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Anto -
The box say's it all. TRUE artwork. It's just like the glasses that growl inside..................AWESOME. They need to bring more out like this instead of the bland ones.
I never thought that I'd review a box, but this box is probably one of the coolest looking boxes Oakley has come out with in a long time
oakdays -
They did a great number on this box it suites the glasses well, and it’s a big change form the generic boxes, a matching micro bag would have been great
DoctorCrip -
My favorite Oakley box ever. The design is great and it just screams Oakley.
This box deserves five stars simply because it epitomizes Oakley's "no-holds-barred" attitude. The graphic of an oversized bulldog with huge teeth and a spiked collar match the product name perfectly. Even the blocked logo on the top edge looks fantastic in its red hue.
TheVault -
Really cool design for this box, glad it got is own design instead of a generic one. Love to put 2 on top of each other so it forms a complete Monster Dog logo.

The only box I love better is the Monster Doggle one, even tough, the glasses inside those are something else...
syphon3filter -
That box is awesome , i fell in love with this design !! but i believe that there is yet more to come from oakley designers , urhaaay oakley 5*****
jumpman73 -
Very cool artwork. A different flavor from Oakley. I really like how they personalized this box for the Monster Dogs.
LEX7 -
gotta be the best looking box oakley do.
spectacular artwork, and great use of colour.
if only more were named after animals then we could have a whole range of cool boxes.
dj.MLYT -
A nice change from generic yellow boxes!
american image -
nice drawings, they did a t shirt with the same design , so maybe there is more to come
Jay_X_Bee -
There should be more designs like this. So you can display the boxes too.
sparra -
Agree with Dann here, this has to be one of the coolest boxes. I don't own a pair of Dogs myself, but mum does, so I have taken possession of the box on a permanent basis. Really cool looking, brilliant design.
Dann -
Awesome artwork. After the demise of the b&w boxes, some models came out with the generic yellow boxes, but others (sometimes after originally coming out with the yellow) came with custom artwork. The monster dog logo is something fierce and really makes a nice display piece in of itself.
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