Joshua Breitenbach
Apr 25, 2006 12:31 AM
Has anyone seen these glasses? I was reading around in our system at work and noticed that we make some Corvette Juliets!!?? Has anyone gotten a hold of these? If so I would love to see a pic of this. Thanx
Zik Alikhan
Apr 25, 2006 12:34 AM
I've seen them few weeks back on eBay... Already gone though.. I think its quite similar to Gold iridium but its not?? Not sure...
Dann Thombs
Apr 25, 2006 12:34 AM
FP has a few Polished/Ruby ones with signatures, but ordinarily the Carbon/24K one is considered the Corvette model since that was also given away at the races. There's nothing to denote that though.
Jumpman23 Mamba Triple Ocho
Apr 28, 2006 1:00 AM
The carbon/24k combo?

Tom Teichert
Apr 28, 2006 10:36 PM
originally this combo shall be corvette, mine are JC000872.

Somebody here owns all 5 styles of corvette engraved Juliets. search "rick, sit down before watching". These are the glasses which were "purchased" to some races. But this is a Ruby Combo

Moderator Note: The Corvete Juliets FP has were never sold anywhere they were gifts to certain people
James Cheung
Apr 28, 2006 10:41 PM
The ruby Corvettes are yet another FP special. I went as green as a pair of Emerald slates when I saw them.
sees you
Apr 29, 2006 2:49 AM
he went Emerald with envy! Those Ruby Vette Julies are simply Unobtainable
fil abs
Apr 29, 2006 4:51 PM
The Juliet Carbon/24K are still available to some OPDs here and they have below 2000 SN. The bad news is retail price here is very high.
Justin McD
May 6, 2006 5:27 AM
I paid $300 for mine retail from mt OPD about 6 months ago. Hope this helps...
www.drchop shop.com
May 6, 2006 6:26 AM
Here is the pair I obtained today!! Thanks (you know who you are)

Zik Alikhan
May 6, 2006 6:56 AM
Wow! That actually looks very nice!! Especially when its on a Carbon frame! Arghhhh!!! *excuse me*
Tom Teichert
May 6, 2006 10:08 AM
the lenses looks really shiny...think mine are bit darker, I have to make a pic with such a light.

Wasn't there a discussion, about 24Ks and 18Ks? Because there would be lenses which look bit greenish.
May 6, 2006 10:38 AM
Very nice. One of the nicest combos IMO.

Rick (The Doctor) Fawcett
May 6, 2006 11:08 AM
The Carbon/24k's I've been seeing around Tokyo have a less gold appearance, it's like they are morphing into some sort of Emerald/Gold tone. Wasn't as impressed as the one Josh just picked up.
Julien B.
May 6, 2006 10:39 PM
Man they look awesome!

But 24k's that look like emeralds... man, that sounds off the hook. Pls share a pic with us (and esp. me) !!
Zik Alikhan
May 6, 2006 10:47 PM
And I found a Juliet with Fire lens that look very similar to that 24k lens!

I've asked the owner and he confirmed that it is fire lens and he took it on a shiny day..
Tom Teichert
May 6, 2006 11:40 PM
Why to classifie them? They can put 24K and fire 3rd together. Don't they have the same base tint?

but there are some differents, this fire doesn't look like the 24Ks. darker middle and more red at the corners
Jason H
May 8, 2006 7:18 AM
wow my fire lenses are way darker than those. and all 3 sets of my 24K's are a much deeper gold color.

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