Mike Bahr
Aug 4, 2005 3:59 PM
Since we all seem to spend a great deal of time talking about Oakley here, i thought it would be interesting to see the enviroment which surrounds each of us while we spend time here.
I'm mainly thinking... whats your computer/desk set up like? Do you surround it with your favourite things Oakley and Non-Oakley.....
I myself have a Jarrah Wooden desk mostly void of Oakley, but do have some OCC American Choppers, some Star Trek things and a few items from my Hard Rock cafe Collection.
Personally my computer is a Apple Powerbook 15" Al with of course an Oakley wallpaper, supplied by Bob. Around the room I keep my DVD collection with my Oakley Collection right next door.

Please share a few images of your room here:

Dann Thombs
Aug 4, 2005 4:40 PM
Cool idea. I'll snap a few after work today.
Lee Silver
Aug 4, 2005 5:34 PM
Nice idea Mike.
Heres mine anyway;

And behind me lives my Bird collection;

Wilson Ng
Aug 4, 2005 5:47 PM
LOL... where's Percy? ^_^
i'm currently re-arranging my stuff, so my desk (or lack thereof) is in a mess. once i get everything cleanued up, i'll post a pic. hopefully a nice Oakley corner would materialize as well, as well as a nice headphone listening rig.
Bob Kueppers
Aug 4, 2005 5:49 PM
My little computer room equipped with a Dual 1.8 PowerMac with a 23" cinema display. My 12" Powerbook. Canon i9900 13"x19" printer. And a bunch of other crap.

Hey Mike, I got the same wallpaper as you on my 12" Powerbook :)
Mike Bahr
Aug 4, 2005 5:57 PM
Bong...you know what would look good with your Headphones on....a Torpedo Clothing rack, all the headphones you have hang all over it, maybe 2 pair per peg. you'd be able to combine 2 passions into 1.

Bob...I just love those mac's you have.
My 2 mistresses Oakley and Apple.
Dann Thombs
Aug 4, 2005 6:28 PM
Good to work for Apple I take it...
Bob Kueppers
Aug 4, 2005 6:34 PM
LOL, it's very good working for them.
James brown
Aug 4, 2005 9:09 PM
Hey Bob, that is one trippy work station.
Roger Byrne
Aug 5, 2005 12:46 AM
OK here goes

Nice to see that a good percentage of you guys choose Apple aswell as Oakley.

Bob Kueppers
Aug 4, 2005 10:44 PM
Nice setup Scooby. I agree, it's nice to see other O fans also use Apple.
Bob Kueppers
Aug 4, 2005 10:46 PM
Also good to see that you use .MAC ;)
Roger Byrne
Aug 5, 2005 12:50 AM
do you like the pens?

Wilson Ng
Aug 5, 2005 1:07 AM
Mike, that's a great idea. i just might have to search for a torpedo clothes rack now... ;)

i've got lots of headphones but no way to store them. they're just strewn about my room in shoeboxes and such.
Bob Kueppers
Aug 5, 2005 1:19 AM
Never seen the gel pen. The all black one they give to all their new empolyees.
Darren Taylor
Aug 5, 2005 2:04 AM
here's mine right now, in the middle of my Tax Return and sh1t everywhere, and a few of my nikes waiting to be fed in to the ebay machine, that reminds me, i don't suppose anyone knows anyone who wants 78 pairs of boxed nike air rifts that i'm selling? three grand, no questions...


no power books for me, i think its a 166 or something salvaged from the skip, used to have a sony vaio till i left my job to set up my own company, gotta get a laptop of some sort soon though for working on the move, any suggestions? probably not worth spending a sh1tload of money cos i just use it for internet and office type stuff, i heard dell were doing them for about 400 quid,

hehe, i'd probably put it off not being able to justify it..... i mean, that's like a juliet and three quarters!!!

Dann Thombs
Aug 5, 2005 3:06 AM
My main computer for e-mail and internet

My offline computer for movie making

The rest of the mess
EJ Man
Aug 5, 2005 3:24 AM
Darren my jaw is on the floor, 78 pairs of rifts.
was this the plan, collect them all to sell them?
i wish i had your space for my shoe collection.
ive got no room for any new pairs.

i might have to free up some space by putting them ontop of my computer screen like Dann, :P
sees you
Aug 5, 2005 4:16 AM
Darren, your auction wasn't very clear. Did you want me to bid on them?...JK
Allen Franklin
Aug 8, 2005 3:48 AM
My cluttered workstation:

Closeup of computer stuff:

Wilson Ng
Aug 8, 2005 4:20 AM
man... you call that cluttered!? it couldn't be any neater, for me at least. i see Grado headphones!
Allen Franklin
Aug 8, 2005 4:25 AM
It doesent look too cluttered, but it feels like it. I really need a new desk, just need some free time to build it :)

The cans are the Alessandro MS-2i. Ive been through 9 high end headphones till I stumbled across these. Upgraditus cured!
Wilson Ng
Aug 8, 2005 4:31 AM
heh... i'm still loosening up in my brand new SR225's. i've been lazy of putting in some burn-in time, but the sound should open up with use.
jake young
Aug 11, 2005 9:36 AM
this is where all the magic happens and yes that is a jar of olives in the middle

slightly left books and games

Rick (The Doctor) Fawcett
Aug 17, 2005 2:44 PM
You will usually find me here:

And directly to my right...


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