I always wanted to receive Oakley emais from oakley, but they don't accept postal codes outside the Usa in the subscription. Could someone please give me a valid zip code (and city) only for me to use there??? Thank you!
Yeah, I got the HJ ad with the Carbon frame and the Fire lenses. Didnt this come up in a previous thread, where some members were saying that it would be cool if Oakley used some of the older ads with new frame styles?
I did a few agos too. And to mailing list naysayers, I got yet another catalog to an address I only filled out a mailing list card for within the last few months.
I actually just got a catalog from Oakley in the mail today.....also, the place Im going to work at on friday just got in a huge metal box of HJ supplies for the customers to build the HJ's themselves.
i got the email one with the Half Jacket a few days ago. but unfortunately, still no hard copy mailers have shown up at my door... i have both my home and work address filled out for Oakley mailers but still nothing. i wan the Time Tank mailer, dagnamit!
I did happen to not get any physical mailers at my home or parents as I had for years but I got one at work and one at home under an assumed name from recent mailing list subscriptions. We'll get some more at the O-Stores, Bong.
So glad to have gotten the TT mailer. Parents avoid coming to the store, but showed them the mailer and managed to convince them it would be better for graduation then a class ring.
nice... i just recieved the Summer mailer in the office (which i already have a copy of from my OPD) but still the Time Tank mailer hasn't shown up. grr...