P-P. Henneken
Oct 10, 2007 6:10 PM
A few weeks ago I bought some Monster Pup's from both Ollie and Bhaley2Four. The glasses from Ollie arrived very quickly (after a few days), Brent's glasses took some longer. And longer. And longer. And then I thought hmmm, something must be wrong.

So I contacted Brent and we agreed that I waited some more. Well, you guessed it, after some more waiting still no package.

Brent said he filed a complaint and that he would send me a second pair! Luckily, a package arrived within a week. I took some photographs and he identified it as his *second* package. The first one is gone. Where we do not know.

I just wanted to share this little story to counteract on some negative classifieds-things we could read about recently.

There luckily still are some *very* nice members on this board! So Brent, thanks again man, I very very much appreciate the way you handled this situation and I hope that your complaint will result in a reasonable settlement somehow!

Ollie S.
Oct 10, 2007 4:25 PM
This is great to hear for sure! Top notch Brent!

Funny you mentioned it though. I have been selling most of my stuff on ebay and ship all over the world, and I sold my Livestrong Radars to someone in the Netherlands. Never got there either. Looks like someone has some long fingers at the NL customs maybe...

Glad you guys worked it out.
Philip Barket
Oct 10, 2007 6:38 PM
sed priority mail international
There is really no way to track that once it leaves the states. Yeah, they may affix a label with a number on it, but all it does is tell you it made it into that country. Always go UPS or DHL or FedEx that you know will track internationally.
Julien B.
Oct 10, 2007 10:37 PM
Good thread. I've bought twice from Brent and I'm sure he's a reliable member. But I had the same problem like you Pep and my second package is still on the way (but actually not for a long time so far). Looks as if there are some guys with pretty long fingers at the post office/customs/airport near you, Brent ( ->it's the first package that did not arrive from overseas).

But to share some good experiences: I've made good experiences with several guys here (with most of them also several times) like zev5740, Cferr, B_ryo, Frankie_4_Fingers, Camo_monster, Bhaley2four, brennan2x, rangerK etc...

My experience is, that members that are active in the forum for more than 2,3,4 months are usually reliable seller/trader. Who wants to risk his good reputation here?
Ollie S.
Oct 10, 2007 8:04 PM
Very good points. Here is my thing, mostly I am asked to provide a price shipped to "X" country and I provide them with a rate for First Class Intenrational. No tracking, no insurance, no nothing. It is the buyers choice. If they want tracking, insurnace, signature, whatever it is, that;s fine. They are paying for it. But if nothing is requested, and the buyer is fine with First Class International (5-10 days) then it will be shipped like that. I usually provide a pic of the receipt that it shipped, but once it leaves my hands I have no further control over it.

In some cases the buyer might be SOL if the proper service is not chosen and paid for.
www.drchop shop.com
Oct 10, 2007 9:12 PM
Nice thread. Here have been my experiences:

1) Shipping with regular airmail has never let me down.
2) Priority International is as effective as International Express.
3) Most of the members here are rock solid, but do your homework. Look at the collection photos, reviews, posts in threads. If there is little info, ask others. Some are employees of Oakley who keep quite and only post in threads and usually don't have collection pix, so I doubt they will be trading at all. The others, they just may be lurking around waiting to swindle someone.
4) Be careful how you itemize your customs forms!!! This I think is where the majority of fraud will start. If you label something with "Oakley", "Sunglasses", or anything even identifying value, you are asking for trouble. I generally classify things as Model Stands, Model Display, Eyeglasses, Used *** whatever, but never the first mentioned.

To date, I have shipped to Canada, S. Korea, Germany, Austria, Australia, Japan, England, Malaysia, Sri Lanka, and several other countries with ZERO problems. Give them a reason to think about lifting your package, and they probably will. Don't give them a chance, and you will more than likely be safe.

I have dealt with TONS of members out here and have not had an issue. I was approached by one once, who turned out to be a fraud. My gut said ask around, I did, and nobody had a clue or had dealt with this person. Saved me a TON of headaches...

Just my .02 cents

Eric Arsenault
Oct 11, 2007 12:01 AM
My experience is, that members that are active in the forum for more than 2,3,4 months are usually reliable seller/trader. Who wants to risk his good reputation here?
Good point Julien, be warry of members you have never heard from contacting you out of nowhere with a too good to be deal.

And please, dont be shy to use the report as Spam button, it really helps the site as a whole.
Oct 11, 2007 12:59 AM
Great idea for a thread! Gave me the idea for a complementary one, check it out!
Brent Haley
Oct 11, 2007 2:43 AM
Great thread, Julien, they should arrive soon. I just hate that USPS has changed all these prices around so much. To get the tracking you have to spend an arm and a leg it seems. Just crazy prices for a 1lb small box. I have had 5 packages go "missing" to oversea's address's with here and ebay together in the past few years. You can file a claim but it usually does no good! I want to make anything and everything right for the customer/member though so if it takes sending another item, oh well. You would just think that USPS would come up with a better method for this with all the ebay business that they get. Of the five that I have had go "missing" one was returned about 2 months later from an ebay purchase to Australia. And 3 of them have happened within the last 3 months too! What also sucks is a claim process, it is like dealing with paypal which we all know is an absoulute joke!
P-P. Henneken
Oct 11, 2007 2:19 AM
I must admit that I also usually opt for the cheapest method of sending. That way the price is still nice if you add that additional cost.

But reading these (horror) stories it really makes me wonder if that is the right way to go. Especially if so many packages get "lost". I really do not believe that they are "gone". They must be picked out by hand by somebody who knows/guesses what's inside. Irritates the heck out of me.

So far this was the only case (for me) that a package did not arrive. Usually when it took longer than expected customs intercepted the thing and wanted some import duties/tax. That's a risk worth taking, knowing that the retail prices over here are rather insane.

What is also very very annoying is that the postmen over here just hand out the package to the neighbours *without* dropping a note in the mailbox. This also happened with the Pup's I bought from Ollie. I asked my neighbour and he told me he didn't even have to sign for it. If he wouldn't have told me I would never have known there was a package for me and he would have had a free pair of glasses. Maybe this way stuff gets "lost" as well, don't know.
Julien B.
Oct 11, 2007 7:12 PM
Oh yes, we also have such postmen.... I'm really happy that my neighbours are pretty kind and honest. At least as far as I know..
Yeah, Member since 2007
Oct 11, 2007 9:01 PM
Oh yes, we also have such postmen
.Yeah, how well I know ju :) But I think they are all the same my o brother!
Matthew F
Oct 19, 2007 4:07 AM
I've been waiting on a pair of ODrums for a little more than 2 weeks now....And he hasn't replied since he mentioned he posted it. Should i be worried? :(
Rick (The Doctor) Fawcett
Oct 19, 2007 6:24 AM
Depends who he is. I only deal with people that I know care about their standing in this community. These people are easy to identify because they care about their good name and put effort into the interactions they have here at the O-Review. If the person you are dealing with is a non-poster who lurks here for money-making opportunities than you should be nervous. All that said, I don't think there are very many, if any at all who are here to screw people. Dann and the other administrators do a good job of keeping these people out of the "sandbox" so I would venture a guess that the issue is not with the seller, but rather the inefficiency of your postal system. That's my "diagnosis" at least, for what it's worth.
Matthew F
Oct 19, 2007 6:51 AM
I hope ur right too.....maybe it'll turn up soon...
Matthew F
Oct 21, 2007 2:58 AM
i don;t mind waiting, but at least he could give me a tracking number or something....but he doesn't reply to his Instant messages......
Oct 21, 2007 3:59 AM
oakley_nz, don't worry, he should be messaging you tonight.. i've been talking to him about it, and apparently there were some problems at the post office. he'll elaborate. he's a good guy and he's honest, so don't worry, just wait a bit. sorry for the hassle!
Matthew F
Oct 21, 2007 7:03 AM
Thanks tony, i just needed some info cause he hasn't been IM me till then..Now he has and it's a relieve. I didn't think he was a bad person or anything like that, but i just needed to be kept up to date about it....

Eric Arsenault
Oct 21, 2007 7:41 AM
Glad everything is working out, and the way that Matt went about with dealing with this in public was done with class.
Rick (The Doctor) Fawcett
Nov 21, 2007 3:27 PM
Just wanted to thank Luiz (o-bak) for hooking me up with a shirt that recently got ruined in the wash. I posted a want ad in the classifieds and almost immediately rec'd offers from quite a few of you. I just wanted to publicly thank all the members that reached out. You have helped restore the harmony to my marriage after this dreadful laundry accident. I'll try to pay your kindness forward.
Eric Arsenault
Nov 22, 2007 1:56 AM
Thats great, apparel can be hard to replace with all the styles and colors.
Bryan Fin7
Nov 22, 2007 5:16 AM
It truly beautiful when a man and his security blanket. Erm Tee shirt are re-united.
There are tears here!
Rick (The Doctor) Fawcett
Nov 22, 2007 5:57 AM
This particular Tee helps disguise my man boobs. That is important to note.
Nov 22, 2007 8:16 AM
man boobs .... i prefer "muscularly-challenged pectorals."
Rick (The Doctor) Fawcett
Nov 22, 2007 9:41 AM
Cool. Really, it's just the shape and definition that are the problem. Other than that.....

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