Ian Morris
Sep 5, 2009 11:43 AM
I have decided to finally throw off my boyhood and don the apparel of a man. That's right, I've decided to get a Medusa. The problem is that I have a huge noggin. I wear a 7 3/4 hat. Every Oakley hat that I've gotten has been much too small. The L/XL flexfits never work. My question is thus: Is it even worth my effort to look for a Medusa that might fit me? I would love to wear it, if only once. However, if I am doomed to only admire it in a case, I'm ok with that. And yes, I will acquire the goggles to go with it.
Mike Bahr
Sep 5, 2009 6:53 PM
The issue of wether it fits or not is irrelevant.... you buy it regardless.
I have only ever worn mine for a few minutes...(at the Co-pilot event) i doubt I'll ever were it again.
Just get the L/XL and deal with the fit then. If it fits, good if it doesn't then you still have a Medusa.
David Lee
Sep 5, 2009 11:04 PM
That's my head size too. The XL didn't fit...but hell, buy it anyway!
David Chang
Sep 9, 2009 11:03 PM
Fit is immaterial. Just get it. It's worth it, even if to only admire it's intricate leatherwork and sheer beauty.

Wilson Ng
Sep 12, 2009 1:47 AM
Yes, just get it. I got mine even without ever trying it on, well... the peer pressure from the guys here brought me over the edge! (That was an epic thread!) But regardless...

I always say I have a ginormous melon but mine fits well enough to pose around in for at least an hour at a time. Whenever I wear mine, at parties or get togethers or whatever, people get a kick out of it.

So yeah... get it!

Nik Gutscher
Sep 13, 2009 12:27 PM
That was truly an epic thread!

Just get one - you can't go wrong.
Sep 13, 2009 6:23 PM
I agree with everyone: just buy it regardless of anything!

BUT...for your comfort:

I wear 7 3/4 New Era hats as well

My Medusa's a L/XL & I love it (/wear it)

You'll be fine
Twenty Fifty
Sep 15, 2009 11:03 PM
I agree with everyone. You can't go wrong with getting one.

Now, the real concern for me is what do you treat the leather with so that it lasts a good long time and retains its dark brown despite being on display?
Jesus Hernandez
Sep 15, 2009 11:36 PM
I got mine in S/M was not happy when I purchased it because it fit me small but I do not regret buying it, I have had a harder time looking for the goggles without having to pay too much
Paul Norris
Sep 25, 2009 4:45 PM
I bought my small knowing that it would never ever fit!

I never intended to wear it anyway.

Its just.....well it just is!
. .
Feb 19, 2013 7:18 PM
i have another consern (care) do i use a sadle oil on it how do i clean it care for it keep the leather from drying out i intend to wear it (alot) is it fragle in any way or is it very well made i know it oakley and oakley dosent make crap usualy i wjould just like some advice

my other question i understand thats there is a 2ed style in the medusa (the wombat) it it just a 1 off or is it like really really rare and how different is it

any help or advice yall cold give me would be greatly apersheated thanks
Twenty Fifty
Feb 19, 2013 8:14 PM
The version with the the goggles integrated with the hat is a one-off. There supposedly was suppose to be a black version of Medusa that was for sale, but I've never seen it...all I remember seeing are the dark browns (but then again they'd both probably look alike and I wouldn't have even known it if I did see it).
Dann Thombs
Feb 19, 2013 8:36 PM
There's also Small-Medium versions compared to the more common Large-XL. I've yet to find someone who can fit into a S-M.
paul mcj
Feb 19, 2013 9:01 PM
Congrats on the upcoming Medusa, Paul. I know you are looking forward to it like crazy, and keen on wearing the heck out of it. I sure hope you find it a good fit - I always found it to be a bit too snug (L-XL version) to really be a common wear. Much less any sort of appropriate venue to wear the thing.
James Grimsey
Feb 20, 2013 5:53 AM
Hahaha !!

You got 'em yet ??

Just use the same oil that you put on your balls to make them nice and soft for all the policemen who must pull you over for having wheels wider than your car !!!

If I ever get lucky enough to nab a Medusa I think I will just have to go and collect, cos I couldnt go through what you are !! lol

I've heard FedEx have a lot of van fires....is this true ?? lol

James Grimsey
Feb 20, 2013 2:43 PM
Arrived yet ??

. .
Feb 20, 2013 8:01 PM
. .
Feb 20, 2013 8:08 PM
james fyi those rims are gone bro so keep rolling you moms kia son lol jk i put bronze +40 offset 16x7 so now i got mad rim tuck if i could get the stupid pics to load upid show u she sits all flat and low and fast no more mexie style for me
Twenty Fifty
Feb 20, 2013 8:19 PM
Congrats on finally getting them. Looks like it fits very well. I thought it'd run small on you.
. .
Feb 20, 2013 8:22 PM
Ahh I modified it a little hehe
James Grimsey
Feb 20, 2013 10:46 PM
I cant believe he's 6'7"

He looks like a feckin hobbit !!!


Well done son, chuffed for ya, that will be me in about 2 years !!

Stanley 'True Love Hates'
Feb 20, 2013 11:06 PM
Paul's a kid again. Thankfully this wasn't a FedEx home delivery, was it? Ha!
. .
Feb 20, 2013 11:25 PM
F THAT I WAS AS GIDDY AS A JAPANNESE SCHOOL GIRL , STILL AM NOW ALL I NEED IS ONE OF THOSE SKULLface covers and the head dress will be complet thank you again

hel no i had it delivered to my work there was no way in hell i was gona waite till i got home best $$ i ever spent and in record time if i do say so my self i wanted it now and thats what i got i started this quest what 4-5 days ago i sold two trenchcoats a 24 k xx , a mars ,an ott ,a five 1.0 persimons/persomins made a grand total of 1993.45 after paypal raped me and i still have the matt clear trenchcoats , not bad (pats self on back) but i wana give a BIG THANK YOU to the man that made it all come true mr Stanley Lim give it up for the man of the day , thanx buddy
Stanley 'True Love Hates'
Feb 20, 2013 11:31 PM
Move over, Darth Vader. Here comes Jedi Meister Paul Medusa!
James Grimsey
Feb 21, 2013 12:15 AM
Is now a good time to mention that I have seen one of the flight helmet things for sale ??


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