Darren Taylor
Mar 18, 2006 7:07 PM
yeah, c'mon we gotta see you in the PW thread, in the cockpit of n2t! just to blow fp out the water!!
Darren Taylor
Mar 18, 2006 7:09 PM
hehe, i like how cockpit gets censored, never heard it refered to as that before!!!, hehe, now type refered just with one finger, boy the things that amuse me!!
chris rocker
Mar 19, 2006 1:20 AM
And ..i still remember this quote by mr jannard

"We don't aim to be bigger then (a company) , just better"

It taught me alot of things regarding life , for example , there may be a huge sized bully in school , but i do not have to aim to be be bigger size then him in order to win him , but to aim to be better =)

Mar 28, 2006 9:10 AM
is this for real? i don't log on for a couple of days and THE JIM is now member?!?! wow. i should leave for another few days and see who else shows up.
Matt Wooten
Mar 28, 2006 11:23 AM
Thanks goes to you Jim. Happy to have you as a member of the site.. we were just keeping it warm for ya.
Romel G
Apr 14, 2006 10:43 AM
Many thanks Mr. Jannard!! You've reached to so many people through Oakley and your mad designs, even here in Manila!!

Apr 16, 2006 2:32 AM
Oakley is simply the most inspiring company ever. Great design, so many inventions,simply so much magic, and it makes me really happy to see the man who started it all here at the forum. Thanks for all the magic you have created, Jim!!
the real
Apr 28, 2006 12:10 PM
i want everyone to ponder on something... from a humble Founder as Jim is... first Thanks Jim for giving me the chance to work for one of the coolest companies ever, and thanks for taking part with these people here on the O-review.

That as an employee at Oakley has helped me see as insight to what some of our true followers, have as wants, needs , and expectations. It is truley a complement to this site... a review site not only to have the "oldest living employee" but so many other employees from Oakley, be here, every day or every week .. what other company has a following such as this... I dare you to name one, maybe some car company, although i doubt any one car collector has 150 of any one brand(even leno cant say that). This is truley a statement of the greatnees that was started by Jim, and continues through even employee wearing the O.
May 2, 2006 12:34 AM
real deal = nicole or michelle ? : )
Jumpman23 Mamba Triple Ocho
May 2, 2006 3:32 AM
Its crazy how much Oakley has really survived and continued on throughout the years. They live while the other trendy companies die out. Don't want to get deep, but we are all testament to that. I got my first pair when I was 11. Now I'm 25 and still representing. Thanks Jim and thank you Oakley.
Zik Alikhan
May 12, 2006 4:05 AM
Just how silly I was ignoring this thread!! (Yes I'm knocking my head on the wall now and feel ashamed). I deeply apologise Mr. Jannard for the much delayed greetings and would like to personally say Thank You for your creation and passion! Keep up the GREAT work, as the O-Review members will ALWAYS support u all the way! =)

And Greetings from the tiny country BRUNEI DARUSSALAM! (^o^)_/
The country with 80% sunny weather throughout the year!

Hope to hear from u again soon ;)
Matthew F
May 12, 2006 4:20 AM
OK, JJ is officially the coolest billionaire in the world!!
Aug 2, 2006 7:38 PM
Mr. Jannard!! Many thanks to Yourself, the other mad scientist at Oakley and anyone who works for you.
Please keep your mad designs, more than mad and fresh.!
And Once again Many Thanks...
and may the Oakley brand live as long as we all do.!
Aug 2, 2006 9:47 PM
jim youre a genius! it is an honor to have you on the site! ive been on here for some time now and a big fan of your brand. it is the very reson i sit here with a flat wallet
Aug 3, 2006 2:22 AM
Whoa Da boss was here? I guess I need to visit the forum more often. I would like to take this opportunity to thank Jim for making me feel good about burning holes in my pockets. Normally I would be very upset to shell out thousands of $$$ out for anything. But I actually enjoy spending it on Oakley products. Now I just get upset about not getting enough pay to buy more Oakley and for spending money on other stupid and really needless things like food, gas, and such. Nobody understands the obsession except the small community we got here. Props to Jim Jannard for creating Oakley but also much props for the guys here who perpetuate the insanity!!!! Maybe Mr. JJ could throw me an employee discount every now and again. hehe. My wallet would appreciate it.
Dann Thombs
Aug 4, 2006 5:22 AM
I'm locking so the thread can be what it was. He came by, gave us some info, thanked us, and I'm thankful in return.

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© 2004-2025 Atom Crown Design and DCJ Productions.
Product Images, Logos and Artwork © 1975-2025 Oakley Inc.
All personal photos © 2004-2025 by their owners...or Rick.