Justin "Scorpion Zero" Jones
Feb 28, 2006 8:03 PM
Alright, so Im eating breakfast with the girlfriend this morning at a dining hall and she points out this table-stand that says my college is having its first ever triathalon.

I make decisions on a whim a lot, and was like "Hell yeah, Im gonna do it"(I ran in college last year, so I think I can do anything)

So I need to start training again for the first time in about 6 months, as well as buy a pair of Oakleys to train/compete in.

I have Why 8.2s, Fives 3.0 polarized, Wardens, and Hatchets to work with...but I dont think they would be good for this.

Anyone care to give an opinion on what I should get? I was thinking M-frames but I have no idea what different lense shapes are used for what, and no idea which color would be best. So, Im open for any suggestions(and Justin, if you say Ruby, Im going to fly over to New York and steal your tower)
Feb 28, 2006 8:12 PM
I would suggest the half jacket. Lenses are personal choice, but the polarized titanium ones are pretty nice.

Eric Arsenault
Feb 28, 2006 8:14 PM
Half Jacket would be the obvious choice I think; you will be able to use it later with other lens and such and its a great frame to have.

They will also stay on your head, unlike some wires.
Paul Sollenberger
Feb 28, 2006 8:28 PM
Lens shape is all about what fits you and what you like. Some baseball players like to get a bigger lens like the heater or strike so that they have better coverage, but for a tri I think a sweep would be fine because you are not going to be looking up at the sky much. Half-Jacket would be the practical style because it can be used for more than just sports, again lens shape is personal preference. I love my pearl white H.J.'s black and ice look really hot against the white. Good luck on the Tri, and make sure you do some riding, that will be the longest distance you have and don't want to kill yourself before getting to the run.
sees you
Feb 28, 2006 8:37 PM
I'd suggest Pro M-Frame with VR28 Sweep lens. M-Frames have a solid fit, good coverage & totally unobstructed peripheral vision. The reason the Pro M Frames were designed without hinges was that so you could easily take them off & put them back on with one hand. The VR28 lens is enhanced contrast so you can see what's ahead & is versatile enough for overcast or cloudy conditions Or for those partly cloudy days when the light conditions change frequently.
Roy Keane
Feb 28, 2006 9:05 PM
half jacket
Justin "The Mofoin' Man" Gandy
Feb 28, 2006 9:32 PM
Half Jacket with VR28 Blue iridium polarized lenses.

very comfortable and versatile, as well as good for both bright light and darker conditions (at least thats what i think.)
Justin "Scorpion Zero" Jones
Mar 1, 2006 1:32 AM
What about sweat? Which seems to deal with it better, like, which doesnt get as much sweat on the lenses.
Alex monsterdog
Mar 1, 2006 1:34 AM
definatly half jackets or M-frame for triathlon
Alex monsterdog
Mar 1, 2006 1:46 AM
definatly half jackets or M-frame for triathlon
paul mcj
Mar 1, 2006 1:55 AM
I'd stick with HJ as well.
Mar 1, 2006 2:49 AM
id say stick with a pro-m and a lens depending on the weather of the day. i find the HJ is not big enough, for me, for coverage when running. haven't done tri but done cross country running and like the pro-m's. shape of the lens will be based on personal preference but i like the heater style. if you're worried about sweat, i'd suggest getting a pad on the pro-m where the frame is. that or get vented lenses.
Brian Johnson
Mar 1, 2006 3:29 AM
Racing Jackets. Bengal if you can. You'll be a stud with some cool RJ's. There'll be a bunch of HJ's and M-Frames at any triathlon.
Mar 1, 2006 5:02 AM
Overthetop without a doubt
chris rocker
Mar 1, 2006 5:53 AM
lol alex
Sul-Won Park
Mar 1, 2006 6:18 AM
Pro m-frame and Racing jacket

Armstrong wears m-frame for reason. Besides various lens option is another advantage.

We have many good marathoners and some of them wear m-frame.(the rest do not wear anything but uniforms :D) It doesn't shake on the nose while you are running and doesn't slip off when you sweat a lot.

I do have both pro m-frame and RJ (I also own regular m-frame but it is not recommendable for professionsl use). I would choose either of them by the weather condition of that day if I were you.

steve coulson
Mar 1, 2006 12:30 PM
having competed in more than a few triathlons I can only recommend m frames.

Racing jackets are too heavy for running, and on a road bike in a tuck or on the drops will restrict vision, as was mentioned earlier Lance wears these for a reason.

Half jackets dont offer enough coverage over the eyes and youll find yourself squinting a lot.

Trust me, and just look at any of the pictures from iron man or the itu chamionships theyre all wearing thme for a reason...
Mar 1, 2006 1:12 PM
(Pro) M Frames, they sit more solid on your nose than Half Jackets.

Lens shape: depends on the shape of your face.

Lens tint: with VR28 or G30 you can't go wrong.
Brian Johnson
Mar 1, 2006 8:25 PM
Racing Jacket's are bad for riding in the drops? I'd better call Georgie up right now to let him know.
Justin "Scorpion Zero" Jones
Mar 1, 2006 11:16 PM
Alright, thanks guys.

Now, what are the price ranges on these(ebay-ish)
Jacob Parece
Mar 2, 2006 12:28 AM
u want oakley m frame vented lens if it is sunny u want black iridium lens and if partley cloudy u want VR28 and if u want a kool look U HAVE TO GET OAKLEY M FRAME G26 it is a green lens that has some blue in it. DONT LOOK ON OAKLEYS WEB SITE THEY HAVE BAD PICS good luck
Philip Barket
Mar 2, 2006 12:41 AM
Calm down there.
steve coulson
Mar 2, 2006 12:48 PM
re the racing jackets in the drops or on tri bars, when youre looking forward you find yourself actually looking over the top of the glasses sometimes. Through winter I ride with them every day (with Hi yellow lenses).

re colour there are only two ways to go with m frames:
bad weather - clear/hi yellow
good weather - ice or fire iridium
Justin "Scorpion Zero" Jones
Mar 2, 2006 8:22 PM
I feel like my main disadvantage in this whole thing is that I don't own a speed-bike down here at college. I could possibly borrow one for the race, but I feel like speed-bikes and the mountain-bike that I'd be training on would be a lot different muscles and such...ugh. Its the only thing haunting me. I feel like I might be ok though, since this is put on by my college, and all the people in it wont have speed-bikes...I think Im just taking this too seriously. Dang it...this was such a useless post.
Ryan P
Mar 3, 2006 5:58 AM
You may want to consider the Oakley zero. Their great for triathalon’s do to there lightweight and they won’t fog up on you.


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