Is your most frequently worn an indication of favoritism or just utility? I was looking at a case in my living room today and was struck by the way I had unconsciously arranged a couple of pair in my case. I recently did paint, tile, and carpet throughout the house so we are still putting things back together. When I Put the case together I put my favorite, Zero 0.4, on a double stand above my most frequently worn, M Frame Ice Heater. In the quiet of this morning, while looking at the case, I thought about the placement. I look at my M Frame as my "old faithful." I've had a dozen M Frames with Ice Heater over the years. When I pick up my range bag to go shoot, it's automatic, M Frame. While I've worn those infinitely more often than my Zero's, the Zero holds a special place in my life. They were a special purchase at a special time in my life.
I guess there are multiple levels of favoritism!