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Farlius -
I have clear for both my Half Jackets and Radars that I wear for work. Makes either frame a very comfortable and stylish pair of 'safety' glasses. The lens has kept many a thing from smashing into my eyes.
xtremehardy388 -
Amazing. I have the SI clear lens for my M Frame. They're my safety glasses for fire calls. I used them when doing vehicle extrications and they perform GREAT. They even have a significant reduction of glare from the sun. I feel VERY safe when having these on. Great for safety glasses or shooting glasses!
Ian -
Once again, this is a niche lens. It does exactly what it is intended to do: Protect your eyes without affecting vision. Many people are hesitant to buy a clear lens, or to spend money on an Oakley clear lens. I was in doubt as well. The difference between the lens on my SI Ballistic M-Frames and the standard Army issue safety glasses in extremely noticeable. I get a headache when I wear he cheaper glasses, even though they are clear. An ANSI rating on the Oakley lens is just the icing on the cake.
Golf Girl -
I use Clear in my golf glasses and my shooting glasses. I prefer to see very clearly and don't like low light conditions, so clear is good for me. I have taken an empty shell casing in the face and the lenses do protect your eyes. I also love them because of no distortion. Most other clear shooting glasses are a bit distorted
madlib -
I have these on my flak jackets and I use them for indoor shooting. Great lens and perfect vision, you forget you are wearing them! If you need safety glasses get some clear lenses from oakley.
Mike -
Radar Range version. Its clear so its useless to shield against the sun and bright ambience. Having said that, you still get 100% UV protection AND perfect vision. Add to this that it passes that ANSI test and is still essentially the same as a military SI (standard issue) version, its a no brainer that i use this primarily as a safety glasses when I'm handling tools. Also use this indoors at times and regularly during cycling when its near dark or is raining. The hydrophobic also makes a world of difference.
Hands down THE BEST SAFETY GLASSES in the market
Dave -
Got this in the Pitch shape for my Radars. They do the job, my preferred lens for cycling at night. A must-have addition to your lens collection,particularly if you own a Radar or ProM frame.
Raymond Karlsson -
Most buyers of this one is likely to wear it as a physical protection from flying objects or downpour etc. Considering the durability of the Plutonite material it is propably a wise choice. I wear mine (Path) in a Radar frame when I get out on a late bike ride in the summer evenings or when I trim my garden.
Clear is about as basic as it gets - the name says it all. Offering no protection whatsoever from bright conditions, this lens option ensures the wearer's eyes are safeguarded from other elements such as bugs or flying debris. Back in the day I had the clear Heaters for bicycle riding during the dusk/evening hours, and the bugs stayed out of my eyes! These only receive four skulls from TERRORISM due to the limited use that they have... but when you need them, they're there for you!
fullback -
I have these for my Half Jacket XLJs. Its a great lens to have for eye protection (ie: flying shrapnel, fluids, etc....) I wear these during clinical when performing procedures that run the risk of blood or other bodily fluid splatter.
idealoakley -
I do alot of riding my mountain bike at night. This lens is perfect for ANY activity that requires you to protect your eyes such as shop work, bike riding at night and even hunting/shooting. Not a single complaint from me. Basic lens.
jrbusser -
Mis primeros Rx y muy bien,dure un año y medio aproximadamente con ellos hasta que encontre los Why 3, ahora uso los dos aunque prefiero los Why, recomiendo estos tambien
fullback -
Great set of lenses (cheap too). I use them in my HJs for night time adventures and eye protection at work (splashing bodily fluids ... yuk!). Like American Image says, its a must for M Frame and HJ owners. Forgot to rate ... I give these a 5 for functionality.
frankie4fingers -
I have to agree with EasCost, what I can say?
Good for indoor, protection and bad weather, but they could be hydrophobic for rainy days
BrianJ1888 -
I've used these as saftey lenses, as well as for playing racquetball at the gym, and they were great. For what they are, they're worth the $40 in a Half Jacket.
banarno -
I have this on an old pair of 1st gen M Frames and use it as a safety glass,and also the odd bike ride.
Its like your not wearing anything,so it does its job superbly.
jumpman73 -
Don't need to say a lot for these. I just use them when I ride at night or sunset. They pretty much serve to protect my eyes from bugs and dirt. Anyone who trains outdoors at anytime of the day needs these.
dmc -
I was the coolest kid in my university machine shop and chemistry lab with my clear Pro M-Frames. The lack of a frivolous iridium coating keeps its cost down and allows you to replace them somewhat economically. Beautifully clear and distortion-free, and the fit of the Pro M-Frame had me laughing all the while my safety-glassed peers complained of headaches and pinching.
absolutmuah -
i use these in my mframes, and use it for cycling at night.
somehow things just look sharper / more focused with this lens .
american image -
clear is clear is clear is......... very usefull while sporting in very low -light conditions , while protecting you from flying objects . a lens that everybody should have at least one if they own an M frame or Halfjackt
dan-E -
As far a clear lenses go, these are so much better than those ubiquitous clear safety goggles that are out there. Like any Oakley lens, they're disortion free and probably even more durable than most of the other stuff out there. As far as I'm concerned they're a much better value as well as more functional than Titanium Clears. Great when shooting at an indoor range or using power tools.
Ed -
Allows one to wear Oakleys as safety glasses or at night. I have them for my M Frame so I don't have to wear those cheap safety glasses (you know, those all-clear ones that never quite fit).
adamjmoore -
Excellent distortion free clear lens, what else would you expect from a clear Oakley lens! Have this in on M Frame,in Hybrid.
LEX7 -
I have this lens for my XLJ's I think the only use for this lens is when you want to protect your eyes when your doing dangerous things indoors or other situations where you need eye protection and its not light enough for sunglasses
DarkGrieverX -
Amazing optical clarity; definitely shows what the Oakley RX team is capable of. Compared to other high-quality lens options for RX like Nikon, the Oakley clear lens feels more comfortable and definitely more durable.
EastCoast -
What can I say? It's a clear lens.

You can really tell the optics with this, though. I have them for the M-Frames for eye protection and it's like you're not wearing anything. They do what they're supposed to do and don't get in the way. Recommended.
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