Dustin Farlow
Apr 23, 2008 11:18 PM
So I just got my time tank/minute machine...I've worn it twice just to go out to dinner and everyone makes comments on how sweet it is, but I'm ridiculously paranoid about scratching/scuffing it. I would hate to just have it only on display in my tower, but then again, I would die if it got scratches, etc. I was just curious about those who one them, do you guys wear them or just display them. It's easy to wear the glasses and keep them pristine, but it's much harder with something on your wrist....any thoughts? If it were scratched, does oakley offer any servicing, etc for a small fee where they would buff them out? I would like to think that after paying that much for a product they'd help you out....
www.drchop shop.com
Apr 23, 2008 11:20 PM
I wear mine daily. Don't be afraid at all. If you scuff it, clean it up with a grey/tan colored scotch brite pad you can get at home depot or lowe's type home improvement stores...cleans up as new.
Brent Haley
Apr 24, 2008 12:19 AM
times two! Rock that biatch and get ready for the compliments to roll. Don't be afraid to wear it all. I have worn mine for over a year pretty hard core and it is fine with only a couple scratches on the clasp of the band. Enjoy!
Dann Thombs
Apr 24, 2008 12:25 AM
I wear mine everyday and I had more scratches on my Time Bomb in the first week, than I do on the TT since last year. Face is flawless, and there's just some knicks on the bottom where my wrists touch the table.
Apr 24, 2008 1:39 AM
I wear it almost daily and it does scratch a bit. But isn't that part of wearing a watch?
Rick (The Doctor) Fawcett
Apr 24, 2008 3:13 AM
It's remarkably rugged I find. How can you not wear it? Although, both my TT's are in "display mode" at the moment. Probably not for long. I haven't worn my DTT yet though. I am reserving that moment for when I'm gripping the wheel of my new whip some time in July.
Mike Bahr
Apr 24, 2008 3:38 AM
When i'm not working the TT is my choice, or as soon as the weekend comes around i have it. Then Monday it's back to the GMT. In my job the TT would be destroyed .... you should see the scratches on my GMT but surprisingly it's still looks a million.
My advice wear the TT and enjoy. The pride of wearing it makes up for all the scratches it may receive.
Steve Weinraub
Apr 24, 2008 4:06 AM
I've been wearing my beloved Ti/Ti Time Bomb everyday for months now and I've yet to (knock on wood) put a scratch on it...it's just a matter of being very careful and taking it off for a minute if you're about to do something that you think could risk it getting damaged. I always fight the urge to stop wearing it and put it in my display case, but I just have a hard time not wearing and using such a great watch and such a remarkable thing of beauty...not to mention I love the questions and compliments that it gets me.
Apr 24, 2008 8:26 AM
I 8th that motion..... I have wore my new Diamond Tank every single day since Christmas (I know Doc. Rick will can relate to that).. Don't be affraid........ You bought it / WEAR IT.....
Matthew F
Apr 24, 2008 8:52 AM
i agree. you've brought it just wear it!!!

Bob Russell
Apr 24, 2008 4:18 PM
The solution (although expensive way) is to buy 2. Wear one and display one.

Since most of us don't have cash trees, you're probably stuck with one. But that's better than none, which is what I'm working with. So, I say wear it, or don't wear it, you still have more watch game than me!
american image
science wrapped in art dealer
Apr 24, 2008 4:20 PM
I wear mine daily. Don't be afraid at all.
Dustin Farlow
Apr 24, 2008 8:04 PM
Haha, the scary thing is, I actually entertained the notion of buying two for that very reason, to display one and to wear one...then I came to my senses! LMAO, wore it out to a club and got pretty hammered last night and managed to keep it scratch and scuff free, so I'm a little more confident in it's ruggedness
Yeah, Member since 2007
Apr 24, 2008 9:33 PM
Sorry, Mine stays tucked away for special occassions, I have everyday watches by Eddie Bauer and Seiko I wear. I tend to sweat a lot and that "salt factor" comes into play too.

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