www.drchop shop.com
Jul 10, 2013 8:44 PM
maybe.....hahahahaha time to see what I can do with a watch I think...What do you all think?
Now go home and get your shine box.
Jul 10, 2013 9:09 PM
Why is it that in this picture it looks like Oogie is pulling a wedgie out of Ricks Butt?

maybe.....hahahahaha time to see what I can do with a watch I think...What do you all think?
That i would like to see, no not the wedgie the custom TT.
www.drchop shop.com
Jul 10, 2013 9:28 PM
Well, I can't speak for Oogie's wedgie fetish, but I can say...."Stay Tuned" cuz I have a tank in my sights and I think it will be killer
paul mcj
Jul 10, 2013 9:32 PM
Just a matter of poor timing. I was simply trying to get out of the Ruby side of the pic, clearly out of place.
Stanley 'True Love Hates'
Jul 10, 2013 9:45 PM
I was simply trying to get out of the Ruby side of the pic, clearly out of place.
You could argue that you were holding that can of Pepsi. If that's the case, then ..........

But the matte stealth is really nicer than the polished stealth that's for sale right now, imo.
Jul 11, 2013 8:01 PM
Memories of that weekend Dann. I often wonder how many of the 49 are still into Oakley. If I remember right, a few of them completely sold everything they had and stopped all together.
Twenty Fifty
Jul 15, 2013 5:20 PM
Yeah, I'm also curious in general how many 2004 collectors are still collecting in 2013. Does seem like most have left the hobby. That's a real shame, since it really leads to a drain in knowledge, replaced with newbie urban myths that were gleaned from incorrect eBay auctions. Hopefully some of the older collectors will come back one day.
Dann Thombs
Jul 15, 2013 6:17 PM
Phill started posting on the OR Facebook page so there's still hope
paul mcj
Jul 15, 2013 9:50 PM
I could easily imagine the cycle for many loops them back to where they were prior to finding an awesome place like the OR. I bet many of us were pretty big Oakley fans before coming to the OR, enough so that friends and family alredy thought you were crazy. Then the OR tends to kick it up to a stratosperic level of collecting and madness. Many, then, tone it down, sell it down, and could likely end up where they began, with 3-30 pairs of glasses. Still obsessive by most standards, but probably not as actively involved.
www.drchop shop.com
Jul 16, 2013 3:22 AM
I think due to the change at Oakley, the lack of real creativity, and the fact that many have had life changes has led to a drastic change in the face of collecting as it was.

Many have started whoring out Oakley for mass profit in the international circles. There is a ton of money to be made in that, and you are seeing the trend follow.

When you look at the face of collecting from a 2005 standpoint, you can see a few things:

1) Gascan was the leader of the pack at that time, but no longer the case.
2) Frogskins came back out about then, and they FKD everything up since for a "special edition" market.
3) Oakley sold to Lux and the company has not, and will not ever be the same.
4) Artist series have all but disappeared.
5) They have completely lost focus on what is and isn't good.
6) Market for metals/vintage shifted drastically to Asia and Brazil which blew out pricing here.
7) Times have changed.
8) Prices are way out of control for the quality of the product coming out.

For me, it has been a number of things.

1) Loss of my career and drastic change in income
2) Lack of good product coming out
3) Artificial inflation of the market otherwise due to #6 above
4) Everything I customize that I like, someone else likes it more cuz they make an offer I can't refuse lol.
5) Made In China/Made In Italy!! I WON'T buy a SINGLE piece not Made In USA
Spencer Dean
Jul 16, 2013 6:20 PM
I am taking a two year hiatus from purchases/customs, unless I sell something from my collection. This was my deal with my wife to get a dog. The thing is, there isn't anything I am excited about lately, except for the occasional Frogskin colorway.

Alas, she said no more customs for the two years. So my 3 customs that Josh is working on will have to tide me over. But I love getting on here, and the jealousy has subsided so no need to quit cold turkey!
Jul 16, 2013 9:02 PM
I'm pretty much in the same boat with many others. I've pared my collection down by probably 80% in the last few years. I still use a lot of O gear every day (glasses, wallet, watches, gloves, backpack, luggage, etc.), and I still wear a lot of O apparel, but the excitement about collecting just isn't there for me any more. I keep waiting and hoping that there is some new release right around the corner that will reignite the thrill for the brand that I had in years past, but so far that hasn't happened...
New hobbies and lifestyle changes I would say are the biggest reasons for the shift for me, aside from the lack of exciting designs.
Twenty Fifty
Jul 17, 2013 10:07 AM
Somebody really needs to get one of those custom matte black MMs made, though keep the crown, pushes and bolts silver chrome to accentuate it. Use either a red or all white dial and you've got one of the coolest Oakley watches ever made.
Jul 17, 2013 6:14 PM
That would be pretty cool Oak.

Does anyone know details on the Stealth yet? I would imagine if someone did theny would've mention it already but I thought I'd ask anyway. WIll only certain O-Stores carry it? Is it even going to be released? Price point?
Rick (The Doctor) Fawcett
Jul 17, 2013 11:51 PM
Why the "f" am I squatting in that photo? Probably because I'm the only Canadian there.
Dann Thombs
Jul 18, 2013 12:34 AM
Keeping your stick on the ice?
www.drchop shop.com
Jul 18, 2013 9:43 AM
Somebody really needs to get one of those custom matte black MMs made, though keep the crown, pushes and bolts silver chrome to accentuate it. Use either a red or all white dial and you've got one of the coolest Oakley watches ever made.

Funny you say that Oak...funny you say that
Twenty Fifty
Jul 18, 2013 2:46 PM
I'm drooling with anticipation! Gonna be a work of art. Perhaps one day there will be a matte black SPLATTER edition if it all works out? Endless possibilities if there's a move on watch customization. Good luck!
Dann Thombs
Jul 18, 2013 4:52 PM
Hmm, so maybe I might be leaving my TT with you in a few weeks...

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