26, 2009 3:34 AM
Holy crap man. Ed McMahon, Farrah, and MJ??? What is going on here. Probably plastic poisoning for MJ, but still a loss of a real talent no matter how eccentric or weird he became.
Dann Thombs
Jun 26, 2009 4:34 AM
Shame. Maybe now he can be remembered the way he was rather than what he became, much like Elvis.
Jason Boyles
Jun 26, 2009 5:08 AM
Shame. Maybe now he can be remembered the way he was rather than what he became, much like Elvis.
Now go home and get your shine box.
Jun 26, 2009 5:35 AM
Maybe now he can be remembered the way he was rather than what he became,
Very true

Nik Gutscher
Jun 26, 2009 6:12 AM
Very well said.

Yes, I remember the glove and the parachute pants and the videos as a kid - he effected a generation.

Whatever he became...


They say things come in 3's.... Pretty wild.
Thomas B.
Jun 26, 2009 1:58 PM
I wasn't a MJ fan, but he reminds me of my childhood, when I used to watch "Thriller" on my vcr.
Francois C
Jun 26, 2009 3:41 PM
O_O ... I learned this morning that he died !

I've really loved his music back in the days and still appreciate it now. He has always been a very talented person although he was put in front of the media scene for other things in the last years.

Matthias Born
Jun 26, 2009 3:33 PM

BAD was the first record i ever bought...

But as Dann said maybe this is the way it had to end,
it´s better for a legend to die young...
Jun 26, 2009 11:59 PM
damn.. the legend.. no matter who you were, back in the 80's you listened to mj
paul jewiss
Jun 27, 2009 12:51 AM
i saw MJ live at wembley in the uk in 1996-awesome and unrivalved.
whatever people say about him-he was the undisputed king and now another legend to join the others who have passed on.
www.drchop shop.com
Jun 27, 2009 5:58 AM
Actually, in the 80's I absolutely despised MJ's music. Couldn't stand every time you turned on MTV or a radio something was playing. Didn't help that I was a hardcore Metal Head and would rather crank up some Iron Maiden, but still. However, in 2000/01, as I built my first serious competition audio system in my old Jetta, I picked up the History CD set and was hooked. Not for the songs, beats, or whatever, but the quality. His music was produced very very well, and sounded awesome in my car. He was a great artist no matter what, and his music will live on for many generations. The man had immense talent regardless and did many good things for people around the world and deserves much respect for that.
www.drchop shop.com
Jun 28, 2009 8:24 PM
R.I.P. Billy Mays....Found dead in his home today by his wife. What will the world do now without the famous OxiClean man
Dann Thombs
Jun 28, 2009 10:37 PM
What's going on lately?
www.drchop shop.com
Jun 28, 2009 10:47 PM
Yeah really. I mean think of it, all the financial scum of the earth are still alive and look at how many lives they have destroyed, yet the ones who touched people's lives, made good in the world, and were important to a degree have passed early and suddenly.
MasChingon .
Jun 28, 2009 10:55 PM
Check out TMZ.com...they have the interview from last night with him...apparently, the plane he was on landed roughly and he hit his head on the ceiling (since he wasn't wearing a seatbelt during landing)...he was fine that night but was found dead this morning. Sad. :(
Scott E.
Jun 28, 2009 11:28 PM
That sounds like what happened to Liam Neeson's wife bumping into the tree on the bunny hill.

Mays' ESPN360.com ad was hilarious....good humorous take on what he did.

Every time that slider grill or pancake puff thing come on I have a hard time not being one of the "next fifty callers."

But wait....I guess there isn't anything more. Sad.
paul jewiss
Jun 29, 2009 12:30 AM
sounds like cerebral compression, a bump to the head causing a bleed inside the skull, over time the pressure builds up on the brain and causes the person to collapse, often a delayed response to initial injury-very sad-i often see it.
Jun 29, 2009 1:16 AM
patrick swazy might go this year too, he looks pretty bad and the cancer he has is pretty deadly.. he is the man too

point break is one of my favorite movies
paul jewiss
Jun 29, 2009 1:18 AM
that would be a shame too-point break-what a classic to go alongside road house.
Jun 29, 2009 2:06 AM
jesus.. billy mays found dead... wtf 2009?
www.drchop shop.com
Jun 29, 2009 6:14 AM
Very true. I love Roadhouse and he is a great actor. Too bad for all of them. Just not a good year for anyone. Economy still tanking, homes still being lost, jobs suck, and good people passing away too soon! Damn what a year already.
Bob Russell
Jun 29, 2009 8:12 PM
I just watched Mays on The Tonight Show... I think that was Friday.
Scott E.
Jul 5, 2009 10:50 AM
Former Tennessee Titans Quarterback Steve McNair, a seriously tough guy who played through tons of injuries, and came up about 1 yard short of forcing OT against the St Louis Rams in the Super Bowl. Found shot to death with a female in a condo in Nashville. So much for that rule of 3....or it is just another 3.
MasChingon .
Jul 5, 2009 11:01 AM
Very tragic....RIP Steve, a super tough leader and MVP.
Twenty Fifty
Jul 5, 2009 11:11 AM
Things get crazier and crazier. Condolences to the families.

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