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ShadyOak -
I have a pair of New Eye Jacket's in this color and they are amazing! Pictures really can't capture it accurately, it has a pearlescent quality to it that is awesome! I also like that it is matte in appearance but silky to the touch. Very nice!
Ian -
I bought my first "duplicate" pair of Straight Jackets just because of this very beautiful color. By buying another pair of SJs in another color, it cemented the love of collecting. It was this color that sparked the obsession, and remains one of my favorites by a very wide margin.
Oakley was brilliant to have conceived the FMJ concept, as it both strengthens frames and also gives them a striking appearance. Paired with standard Black Iridium lenses, FMJ Red shimmers with a metallic brilliance and looks unstoppable. In short, another winning color conceived and created by mad science.
noel-o -
The color stands out when it's new. But after using it for a while specially when you sweat a lot, you'll notice that the color starts to fade and eventually will turn to black.
jumpman73 -
Very flashy color option for a frame. The FMJ red really stands out and is very bold.
O-Whores -
We just got the Scar, and agree that this is probably one of our favorite O Matter frame colors. Love how the frame had an iridescent look that seems to morph from red to black as you move. Even the way that the frame feels is sexy.
splatter -
Pictures can’t do this color justice it’s a really cool color that reminds you of metallic blood.

I only wish that they had a slightly brighter red version to compliment this color more of an red anodized aluminum color.
dan-E -
I saw this color on a set of M Frames and I thought it was pretty cool. It's darker red, and despite it being FMJ, it's relatively subdued, giving it a nice, classy look.
oogie -
I think FMJ Red is a freakin great addition to the Scar family. A wonderful stand-out color, it really shows off the style of the Scar and unique earstem design. A deep, lusterous red ... not shiny at all as Lex7 states. But I think it is a great, unique, color of choice.
LEX7 -
this is the red version of electric blue.
a nice colour but id prefer it if it was shiny like some of the other FMJ colours.
cos its rather dark and dull the way it is.
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