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Farlius -
Frame: Cherry
Lens: G40

Got these for the Wife, before they were renamed "haylon'. She wasn't a fan; she didn't like the lack of unobtanium compared to her Half Jackets and she found the would slip off of her nose an awful lot. She liked the color and style but they weren't practical for her. I've been meaning to ship them off to my sister to see if she wants them.
Frame: Cherry
Lens: G40

My girlfriend just bought herself a pair of these (through no persuasion from me but she's still a long way from being an O-obsessive like me), she loves how light they are and has remarked on how comfortable they are to wear.

The frames look awesome in cherry and shows up loads of different shades of red depending on how the light catches it. One design aspect I love is how the piece with the scripted logo slots into the jet intake on the frame when you open up the arm, I know this feature appears on a number of frames but it seems so much more elegant and stylish on the Halo.
Landseer -
Frame: Cork
Lens: VR28 Gold Iridium

I got these for my girl so she'd stop taking my Crosshair S. They are a little pricey for a plastic pair, but they are her favorites. They have a great look and fit her narrow face very well. Nice lens too, with enough contrast to really make a difference. They seem to have a nice construction with a metal core in the stems and hinges. They have a great updated retro style that she loves. I'd give a 5 if they were a tad cheaper.
Rick -
Frame: Any
Lens: Any
I could never understand why these were so expensive. My wife has tried these many times and they come off a bit boring. I think they would have been much smarter to chop the price in half. Not worth the price.
O-Whores -
Frame: Blackberry
Lens: Black Iridium

This colorway makes them a great everyday pair since I wear a lot of dark colors. Nice flat lens that makes the mirrored appearance stand out much more. Most would say that the price is a bit high for this type of "vanilla" pair, but I think it was well worth it.
jumpman73 -
Frame: Black Berry
Lens: Black Iridium

Very nice design. I tried these on and they were to small for me obviously. They were very light. My wife has a small head and these fit her very well. They offer very good eye coverage as well.
dan-E -
Frame: Seaweed
Lens: Light Grey

These are a very beautifully shaped frame designed and marketed for women. The O-Matter frame accented with the metal earlugs make these kinda like Scars for chicks. (That sounds kinda kinky.) It seems to work since a friend I konw went gaga for this pair, but balked when she saw how much they cost. She still tried them on and I have to say, they looked great on her.
Madscientist -
Frame: Haylon
Lens: VR28 Gold Iridium

Girl Firend Absolutely loves these. I cant get her into anything else for the life of me., She just wont stop wearing them. GOOD BUY!
shanafan -
Frame: Cork
Lens: VR28 Gold Iridium

Yes, these are intended for women, but I kindof liked how they fit my face. They are smaller, like the Minute. The cork frame has a nice light tan look to it, nothing unusual like seaweed or black berry that a guy couldn't pull off. If I had a smaller face, maybe I would get this pair.
oogie -
Frame: Cherry
Lens: G40

For women, yes. But a fantastic look, very refined. Resembles a styled Rx frame. Price is a bit steep, but the styling is great!
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