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Jon -
No idea why these are rated somewhat well. I don't get the functionality behind these. There are a lot of lenses that have low light transmission, but are extremely functional. Take the persimmon lenses for example. Overall, a let down. Wasn't expecting much anyways...Got these in a pair of custom Gascan's for a very low price so I shouldn't be complaining. Overall, very poor. Indoors, they're not even good due to the blueish tint they give off. No contrast...just blue.
Now here's a lens that looks somewhat feminine and also serves no real purpose (other than possibly being a fashion statement by someone's standards): Light Blue. Offering little/no protection from bright light, no real advantage for contrast, and leaving the wearer's eyes open to plain view of the world, Light Blue lenses were probably created to satisfy a tiny niche market for those seeking this particular color.
jumpman73 -
Real nice lens. Gives pretty good clarity but I think this is mainly for looks. Looks the same on the inside as it looks on the outside. You'll see everything in carolina blue.
Tick -
I just got these (finally) & they look awesome! I thought they may look similar to Ruby when looking through them but they are totally different, & better in my opinion.
banarno -
Very similar to Powder Blue,only slightly darker and more glossy.
I think this was an exclusive colour to the Collegiate range.
oogie -
Like others, these came with my A-wire thick. A great option for dark days or indoor/nighttime use. They sure lighten up the world, so definitely not for bright light situations.
sparra -
I don't own them, but these look amazing in A wires, especially if you are after an understated yet really cool look. I've seen quite a few ladies with such a combo and it looks the business.
bong -
got these on my A Wire Thick and i sometimes use them indoors, especially with a computer screen. they're also pretty good for some overcast days. they're fashionable yet functional.
LEX7 -
I have these on my RX WHY3 they are perfect for putting on your RX glasses as I use them for work on computers and it really tones down bright screens and it makes your eyes cope with the strain alot better.
Great lens
sargassum66 -
Let me start off by saying WOW! I just got a pair of custom Gascans with these lenses, and they are completely awesome. They give everything a crystal clear bluish tint that is just spectacular looking. When you take them off everything looks really drab. I definetely need to get more glasses with these lenses. If you have never seen life through these lenses you are definetely missing out.
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