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Genghisackroyd -
An excellent wallet (sadly discontinued) which has served well for the past seven years or so. It outlasted (although the kevlar is now starting to fray at the edges (and the leather smells a bit).

I only wish I could find another!
As the name implies, this wallet features sturdy, woven-kevlar construction as well as a number of pockets for storage. I've owned this wallet for a number of years and it has held up quite well, with only a few areas of abrasion on the kevlar. Considering the construction and features, you'd be hard-pressed to find a better wallet for your money (no pun intended). Too bad it wasn't just a standard fold wallet, though, as the velcro detracts from its overall appeal.
splatter -
The perfect college student wallet in its minimal style with three card slots and an id holder. The zippered pouch and the mesh pocket are nice in an emergency but I really don’t use them. The kevlar after awhile can feel like it is a hard shell like shape but remains it will flexible in use.
brian -
Color: Yellow
Had to have this to match the O Shoe. My still looks new after 7 years of use. This is the best wallet I've ever owned.
oogie -
A great "I don't need no stinkin leather wallet" wallet. Perfect size, basic design. The kevlar weave is a fantastic look, but unfortunately I've found the kevlar and stitiching don't hold up as great as the leather.
o-xide -
Color: silver
I used to use this wallet for travel. Now it just sits on my display case. I really like the Kevlar. It goes with Shoe 1 and soft case
apostrophe -
Color: black

The Kevlar wallet held up well and wasn't a bad price. After about 2 years though I decided to get a larger, more durable wallet as the Kevlar/nylon started to show its age.
DarkGrieverX -
Color: Black

Decided to get this when my old wallet finally fell apart, and I needed a new replacement fast. The Oakley Kevlar wallet caught my attention by being stylish in its design, and with its fairly cheap price. The wallet itself comes designed with a hole which you can use to attach a chain (which would have been great if it was included with the wallet). The only letdown with this wallet is the limited space u have to put ur cards in (I really have to cram them in >.<). Other than that, I would really have preferred them to included a "bulging" Oakley icon on the outside rather than just a stamped indent, but with the low cost of the wallet I guess I can't really complain.
kingphilbert -
Color: yellow

Another first I jumped at as soon as it came it. Very "surf style" with nylon interior, minimal card space and a Velcro closure. Kevlar 2/3s and leather on the front with the Icon stamped into it. Not bad, but not great.
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