The Twakkie
Nov 14, 2006 12:13 AM
Has anyone got pix of these Monster Pups?
Tom Teichert
Nov 14, 2006 12:17 AM
Wait two weeks and you will see 'em in store.

I give no guarantee
The Twakkie
Nov 14, 2006 12:22 AM
Please email them to me.
Tom Teichert
Nov 14, 2006 12:28 AM
They are a mix of Monster Dog and Fat Cat and not such organic
The Twakkie
Nov 14, 2006 1:05 AM
Where can i find a picture. been looking everywhere.
Dann Thombs
Nov 14, 2006 1:19 AM
Not released yet, be patient.
The Twakkie
Nov 14, 2006 2:09 AM
How have you seen them?
Nik Gutscher
Nov 14, 2006 2:44 AM
The Monster Dogs still look much better.
The Twakkie
Nov 14, 2006 3:15 AM
I love the monster dogs. How do the pup differ?
Nov 14, 2006 3:16 AM
Thats good to hear Nik.
sees you
Nov 14, 2006 3:17 AM
I'm wear a pair right now & I'm totally lying & they look awesome dude! I'll post a picture tonight when tonight's 2 weeks from now.
The Twakkie
Nov 14, 2006 3:19 AM
Thats not cool
EJ Man
Nov 14, 2006 4:44 AM
neither are you,

please be patient when waiting for new releases, even if someone does have a picture of an oakley that has not been released yet they are not allowed to post it as Oakleys lawers get annoyed.

Can we not have these kind of threads asking for pics of future releases. its boring and as most of you know WE CANT POST PICS OF STUFF BEFORE ITS RELEASED.
BigMac .
Nov 14, 2006 5:07 AM
Forgive Tick, we think he is drunk most of the time...
Thread Killers
Nov 14, 2006 5:13 AM
Quite honestly, I think the mods should just delete any threads asking for pictures of as-yet unreleased products. The Forum Rules state that pictures of products not yet released are not allowed. 'Nuff said.

Nik Gutscher
Nov 14, 2006 5:21 AM
Whoa...Wait a second - just hold on - I AM THE ONE that is drunk most of the time....that needs to be clear....

And the Pup is cool - but not that cool...not if your an MD fan....

"I wouldn't steal from you but I'd lie to you in a second."
Jumpman23 Mamba Triple Ocho
Nov 14, 2006 5:20 AM
I agree with our friends from Hawaii, just delete the posts where peeps are asking for pics of shades that aren't released or ok'd by Oakley.
Wilson Ng
Nov 14, 2006 7:23 AM
ooh, are we gonna have a drunken brawl? or at least a drinking contest? or probably just a case of who can outdrink Nik?

anyway, regarding the Monster Pup, as everyone says it's not officially released yet, so no photos can be posted yet. being demanding isn't a great way to find out what they look like anyway.

the Monster Dog is pretty much a well loved classic, so in comparison the Monster Pup has it's work cut out for it.
Eric Arsenault
Nov 14, 2006 7:25 AM
No one can outdrink Nik, No one.
Jamey Bishop
Nov 14, 2006 7:56 AM
I'll publicly open a challenge to him. Let's see whatcha got, big man.
BigMac .
Nov 14, 2006 8:43 AM
Come on... I think Tick can take you. He is in freaking North Dakota, you have to be drunk most of the time to live there. This way your blood can slow down and you make it through the winters. Sort of like a hibernation phase... As far as "newbie's" asking for pics, it kind of reminds me of kids looking or asking for their Christmas presents early. This is a new place and they want to be enthusiastic, sometimes we don't handle situtation with "kid gloves," we would rather smack them in the mouth and make them understand senoirity rules. I have been on the end of bashing them and supporting them,(depends on who is throwing the insult). We encourage people to log on and have an obessesion, but we want them to play by the rules. Sometimes we just need to make them read the rules a little more closely. Where were we? Oh yeah, this one time at band camp Nik and Todd were drinking...
Nov 14, 2006 8:45 AM
Whoaaaa....band camp...Nik and Todd drinking...You got any pics? Please put some on I need to see them...hehe nah actually please don't. Just tell us about it and pretend that we saw.
Justin "Scorpion Zero" Jones
Nov 14, 2006 9:02 AM
I'm going to have to beg to differ on who can drink the most. I'd say us college kids here on the review could put up a great fight.

Oh, and if you wanna see a pic of the monster-pup, PM me, I've got like 1,000,000.

Haha, yeah right, I have like no connections.
Armand"O" Oakleyanderschmitzen
Nov 14, 2006 9:35 AM
Humbly I say unto you Oakley dudes,..... give the new guy( the guy asking about the pics, and only being a member for 3 days!!) a break,... I am sure he didnt know,.. and is just becoming an Oakley pre pubescent boy like all of us when new lines come out . wink
sees you
Nov 14, 2006 10:59 AM
People that are new to this lite need to drink about what they're going to say beefeater they write it. Just swallow the rules & everything will be just wine. *hic*

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