Philip Barket
Oct 20, 2007 2:46 AM
Don't think they've all hit yet. This should be slow going I thought. Even worse for small OPDs. They're not going to move as fast there as with O-Stores and the like. Or at leas tthey're not going to stock multiples.
Oct 20, 2007 3:29 AM
I think new icons are supposed to come out every 3 months.
David Lee
Nov 3, 2007 6:08 PM
So how does one get the icons if we already own the shades? I guess I would just like to switch out my Gascans for one of those.
Brent Haley
Nov 3, 2007 7:37 PM
you have to buy the whole set of glasses, that is the point to sell more glasses, they are not going to sell just the icons, there would be hardly any $$ to be made, but if you sell the whole glass, that is a great way to sell more glasses.
www.drchop shop.com
Nov 3, 2007 8:10 PM
see, that is where I think it is a double edged sword. I would pay for icons (certain ones) before I would buy another white or black pair of Gascans. I want the green dollar bills, but don't need a 4th or 5th pair of white or black..See what I mean. Plus, if they offered the green dollars say with an emerald option, it would make more sense, but I definately don't need another pair of black iridium lenses (I have like 5 sets)... Maybe offer them as an option in OCE and that would work really well. I have a good sized stash if icons now, so I will make my own, but they won't be as good as those grab bags (I think)
Brent Haley
Nov 3, 2007 9:06 PM
i agree with you too Josh, but from a $$ standpoint, they will make more $$ on the full pair, what do you think would be a retail on a set of icons? Lens options would really set them off and make them an even easier sale I would think! That emerald piece would rock and the ice in the argyle that you did would be sick! i guess we can only hope.
www.drchop shop.com
Nov 3, 2007 10:42 PM
I bet people would be willing to dish out $25 or in that ballpark to get a set of icons that would make their eyewear POP...Build it OCE, add $15 more for the icon option, and bang, they are cleaning house and people will pay it. Look at what people said before "Who would pay $300 for a pair of sunglasses". Now people pay thousands for some, but to fit in and accessorize to "fit the image" which let's face it, American society is hugely based on appearance and image", it would work.

Look at how nuts people have gone just for the grab bag by themselves, and the frame options are boring, but are a great canvas to present the options. How many people buy a Ducati to jack the icons and put somewhere else. Look at me, purple icons to go with my ruby, and many more in the works. What I couldn't get, I made happen. Many others just don't have the resources or self confidence to tear up a $100 pair of glasses to hope they come out right. The colors they offer in OCE are also boring as far as Icons.

Red, Blue, Matte gold, okay, very versatile, but how about for all the MX nuts out there?? Kawi green, Suzuki yellow, yammie blue, Honda red, or KTM orange. Would sell, you know it would. How about the car nuts trying to match glasses to their paint schemes. I know that is really pushing it, but I tried. Pearl white and pearl orange was my car's colors, so I made it happen. It is a pandora's box for sure, but hit the basics, know what is hot, and go for it! they are doing it with goggles, why not Icons. Here is one, Tribal icons!!!! F'in sick I think. The glasses were hot, the goggles are still hot, and the icons would be nice too!
David Lee
Nov 3, 2007 11:04 PM
I agree. No who has pull with someone at HQ?
www.drchop shop.com
Nov 3, 2007 11:17 PM
It will come in due time. They watch us here, and they take note of what is going on. Look at the collector aspect of things. Certificates coming with new stuff, limited numbered eyewear, it will all come. I think it is obviously something they have noticed, otherwise grab bag wouldn't be here today. My opinion is grab bag is a "trial" to see and gauge what the interest will be out there and then they will decide it's fate from there.
Hip to be Square-O
Dec 22, 2007 6:33 AM
I was expecting to see the next round of Grab Bags hit by now but nothing so far. They don't seem to be too in demand so I wonder if Oakley scratched the program.
Brent Haley
Dec 22, 2007 6:50 AM
no they have not scratched the program, you will see a whole new round of stuff available I think late January or Early February. Some really cool stuff coming up on the horizon for sure!
Eric Arsenault
Dec 23, 2007 5:44 AM
Thanks for the news Brent, I new it was coming, they just pushed back the original every 3-4 months schedule.
Matt the german
Jan 12, 2008 9:30 PM

that means the next round will hit our wallets in the middle of february in the states or at the end in europe....

or have somebody a other information so far?
Jan 13, 2008 12:34 AM
havent seen or heard anything yet.

I agree that it should be a custom option to pay extra for grab bag icons.

I definitly would, i like knowing that i will probably not see anyone wearing the same color combination glasses as im wearing. The custom grab bag would be an ultimate option.

Hell for an extra $50 they should give you the option of creating a lens, you tell oakley what base and iridium coating you want.
Brent Haley
Feb 5, 2008 9:23 PM
Just got a killer new white gascan in with skulls on the icons! Also got the black with $$$, both are really sick!! Also got a different Hijinx that is brown and tan and looks like tile, it looks kinda weird on a black glass. I don't have the camara with me but I will post some pics later on.
Dann Thombs
Feb 5, 2008 10:10 PM
I was offered a Hijinx with skulls a while back. Glad I waited since I figured it would be some sort of option in the future. The icons are great as lnog as there's no premium tied to them.
Brent Haley
Feb 5, 2008 10:28 PM
totally agree Dann,these are really sick and I think most will agree on these. From what I have heard,there is gonna be some really sick options for these this year!
Hip to be Square-O
Feb 6, 2008 12:21 AM
P-I-C-T-U-R-E-S Brent!
Brent Haley
Feb 6, 2008 12:48 AM
I will have them up but it will be later tonight, gotta hit a movie with the wifey after work. They are sick!!
Brent Haley
Feb 6, 2008 7:46 AM
These are not the greatest pics, but you should get the idea. Both look awesome in person!!

Rick (The Doctor) Fawcett
Feb 6, 2008 8:55 AM
At first glance, those skull icons looked like two vikings with their swords raised. Just sayin'. Carry on.
Dann Thombs
Feb 6, 2008 4:18 PM
Must be inspired by ink blots, I can't make it out too well. Thought they were two waves crashing towards each other.
Twenty Fifty
Feb 6, 2008 5:28 PM
LOL. And here I figured I was the only one who thought that.
Bob Russell
Feb 6, 2008 5:41 PM
Dann and Oak, you guys must be at calm points in your lives. You should seek out this tranquility, as it will bring peace to your inner selves.

And Rick, you obviously have some suppressed aggression issues that we need to talk about...

Ok... time is up. I'll see you all next week so we can look at a few more ink blots... that will be $200 from each of you.
Dann Thombs
Feb 6, 2008 5:43 PM
can I pay in glasses, that's a liquid asset right

seems we got a small preview of this icon earlier:

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