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No metallic shine and no FMJ - just a solid color. Yet that statement is an oversimplification for a beautiful red hue that grabs your attention from a quarter-mile away. The Cannon Red frame option also matches the Cannon Red TimeBomb almost perfectly.
Rick -
This frame color appears very cheap to me. It looks like liquid candycane and I was not impressed. I actually sent a Eye Jacket 2.0 back because this color was horendous. Something I would have liked as a kid, but too plastic-like imho.
TheVault -
Very loud and bright, its a basic red frame with no sparkles or fmj coating.

A real attention graber.

I give it 4 stars because of the fake frames like this one out there, a little bit plain, Oakley could have put sparkles in it like the metallic black or something.
Dann -
A flat red, with really no other distinction. Seems to be too easy to fake, so luckily it only came on two models.
dan-E -
Cannon Red is the kind of red that would look perfect on a Corvette or a Ferrari. Don't wear these if you don't want to stand out. Personally, I think they're awesome.
oogie -
Were you in search of a bright red frame??? Found it! I think it's great ... for it's purpose. Want to stand out, get noticed, look a bit silly, here you go!
BrianJ1888 -
Named after former Oakley FunnyCar Pilot, Scotty Cannon...
LEX7 -
Basically bright shiny red. not metalic red like the FMJ red straight jackets.
this is one of the brightest frame colours that oakley do.
i have it on my straight jackets and when teamed with the fire lens it makes the frame look even brighter.
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