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RubyMars -
I like this case because it's like any other eyeglass case out there. I pull it out to put my wires away and people just stare because it's so different. I like the hard edges. It does make it a bit harder to pack in a full bag, The thick foam inside makes me more comfortable because I know my shades aren't bouncing around inside it.
cycling-pablo -
This was my first oakley case to go with my first pair of oakley's and I love it. Very OTT for regular use but I have never heard anyone complain that thier glasses case protected thier investment too well. Definately will get more vaults.
Xtremehardy388 -
VERY well built and protects the wires from ANYTHING. However, the Square Whiskers don't fit in, too well...
flippj -
got one of these as part of a display bundle buy. never had one before, but boy is this thing well built!-strong hinges, well built, nice look!, quite heavy to carry all the time, but looks great on display.
Harry in Poland -
Beautiful case, simply beautiful. I've had mine for a decade and a half and adore it. Not at all practical unless you have a bag but guaranteed to keep your prized glasses safe and sound, plus the size and shape of it make the thing hard to forget to pick up and impossible to drop without noticing. The foam lining is something which the newer torpedo style cases need to have but don't. Pity the hinges make the fingers of the unwary bleed!
I like the tighter fit that these vaults have compared to the metal torpedo cases and the nylon cases. The foam is great for protecting my best shades. It sucks to carry this case on your person if you are out somewhere without a bag. The corners seem to be hard on whatever you put this case into (book bag,etc) also. I keep my best shades in these but my day to day shades will soon be changed to a nylon or torpedo case. I'm very glad that this isn't the only case Oakley offers.
oogie -
The wire vault is a bit dated now. With all the "torpedo" style metal vaults nowadays, it's hard to pick a wire vault over them. Still great styling, and high density foam is always a plus.
DisturbedEarth -
Color: silver

bought these for my RX's....didn't really need it but...hey they're cool!
banarno -
Color: Silver
I bought a couple of these and I love them!
After spend hundreds on the sunglasses, so why compromise on the case?
Awesome case to store your sunglasses.
Jonathan Tung -
Color: Silver

I don't actually own one, but my friend purchased one during a rather expensive Oakley phase in which he bought not only the Wire Vault, but also Emerald Iridium Square-Wires but also a pair of Carbon/Red+ Wiretaps. I think it was within a two week period or something close.

Great case. In my opinion it's also aesthetically more pleasing than the original Hard Vault because it's smaller, thinner, and more sleek overall.

Made of aluminum just like the others so it can be polished to a high sheen for extra boldness. He decided to take some Mother's billet to it and polish it to an ungodly shine. I wouldn't do that to mine, personally, but it certainly stands out.

Like the other vaults, this one is excellent for close proximity weaponry.
Ed -
Color: Silver

Like the Vault, the Wire Vault has relatively sharp edges, so be sure to keep your fingers away from the hinges when you open it up. This case is much more compact, though, so it travels better. It should also stand up to whatever abuse you can put it through.
Here's another example of Oakley architecture that illustrates the company's industrial design. Smaller and more compact than other vaults, the condensed size perfectly fits older wire frames such as the A-Wire and C-Wire. Secure this Vault as protective gear for your wires or simply for display in a tower, because they're tough to find nowadays.

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