F THAT I WAS AS GIDDY AS A JAPANNESE SCHOOL GIRL , STILL AM NOW ALL I NEED IS ONE OF THOSE SKULLface covers and the head dress will be complet thank you again
hel no i had it delivered to my work there was no way in hell i was gona waite till i got home best $$ i ever spent and in record time if i do say so my self i wanted it now and thats what i got i started this quest what 4-5 days ago i sold two trenchcoats a 24 k xx , a mars ,an ott ,a five 1.0 persimons/persomins made a grand total of 1993.45 after paypal raped me and i still have the matt clear trenchcoats , not bad (pats self on back) but i wana give a BIG THANK YOU to the man that made it all come true mr Stanley Lim give it up for the man of the day , thanx buddy