sounds great to me. id stick with "Dann is the man" it just rhymes and its o-review appropriate, and pays homage to him. but ive yet to run into another o-review member.
How about "I heard the Zero L is the new 0.3" The non member will respond with "Huh?" The member will respond with "Shut up Justin or I will strangle you with your own intestine!" Hmmm...Maybe Dann's the man would be easier.
I think that is probably one of the stupidest ideas I've ever read on the O-Review in over 2 years of existence. Wow. You'll never stop amazing me kid.
Sometimes, you just can't beat the original. I think Rick's suggestion is awesome - now I only hope I can remember the secret phrases when the time comes.
kingphilbert , what about those business cards ? i am impatient to see the card :) anyway i want to have those business cards...i am from africa and here i can tell you there is a lot of 0 people here ! so i am working on a campaign to make a lot of them join our o-review crew.
anyway kingphilbert do you have a final design for the business because i was thinking that maybe WE COULD ALL MAKE A DESIGN FOR THE O BUSINESS CARD AND THEN SHARE IT HERE ON THIS THREAD THEN WE WOULD CHOOSE AND MAYBE COMBINE THE BEST ONE'S TO GET THE FINAL OUTPUT.