sees you
May 14, 2005 1:41 AM
It seems like everytime I bid on something jroboy is there bidding too. Looks like he's winning a lot of the items. Is he a member here under a different user name? He states this in all of his auctions; "i'm an oakley collector if you have ANY OAKLEY stuff to get rid of, please email me."
chris ferrario
May 14, 2005 1:44 AM
i'm jroboy. yes i bid on a lot of items and i have a crap load of items.
Nik Gutscher
May 14, 2005 1:53 AM
Check his pics if they are still up - his basement is friggin awesom!
sees you
May 14, 2005 2:11 AM
Here's my bitch of the day. I spotted the Zero 0.6's Blue lens With 45 min left this morning so I kept it up on my screen to monitor any last minute action on it. About 20 minutes before the end, 2 customers came in & by the time I finished with them I clicked back in to find out cferr walks away with one of the best deals I've seen in some time! I really gotta learn how to kick customers out sooner. Good score Cferr. I also seen you were a player on all those Hollowpoints, did you get them?
Nik Gutscher
May 14, 2005 2:27 AM
LOL - he gets around - beat me and another member out on a pair of Romeo's yesterday....
paul mcj
May 14, 2005 3:06 AM
cferr is definitely an ebay dynamo!
charles darragh
May 14, 2005 3:19 AM
can you imagine what kinda girls are all over cferr? he probably is a formula one driver in disguise! he said that he was married so you know his wife has to be way a supermodel...and way chill for letting him have all that oakley stuff.

im jealous:)
paul mcj
May 14, 2005 4:05 AM
way indeed
Philip Barket
May 14, 2005 4:47 AM
I know ebay is kill or be killed but other members should have the courtesy to yield to one another every now and then. That's one reason why we list our ebay monikers in our profiles. So we know if we're going against each other or not and to not drive the prices up against ourselves. And when a member has much and another has a little and is really hoping for a good score or rare item it would be respectful to let the member who has little take his stab at getting something he really wants at a decent price.

...just one of todays thoughts.
Nik Gutscher
May 14, 2005 4:47 AM
I don't really think that is a realistic expectation....it can happen on occasion, but you can't be pissed at someone because they have more cash than you....
paul mcj
May 14, 2005 4:53 AM
A great thought of the day for sure.

My take: It would certainly be the kind thing to do. I wouldn't say there is an ethical or moral obligation to do so, but it would be a fine gesture.
Philip Barket
May 14, 2005 5:02 AM
Oogie, that's all I'm saying. I'm not mad or pissed. Nothings happened to me. I was just throwing out there.
sees you
May 14, 2005 6:41 AM
Dann, I think we need to have a permanent "dibs" thread. In there we could list what we're bidding on and our max intended bid. That way it will show the seriousness of your intention. If your bidding on something because you might get a good deal, great but if another member is more serious about winning it & is willing to spend more, then the original bidder steps aside. however, if two or more parties have similar intentions on getting the item then the first on the "dibs" board shouldn't have to compete against fellow members. Am I just talking crazy or do you think this idea has merit?
Phil H
May 14, 2005 8:13 AM
I wonder who Laker-Dynasty is.... that's another guy who bids on everything.
Phil H
May 14, 2005 8:18 AM
Tick personally I dont think it would work... it's too easy to abuse someone could just post every time and be like "I'll pay 300"

Now nobody else is supposed to bid on it and the person will get it for nothing... rediculous

ebay is about hustling and finding deals... You get what you get and you get what you can afford. So if Cfer or arizona or o-xide or whoever laker-dynasty is gets 50 things so be it...they found it they got their bid in and they paid for it.. if you want a deal, find one bid on it and maybe you'll get it
sees you
May 14, 2005 8:24 AM
I totally knew it would never work. I just like contributing something silly to every thread. I guess what I'm really trying to say is that I just want some lady that caught her husband cheating to put his Ruby Juliets on ebay for $20 BIN! Then I'll be one smilin' M.F.er
charles darragh
May 14, 2005 8:28 AM
arizona is out of the hunt for oakley stuff on ebay for a while...good luck to everyone else!

p.s. you can make it so ebay e-mails you every time a certain item comes up. like say you are looking for oakley eye jackets, you can have them e-mail you every time one is listed and when it ends in 6 hours(that is the best way to get a great deal). whoops...i shouldnt be giving away my secrets:)
Twenty Fifty
May 14, 2005 9:38 AM
I say it should be business before pleasure. The one who's willing to pay the most should win instead of others yielding for an individual. I swear, this nicey nice bidding thing will leave a sour taste before too long, especially when it'll involve a item that some have been searching YEARS to find.
Ford .
May 14, 2005 10:41 AM
I am of the opinion ebay is every person for himself. May the best person win.

But if it was me and members here and they REALLY wanted it and I didn't want it as much, I wouldn't mind yielding at all. I dunno. It's a grey area, and one I can't really explain well on a message board.
Nik Gutscher
May 14, 2005 11:10 AM
Wow - awesome - I didn't want to be the first one to speak but I agree with you guys - ebay is a free zone, let the best man win... I really wanted those xmetals, but when cferr stepped in, I knew I couldn't compete - and that's ok - there is always someone bigger, better, with more buying power - it's the way of the world.

The biggest reason I bought that 15" case was becaus it had just been listed, and I knew if I didn't use BIN to get it, one of you would and I'd be pissed at myself for not buying it first....
Jamey Bishop
May 14, 2005 11:42 AM
I don't mind fighting to the death over an item. If it really matters to me, then I'll take it to the extreme. If it's something I don't have, and I really want it, then I don't really care who'se bidding on it. I'm gonna go for it. eBay is an open market, and it's all fair game. But if it's not a big deal, or if it's something I already have, then I don't mind yielding to someone who seriously wants it. But it's always the one who wants it the most. I have no problem losing.
Nik Gutscher
May 14, 2005 12:03 PM
Well said J - I agree....
Philip Barket
May 15, 2005 8:08 PM
I did start off by saying it's kill or be killed, and I believe that. It's just nice every now and then when someone does yield to another though.
Darren Taylor
May 17, 2005 1:01 AM
Phil, you're too nice...
Philip Barket
May 17, 2005 5:22 AM
It gets me in trouble every now and then too, damn it.

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